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Favourite things prt1

Posted on Monday August 9th, 2021 @ 9:23am by Lieutenant Commander Paul Sharpe & Lieutenant Commander T'Pri & Commander Sam Perkins & Lieutenant Miles O'Connell & Lieutenant Lazarus Kord

2,924 words; about a 15 minute read

Mission: S1-A1-Ep. 1: Spectrophobia
Location: Mess hall
Timeline: Arrived at Betreka Nebula


With all that had been going on Perkins had not checked a package. That had arrived for him before Poseidon went to the nebula. Now he had some time to check it out. As it did not have any breathing holes Sam had left it.

From the label, he saw that it was from his friend Tony. A known collector of antique Earth movies. Sam loved old Earth movies especially those of the 20th and early 21st centuries. Yes, they were in 2D and had no holograms. But he still found them exciting. Realising his replicator was still out. He picked up the package and took it to the Mess hall.

- Mess Hall -

Sitting down with a mug of creamy coffee. Sam slowly opened the parcel and read the note inside. His eyes lit up with glee.

“ Wow……” He said aloud as he read.

O'Connell walked into the Mess Hall to grab a malted chocolate beverage as he took a small break from his holo matrix installation. He noticed Perkins.
"Hey, there. I am new on the ship, so wanted to introduce myself. I am Lieutenant Miles O'Connell, the new deputy chief engineer."

Sam stood and shook O’Connell’s hand.

“ Perkins Lieutenant Commander Sam Perkins. Chief Science Officer. Well probably see quite a bit of each other. The way things get broken regularly.” Perkins said sitting down.

"What is making you so excited, if I may ask?" O'Connell asked.

Perkins smile was so broad it hurt.

“ My friend sent me this package. It contains some old Earth movies and a replicator program. To produce the perfect snacks to munch. While watching these classics. That is once the replicators are up and running of course. “ Perkins said

"I see, Some of the past motion pictures I have seen are wonderful works of story-telling in a two-dimensional format. But aren't all of them able to be played in a holodeck as an interactive means?" O'Connell replied.

Perkins felt like a child set loose in a candy store. As he looked inside the package.

" Yes usually. But these beauties are heritage format. That means 2D only. They can be played on an old-style projector almost anywhere. So long as the room is nice and dark. Plus the screen is white and large. He also sent me a replicator program of old fashioned cinema snacks. Like popcorn, hot dogs with ketchup and mustard sauce but no onions. They are tasty but they make the theatre smell. Crisps or as they call them outside England Chips. Then there are drinks of course Cola, Lemonade or Fizzy Orange. The perfect partner for a good cinema trip. Unless it is a horror film with a....." Perkins stopped as he noticed Kord walking in.

Perkins gave the Gorn a nervous wave. Before he returned to speaking with O'Connell.

"Lots of fake blood and some..... creature designed to make the audience jump. Two countries on old Earth used to make good horror films. My birth country is England and America. To be honest I prefer the really old horror movies that were made in black and white. Like a creature from the......" Perkins looked at Kord and back again." Dracula, Frankenstein, The Mummy..... all the old classics." He said

"I like a good fright, but I prefer the old Earth movies about exploring the unknown. One of my favourites is 'Journey to the Center of the Earth' but the first one is not the second one." O'Connell replied.

Was it Sam's imagination or was everyone ignoring him? Apart from O’Connell that was. Maybe they were all waiting to see if Kord tipped a bowl of hot soup on Sam’s head.

“1959 starring James Mason. One of my favourites. Considering when it was made the special effects were quite good at the time. “ Sam replied

T'Pri entered the officer's mess and ordered Ploomeek soup and some tea. She sat down and consumed it. She was reading her PADD but was listening intently.

Taking a break from his work Sharpe entered the mess hall and ordered a ham salad and some water and went to the nearest seat, Padd in hand he read as he sat and only looked up when the waiter brought his orders over "thanks" he said and the waiter nodded and left him alone. He was only half-listening to what Sam was gushing about, he was hungry and atm nothing else mattered, he put his Padd down and started eating.

The Gorn entered the Mess Hall shortly after the conversations worked up. He had just finished inspecting a few critical systems and was due for a shift-imposed break. Those PADD's weren't carried around for nothing! It was nice to actually be told he had to take a break to continue his shift. Stretching and yawning wide as he entered, the tall Gorn was careful not to have his tail thrashing something accidentally. He observed the few crew present and headed to the replicator, one of many that had been fixed following a previous incident, and ordered a dish of meat and bloodwine. His stomach actually didn't mind any food related to the Klingon pallet. He would sit down shortly after, minding his tail, and eating quietly the delicate pieces of meat along with the non-alcoholic replicated bloodwine.

After consuming half his plate, Lazarus notices Sam nearby. He perks up a bit, having already gotten over the plant incident, and grabs his food plate to go over to Sam.

