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My little prince

Posted on Sunday January 3rd, 2021 @ 9:21am by Commander Sam Perkins
Edited on on Saturday January 9th, 2021 @ 12:11pm

758 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: S1-A1-Ep. 1: Spectrophobia
Location: USS Poseidon: Chief Science Officers office
Timeline: Current


Perkins sat at his desk and looked over some reports. The classes had been going quite well. Sam already had a good idea which students would need extra help. He also sadly knew which would be dropping out as well. It was sad that was true. But most of them had other career paths that would suit them better.After all science was not for everyone. Perkins almost choose being a security officer. But in the end he stuck with science.

One of the cadets had already told him. They would be dropping out. The student felt rather overwhelmed by the science course work. Perkins felt there was still some potential there.

“ You know Cadet Hoffman science is not the only position you could try for. Security may be better for you. There’s far less written work and more practical. Plus the life expectancy of a security is a lot higher now.” He explained to Hoffman.

“ I know but tell that to my mother. She wanted me to do science. Because of the low death rate. She will lay an egg when I tell her of my career change.” Hoffman replied

Perkins knew that the death rate for science officers. Was actually higher then security. But he kept that quiet.

“ This is your life Hoffman. Not your mothers. At the end of the day if your happier being a security officer then science. Then it is your choice to follow that path. Not hers.” He said

Hoffman nodded.” Actually I did want to do security.”

“ Then it’s all set. I’ll put your transfer through. Good luck Cadet Hoffman. I am sure you will do well.” He said

The Cadet smiled and after shaking Perkins hand left his office.

Four hours later Perkins was once more sitting in his office. About to tuck in to a green leaf and tuna salad. When a call came through. Putting down his fork he answered the call.

“ Perkins here?” He began “ How......”

“=/\= Are you the man who is trying to kill my little prince!=/\=“ said a women with a bird like face.

Looking at her he could see a likeness to Cadet Hoffman. She had to be his mother.

“ You must be Mrs Hoffman Jeremy’s mother. I can assure you he is quite safe.” He replied

“=/\= Maybe now. But once the Klingons get him. My little Boobalah won’t stand a chance. He’s my only little prince.=/\=“ she wailed

“ Mrs Hoffman I thought you had two other male children?” He asked

“ =/\= Oh those Meshugas they take after their FATHER.They don’t listen to their mother moving off world away from their home oh my heart only my little prince stayed oh my heart and your trying to kill him oyvay my heart.=/\=“ She said beating her chest.

“ Even if Jeramy qualified as a science officer. It would be more then likely he would be off world. But his heart is not in science. Security would suit him better.” Perkins replied

“=/\= Oh I know he is no scientist. My little prince does not know his tuchus from his elbow. He will fail then he’ll come back to his loving mother.My little prince =/\=“ She wailed

“ If you did not wish him to be in Starfleet. Why did you let him join up?” Sam asked

“=/\= That was his FATHER. My little prince is easily led by his FATHER. He broke my heart oyvay my heart my little prince.Please don’t kill me little prince oyvay my heart.=/\=“

“ Mrs Hoffman please stop wasting my time. Your son is failing in science. He wishes to changed departments. I feel he will do better in security. He wants to be a security officer. So we are going to allow him. Now I am sorry you feel this way. But you must let him grow. Otherwise he could break all contact with you. Then you will see none of your children. Is that what you want?” He said

“=/\= My little prince would not be like that. He is a good boy not like his FATHER. What does he know about children. His FATHER tells me I am a......=/\=

“ I am sorry Mrs Hoffman I need to go. “ Perkins said cutting the link.

Hoffman’s mother tried three times. To contact Perkins but he made out he was busy. Sam spoke with Cadet Hoffman who agreed to have a word with her. After that he did not hear from her again.


Lieutenant Sam Perkins
Chief Science Officer
USS Poseidon


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