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Power flow

Posted on Monday August 2nd, 2021 @ 12:58pm by Lieutenant Commander T'Pri & Lieutenant Commander Michael Stevens

922 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: S1-A1-Ep. 1: Spectrophobia
Location: Intelligence Office


Having wanting to sort out the distribution of the power flow to the other departments other than Engineering, of course, Micheal decided that it was best to check in with the CIO to find out if she needed any extra for her department. but now he had been promoted to full Lieutenant, he had more to lose than he had at his previous rank, as he headed towards the Intelligence department.

T'Pri had spent the morning teaching her classes, an intermediate course on intelligence theory and another advanced class on Intelligence and probability mechanics. Everything could be crunched down to the numbers and from the numbers, equations could be used to determine the outcome of events. What surprised T'Pri was the precision of those numbers in regards to the outcomes.

Later she was in the Intel centre collating data for the tactical officer, it wasn't hard work just time-consuming. Normally she would have her students do it, but she was still training and teaching them the basics. New crop new class.

As Micheal came up to the area that housed the Intelligence department, He knew that he had to be discreet and that what with the secretive nature that they operated under and not be nosey, but be respectful as he came to the outer office and spotted a young female Cadet sitting at the reception desk of the chief office. Micheal said, " I'm Lieutenant Micheal Stevens Chief Operations, is Lieutenant Commander T'Pri free?"

"Yes come in Lieutenant. How can I be of service?" T'Pri asked.

"I just came to see you Commander about the power needs for your department?" he enquired looking back at the attractive Vulcan, and boy he did find her attractive, but he knew nothing would come of it as she was of a higher rank, as he stood with his hands behind his back, he just wanted to get this meeting out of the way and get to his next meeting.

"While school is not in session, my power needs are nominal, but when academy classes resume I will need a 10 per cent increase in power reserves. That is due to student activities. You see the students actually do the Intelligence research and act as staff while classes are in session. What better way to learn how to run IOC (Intelligence Operations Center) than by actually doing the work." T'Pri stated.

"Excuse me, Where are my manners? Would you like to take a seat? Or perhaps, would you care for a cup of tea Lieutenant"? T'Pri asked.

"Tea would be nice Commander, Thank you," replied Michael looking back at the Intelligence officer, he asked," So how are you today?" asking her the question as he didn't want her to stress out, or did Vulcans ever get stressed out? that was the question.

A complex question that Humans asked frequently, that Vulcan's rarely thought about, so she responded as she thought a Human would. "I am fine. How do you take your tea?" T'Pri asked.

"Milk with 1 sugar please," replied Michael looking back at T'Pri as he knew that things had been quiet for the last part and then he remembered that the replicators were offline, "Oh yeah I forgot to mention the replicators are offline for Maintenance," as he still had to find out who was behind the sabotage of the replicators after finding the Captain having been given Klingon food.

"Yes they are but I keep a small supply of sugar, though I have no milk. Will that be sufficient?" T'Pri asked.

"I can go without the milk for today or try it without milk," replied Micheal looking back at T'Pri, "However; I need your help with finding who did this as the Captain is not happy and wants this solved," as he needed it done suttle like and who better to ask than intelligence.

"I will assist. Do you know the source of the disturbance?" T'Pri asked.

" Not at this time Commander," replied Michael looking back at T'Pri, continued," All we need is to observe and make he/She think we don't know and let them make the next move," as he knew that not tip his hand but make them tip theirs.

"What if the problem is simply this space it could have properties we are so far ignorant of." T'Pri postulated.

"That is what we have to find out" replied Michael looking back at T'Pri, "but for now we have to keep our eyes and ears to the ground and hope that this is a one-off thing," he finished hoping that this was a one-off.

"We could request that the science department run tests on this space to make sure its safe for us." T'Pri said.

"That is my next port of call before I speak with Lieutenant Hirsch " replied Michael looking at the intel Officer, he continued, " and also check with him to see if anything is wrong down there," as he hoped that there was not.
"Is there anything else you need from me then?" T'Pri asked.

"Not at the moment Commander, but I will keep you informed of any developments," as he looked back at the intelligence officer, "I just hope it is a prank and not serious," as he knew that this ship is old as it did have its flaws and failings and that could be another factor, but every angle had to be looked at.



A post by

Lieutenant Commander T'Pri
Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Poseidon


Lieutenant Michael Stevens
Chief Operations Officer
USS Poseidon


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