In the corner of his eye, Sam saw movement. It was Kord and his plate had food on it. Should Sam run?

"Would you like company, sir?" Lazarus asked.

“........yyyyes please join us. Hhhave yyyou mmmet Lieutenant Miles O'Connell” Sam stuttered

T'Pri finished her soup, got up and disposed of her bowl and utensils and then ordered a cup of tea. She then walked over to Sam and Lazarus. "Mind if I join you?" T'Pri asked.

“Yes please do,” Sam said hoping Kord would not hurt him in front of others.

Lazarus gingerly nodded to the Chief Intelligence Officer, offering up a respectful "Ma'am" as he waited for her to sit first per respectful protocol. He then sat down, smiling towards Sam in his typical reptilian fashion - which may come across as aggressive. He then noted the strong sense of fear from the Chief Science Officer, thinking hard on the implications before he spoke up.

"How have you been, sir?" he asked the Chief Science Officer. "You haven't spoken to me since the incident. I hope you know all is forgiven between us."

"Please take a seat, All is well between us, I assure you". T'Pri said.

I wanted to talk to you about this area of space, Sam. Has your department detected anything unusual about this area? Have you run any tests to make sure it's safe for us to be here? T'Pri asked.

Perkins nodded as he looked through the package.

" Yes. For some reason, the static discharge of the nebula is quite low. There seems to be a natural dampening field within the nebula itself. Either possibly a planet or asteroid field acting as a lightning rod. We are about to send a third set of probes to go deeper in." He explained

Perkins decided not to tell her about his recent talk with Steven’s. Over the possibility of the first two probes. May have been tampered with.

Giving a nod to T'Pri, the Gorn sat gingerly - or as gingerly as a Gorn can. He placed his tray in front of him and focused his attention on those around the table.

"I find it interesting to have a Gorn on board that we can work with. Do you have a family?" T'Pri asked.

"No," Kord replied softly. "Not anymore. They are...far away or dead."

He pondered the question a moment before asking T'Pri, "and you?"

"I have some family still living in the port city of Raal on Vulcan, but a few are scattered throughout the quadrant. I lost my husband during the Dominion war, while undercover." T'Pri replied.

Well, it did not look like Kord was going to hurt Sam. In fact, it looked like the Gorn wanted to be friends.

"Sorry, Lazarus I thought you were angry with me. After all, it was my pet plant who tried to elope with you. I was keeping out of your way. Talking of that how are things. Is my solution working?" Sam asked.

"I am sorry I was not fully aware of that issue," O'Connell stated. "However, I do feel it would be a great holonovel to set up for entertainment purposes from what I have heard."

Sam flinched.

" I don't think that would be a very good idea. In fact, let's forget it happened. Before I get my head bitten off." Perkins replied

Lazarus.... chuckled. It was audible enough for all to hear. He looked around and then at Miles. "It was not an experience I wish to repeat," he clarified with some level of fear in his voice. "regardless of the plants intent, it did not feel....welcoming."

He then turned to Sam. "Yes, your treatments are working. Thank you, Sam. How have you been?"

Perkins smiled. It was good to be back in Lazarus's good books again.

" Not too bad my friend. I have just been sent this old movie package. Including a replicator program for making the perfect snacks to watch them with. I know your people have the same type of entertainment. Although it's far gorier even in the Gornling films. But I suppose due to your upbringing you never saw any." Sam said sadly.

Lazarus was silent at that statement. It was not a pleasant memory, but he did remember a time before when he had a full family. Just a brief time, and indeed he did recall barely - just barely - nights where his family and nestmates would watch holo films together. He resumed eating in silence as an answer.

Having finished his meal he looks up and sees Perkins and Kord speaking, he was not a natural mixer, but he supposed now was a good time to practice, leaving his plate there her picked his pad up and a glass of water and walks over to the pair "Mind if I join you both?" Sharpe asked.

Sam looked around. It seemed even Sharpe had forgiven him for the Norman incident.

"Yes of course! I was just showing Lazarus my package." Sam said.

As Sharpe sat down, while his face was neutral in expression both his eyebrows raised at what Sam said "Really Sam, really!" he said emotionless.

"I did not need to know you were showing your package to anyone," O'Connell added with a devious chuckle.

The Gorn almost coughed up his food at the comment, having been around humans in multiple forms long enough to understand the innuendo. He awkwardly hacked up a chunk of food, before silently apologizing and looking away to swallow down his food with a sizable gulp of his drink.

oO Why was everyone suddenly laughing at him? Oo Sam thought

Even Lazarus who seemed to be choking on his food was affected. It took the chief science officer two minutes. To work out what he had just said. Sams face suddenly turned baboon bottom red.

" Oh......I just told everyone I was showing Lazarus my jewels.....mummy and daddy department.....PACKAGE!" Sam sank down and hid under the table.

