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The Interim of the Exercise

Posted on Sunday December 13th, 2020 @ 9:51pm by Lieutenant Oscar Vladinchi & Gunnery Sergeant Maximilian Pfaffenheim

1,434 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: S1-A1-Ep. 1: Spectrophobia
Location: USS Poseidon; Deck 7, Security Complex


Oscar had been assigned by Lieutenant Karn to represent the best of the ships of Security Division in the annual Marine/Security training exercise. Every year, on every Starfleet vessel, a training exercise between the Marine detachment and Security detail would take place to assess the general readiness of the ship against borders. Recent operations in the Battle of the Bright Nebula proved that the ships Security and Marine detachments had been more than prepared, but there had been oversights - some critical oversights that keen and hard working personnel saw the correction of quickly and effectively. The effort now was to correct those oversights, to ensure that next time someone lucky didn't have to their luck to save the ship, and instead the training instilled in a crewperson would do the job. This years event was entirely focused on ensuring those corrects to oversights were instilled, drilled, and perfectly corrected without delay - as was expected by the Captain himself.

The first half of the training had been brutal. Both the Marine and Security details, each assigned ten representatives from each detachment, had been using the holosuites to partake drilling exercises on obstacle courses and challenge races. After three hours of constant testing, jumping, practicing, shooting, and everything else under the sun most of the participants had been left standing. Now all twenty of them, including their superiors, were back on Deck 7 for a debrief and interlude. This was when Oscar took the change, upon seeing Maximilian again, to approach.

"Pfaffenheim, if I remember?" Oscar greeted as he approached the Staff Sergeant. While his uniform was drenched with sweat, Oscar didn't show any sign of tiredness yet. "Glad to se you were chosen for this years annual event. How is it going for you?"

"Lieutenant Vladinchi.", Maximillian greeted him. "It's been going well - my Marines are performing as I had hoped." His own uniform was quite sweaty as well, but years of experience had steeled him against such physical stress as well. He had, in fact, insisted to be among those representing the platoon, as in his opinion, his role as First Sergeant required him to lead the men by example. "I have to say, your staff has made impressions on some of the men.", he added, suppressing his reluctance. He still had his reservations about the Security department, however, the Major had wished for both departments to cooperate closely, and as such Max felt he had to refrain from showing his opinions about it - at least openly.

"I hope it is going well for you, too?", he asked back.

Oscar emitted a healthy chuckle. "My friends in Security put up a brave face, but behind closed doors they constantly praise your men," the Security Officer admitted. "They look up to you all."

A moment to register the last question, then a nod. "I have been doing well. Some ... episodes ... have happened related to my experience in the Dominion War. I am seeking counselling for it since it has become a problem."

The way he admitted this issue was casual, to the point, almost an everyday admittance of something happening. He didn't seem phased that he had just spoken something quite private. Clearly he respected the Marine before him.

"Oh...", Max began, taken aback by the personal statement and unprepared as to how to respond. "I'm sorry to hear that, sir. Hope it'll help you work through them." Had that been the appropriate way to respond? Psychology had been a mandatory class in Marine NCO training, but standards might have been different from regular Starfleet. Either way, Vladinchi's sudden statement had thrown him off. Max mentally scrambled to adjust for this - the Lieutenant had fought in the Dominion War, something Max considered to be vastly superior to his own relative peace-time experience, and the last thing he wanted was to appear disrespectful.

Oscar glanced at Maximillian briefly, a hint in the mans eyes that he was quickly gauging something that he had not previously considered. His posture change abruptly; a subtle change in posture, but it was abrupt. He cleared his throat in an attempted casual manner, giving a nod.

"There is no need for apologies, Staff Sergeant. I did not fight against you in the war, I fought with you," Oscar said, with a hint of a grin. "I have to say, you Marines are a fantastic example of training and discipline. You would not believe how many times I have seen us redshirts go down despite extensive training. It sometimes feels as if wearing a redshirt is an automatic signal that you're expendable. But the Marines?"

The Russian-native gave a motion of a hand at Max at the same time as he gave a lighthearted chuckle. "The Marines always seem to come out on top!"

There was a momentary pause as Oscar put both hands on his hips, head down as if considering something. He awkwardly moved one leg to the side before straightening his posture and looking at Max again.

"I should apologize, rather. I hadn't considered personal information sharing may have been taboo for your corps. I have made note of that and I promise not to slip up like that again."

"Well, we all do what needs to be done.", the Sergeant remarked on Vladinchi's redshirt comment. He pondered for a moment, thinking about a polite way to express his own view. "In my experience, Security far too often is put into situations they're not supposed to be in. I've boarded many a ship in my time on the Ford, and Captain after Captain seems to insist on putting their Security teams into some sort of frontline role where they will be exposed to lots of fire with little protection. I never really figured out why. It's as if you would ask a Marine to oversee criminal investigations."

Oscar wanted to laugh, but as soon as the smile erupted on his face it quickly faded. He simply gave a slow nod, speaking softly then.

"I can agree on that statement. I was stationed on the USS Pennsylvania. We had come across a station that was being used for some nefarious purpose. My team and I were sent in, I was Chief Sec. It didn't go well for any of us, but from what I understand we did save the hostages."

For a moment it looked like Oscar wanted to say more. He hesitated a brief moment before letting the comment end there. Looking away briefly around the room, he glanced back at the Marine.

"Don't try to kid yourself that you Marines are not handed the shit jobs either," Oscar remarked bluntly, his accent coming through heavily - almost as if he was fighting something back. "I've seen what your people can do. I've seen what you've sacrificed. It really is a privilage to be here with you all in this training exercise, I want you to know that."

Max shrugged slightly. "Everyone gets shit jobs at some point. Faulty intel, unexpected surprises... when it comes down to it, the most important part is that everyone does what they've been trained to do, and does it as best they can. No more can be expected from a member of Starfleet, or the Corps. So..." He searched for an appropriate wording for a moment.

"...thank you, Lieutenant. I will relay this to my men as well. I think they'll be happy to hear it." He paused again for a moment. "And I would like your men to know they are appreciated, too. After all, Starfleet couldn't do without Security, either."

"You're welcome," came the genuine reply from the Russian. His accent was thick in that moment, but it fluctuated between almost-clear and thickly accent from time to time. "I'll be sure to relay this to my comrades, I'm sure they'll be excited to hear it. I'm genuine when I say this."

There was a chime with two alarm ticks sounding off, Oscar quickly diverting his attention to the side as an Officer began to direct those assembled back into the holosuites and wherever else the event was to finish off. He quickly looked back to Max.

"I want to keep in touch, if you don't mind," Oscar said. "When this is over, perhaps you and I should manage to 'hang out', as they say?"

The Staff Sergeant nodded slightly. "Sure. I'll see when my schedule allows it."


Staff Sergeant Maximillian Pfaffenheim
First Sergeant of the Marine Detachment
USS Poseidon


Lieutenant Oscar Vladinchi
Security Officer
USS Poseidon


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