
The Beginning

Posted on Monday July 29th, 2019 @ 12:23am by Captain Franklin Johnson
Edited on on Friday August 2nd, 2019 @ 1:54am

427 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Getting to know the XO
Location: Unnamed Starbase
Timeline: Post-Nemesis, Pre-Poseidon Launch
Tags: Drydock, Pre-Launch

Franklin Johnson was not a particularly shy man. His entire life had been spent traveling across the quadrant and meeting a variety of alien lifeforms, members of the Federation and some visitors from across the galaxy. His time in Starfleet Academy had been much the same, living in a diversity of life that combined to create a functional, thriving culture and civilization. This made Franklin a very open individual, robust and approachable to anyone around him. Today, however, he had decided to take a pass from that.

Franklin sat at the corner of a bar whose traffic frequency was less than ideal for any establishment. Here, in the corner near the viewports to space, he drank from a traditional coffee cup as he read his datapad. Many of his studies were still ongoing, with the promise that a new command and ship would be his upon the completion of his trials. The promise made by Gregory himself, the assurance, still strong in his heart as he maintained the course in his dream. With a casual sip, he let the coffee cup sit upon the table of the surface, and with it lowered his datapad to gaze out into space.

Not many moons ago he had been trapped on Alpha Centauri, and there he had met a man who had taken him in. Gregory had not been particularly forthcoming individual, but after the days and weeks together they had formed a strong bond, almost father to son in a fashion, despite their relative equal age. It had just seemed to Franklin that Gregory had hid much more from him than he had let on, and eventually one day he'd ask the man, but without Gregory's inspiration Franklin would not be in the position he was in presently.

"And all thanks to you, old man," he muttered appreciatively. Looking down, he gazed at the datapad, recalling why he was here at the Starbase.

One of his Professors at the Academy had instructed Franklin to take a bit of leave to a particular Starbase. It was intended to be a quiet affair, for him to meet someone that "would be of future importance, no doubt" as the instructor had stated. The time had been around 1600 today when the mystery person would arrive. Franklin had only been here for an hour, arriving early just in case.

With a sigh, he took up his datapad again and returned to his studies, tuning out the world temporarily as his other hand brought his coffee to his lips for another sip.




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