Now Sharpe smiled "That is how it sounded Sam, you really need to be careful how you say things, what actually made this so funny was how innocently you said it," Sharpe said and looked at an embarrassed Gorn "you okay there Lazarus? I Thought Gorn could handle shock comments like Sam's, but then again most Gorns have never spent so much time around humans" Sharpe said taking a sip of his water.

"I am very sorry but I could not resist, as that is just part of my humour and I found the context very funny and the situation was optimal for such." O'Connell without being able to keep a straight face at all.

The Gorn was rather flustered as he grumbled a reply of, "I am okay," before awkwardly looking at Sam. He then sighed and resumed his eating as his tail began to wave behind him just above the ground, resting from his position on his chair. He cleared his throat after a hearty drink.

"To be fair, this ship is my first experience with proper humans," Lazarus finally added after his pause for eating. "The ones I knew before were not......very kind. It is still a learning experience. There are bound to be confusion and misunderstandings. All is forgiven."

Slowly Perkins came up from under the table. His face was still bright red.

“ Sorry…… I meant I was showing Lazarus this box my friend sent me. Containing some old movies plus a replicator program to supply the perfect snacks to watch them with.” Sam said slowly watching what he said.

Looking at Sam "old Movies huh! My wife would have loved to watch those, what are the movies called Sam?" Sharpe asked curiously as he looked at Kord "you alright there Lazarus?" He asked the Gorn

Sam looked in the package.

“ A couple of westerns……Rio Lobo….. The Magnificent Seven ( Original version )……Creature from the black lagoon……The mummy ( original black and white version ) and something called Battle of the Bulge……” Sam said

Lazarus gave an awkward thumbs-up gesture, something he had in fact learned recently. He tried to offer a smile to his superior officer but it turned out more brutish than polite with his teeth. Regardless he went back to eating after confirming that he was, in fact, alright despite the....awkward situation.

At the mention of movies, however, his eyes drifted up to watch the conversation, as well as his attention to the words.

Looking at Sam "nice films, two are Westerns, I would like to say the Lagoon one is horror same for the original mummy version and The Battle of the Bulge is a World War Two film, set in the Ardennes forest on earth if memory serves but usually, they are all good films" Sharpe said.

Sam nodded. “Battle of the Bulge. That’s the one where the German tank forces are running out of fuel. So they try to steal it from the American forces. Using troops disguised as American soldiers…… these westerns look good. John Wayne….was not he the president or was that another actor?” Perkins asked.

"You are thinking of Ronald Regan Sam," Sharpe said with a smile and the Battle of the bulge if memory serves is where a rear echelon's regiment that consisted mostly of battle-worn and injured American troops were attacked by a large invading german force" he pauses "or was that the battle of the Ardennes, hmm perhaps my memory is failing me after all!" he said.

"As a teenager, my friends and I would all gather once a week to watch old Earth Movies. We really liked the works of John Hughes especially the one where two guys make a woman with their archaic computer." O'Connell replied. "We did it on a regular basis and as I entered the academy, I found a group of cadets did the same thing there as well."

"Is movie night a common human activity?" T'Pri asked.

Perkins's ear pricked up like a rabbit listening for foxes.

Looking at the Vulcan "when stress needs to be relieved yes it is normal to have one Commander T'Pri, usually, it is a comedy film of some kind, not an action film, we see enough action as it is, one does not really wish to watch it on the film" Sharpe said.

“ Why don’t we have one here on the Poseidon! I have some comedy films. The original Nutty Professor with Jerry Lewis or What’s up Doc? A chase movie…..or It’s a mad mad mad world. They're quite funny.” Sam said

"I'm up for a movie night," Lazarus volunteered, liking the idea of enjoying some time to relax and watch some holovids. It was one of his favourite pastimes to enjoy documentaries on things. Sometimes he even dabbled in comedy or movies in general.

"I too would like to participate". T'Pri said.

Looking at the Vulcan with a raised eyebrow "are we going to see a Vulcan smile out of character?" Sharpe asked humour in his voice and then he looks at Sam "I am in for a funny movie, so count me in Sam" he said.

Perkins was beside himself with glee.

“ We can use the shuttlebay the acoustics are fantastic. Plus with all the trouble there has been with the replicators. It may be a prudent idea not to use the holodeck. Any ideas on which movie you would like to see?” Sam asked

"I'm up for anything," Lazarus stated.

Looking at Sam "Anything as long as it is funny and no combat films, I want to see something funny and lighthearted for once" Sharpe said with a smile.




Lt.CMDR Sam Perkins
Chief Science Officer
USS Poseidon


Lieutenant JG Miles O'Connell
Deputy Chief of Engineering
USS Poseidon


Lieutenant Lazarus Kord
Engineering Officer
USS Poseidon


Lieutenant Commander T'Pri
Chief Intelligence officer
USS Poseidon


Lt Cmdr Paul Sharpe
Chief Engineering Officer
USS Poseidon


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