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Not my day!

Posted on Friday July 23rd, 2021 @ 11:06am by Commander Sam Perkins & Lieutenant Commander Michael Stevens

1,169 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: S1-A1-Ep. 1: Spectrophobia
Location: Science lab

:: ON ::

Perkins decided to keep his head down. Stay in the lab and do some science stuff. He began to look over the data from the probes. He noticed some readings and took a second look.

“ Hmmm.” Sam had noticed something that could affect the ship.

He was about to call Sharpe and warn him. But after the incident with Norman. What if he had got things wrong? He needed to speak with someone. But who?

Just then a Cadet called out.

“ Hey. The reps are offline!”

“ What are you talking about Lea?” Sam asked

“ Replication. It won’t give me my coffee.” The Cadet said.

Sam walked over to the replicator slot.

“ Lemon tea with 5% sugar.” He said


“ The great bird of the galaxy is still passed at me,” Sam said then he tapped his comm. badge

“ =/\=Perkins to Shar……..Steven’s com in please.=/\=“ He said

=/\= Stevens here, What's up to Sam?=/\= replied Micheal as he guessed what he was calling about or it could be something else, as he had moments ago left the Foyer and the Captain who was not very happy at his request but it had to be done before more of the crew complained, but he was in a lose-lose situation. on one side if he had not done anything then he would be in trouble, but doing what he had done would mean the crew would have to suffer for a few hours.

“=/\= Hello look I know your busy. But our replicators are offline. Plus I need to have a word with you. But not over the comm. channel. Could I see you please say in the main science lab?=/\= Sam asked.

=/\= I'm on my way Commander,=/\= replied Michael as he knew that he had to explain to Sam what had happened with Captain Johnson's own replicator and that he had to find out whether it was just the Captain's or shipwide. but it had to be done, he finished =/\= I'll be there in 10 minutes, Stevens out=/\= as he closed the channel.

Perkins looked over the probe data a few more times. Was he wrong? At least Steven’s would soon be here. As if on cue the doors swooshed open.

“ Hello,” Perkins said

“Commander, What is it you wish to speak to me about as I am busy with an investigation regarding the replicators,” replied Micheal as he was not a happy bunny having to restrict personnel to rations, however; he could not risk having a crewmember being taken to medical due to an allergic reaction in the food when that person had ordered the food without releasing that there was a problem."

" Well, firstly our replicator is offline. We don't just use it to order food. We need to replicate items for experiments. There is something else. But it is nothing to do with the replicator. I was looking through the data from the probe and I need a second opinion. Has the probe been damaged or are these readings correct?" Sam asked

"Sam, this a ship-wide problem," replied Micheal looking at the Science officer, continuing "every time you order anything you end up with Klingon food, no matter what it is," as he was not happy with this and nor had been the Captain, as he knew that this was going to be worse for everybody until it was sorted out.

Perkins grimaced although with an acquired taste. Some Klingon dishes were quite tasty. So long as you took the correct antidote to fight off the natural poisons. That Klingons were immune to but lived in their food. There was one dish that if the correct steps were not taken. You could end up vomiting your internal organs.

“ What about these probe readings? If there correct then the nebula is not giving off any static charge. Which from this viewpoint. Does not look the case to me.” Sam said.

"Are you sure the sensors are up to date?" posing the question to Sam as he hadn't been informed yet of any updates for them yet, But, he knew that they had to be done.

Perkins looked at the padd. He looked over the stats of the probes.

“ They are. They were brought in all set. When the Poseidon was last docked. It was felt that was the best option. Instead of letting some over-excitable cadets. Start messing about with them.” Sam replied.

"what with the replicators being sabotaged, you don't think these could also be done as well do you?" Micheal asked the question that he really didn't want to ask; however, he had and he hoped that this was not part and parcel of what had been done with the replicators.

Sam looked at him his shoulders dropped. He moved over to where the two probes sat. Perkins looked over the control panel.

" You don't think this is the case, do you? I mean the program looks ok but if there had been sabotaged. Then my whole discovery is worthless. I made a fool of myself in front of the you know who is responsible? I have a couple of plants who would love to help interview suspects." Perkins said darkly

" Not at this time we don't," replied Micheal looking at Sam, continued " And Sam as for your findings if this is the case it is not your fault and the Captain would not be angry at you," as he reassured him he finished "and as for the plants, you're not talking about the one that dragged poor Lieutenant Kord into a Jeffries tube are you?"

Perkins nodded.

" Norman yes or his girlfriend Susan. They can flail their tentacles quite menacingly. If you wish I can brew up some of Kords ointment mixed in with Gorn pheromones. It drove Norman crazy enough to try and elope with Kord. Even though it is the size of a small cactus." Perkins explained

"Maybe that would be a good threat to have in the locker," Michael replied with a slight smile as he knew that when they caught the perp he was going to wish that he had never tampered with the replicators.

Perkins smiled.

" If you need any help in finding out who did this. I am quite good at forensic science perhaps I could assist you? Perhaps the perp left a clue or something moly a scientist would find?" He asked.

"I might just take you up on that offer Sam," replied Michael looking at the Science officer, he continued," That might be a big help," as he knew the perp was not going to get away with it, he also knew that they had to keep the Captain apprised of the investigation. he finished " I have to now go see the Security Chief and see if he can lend a hand."

Sam nodded.

" Ok. Remember if you need help. Just give us a call." Perkins replied

:: OFF ::

Lt.cmdr Sam Perkins
Chief Science Officer
USS Poseidon

Lieutenant Michael Stevens
Chief Operations Officer
USS Poseidon


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