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Meeting Roommate

Posted on Friday August 9th, 2019 @ 11:49pm by Lieutenant JG Sydney Allen & Lieutenant Commander Freya Mannerheim

894 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Getting to know the XO
Location: U.S.S Poseidon - Junior Officers Bunk
Timeline: Pre-Launch - Drydock

Sydney was lying on her bed reading the PADD on the latest ship reports to catch up on what was needed done and to adjust any stock. She then heard footsteps coming into the common area. Sydney peak her head round the corner.

Freya was in thought about her meeting with the Commander as she returned to her quarters. As she walked in, she noticed a young woman on the other bunk, reading a PADD. She immediately noticed the single rank pip on the yellow collar of her uniform. An Ensign, then. "Ensign?", she said calmly. "I am Lieutenant Freya. We're bunked up together I assume?"

Sydney jumped up and stood to attention. "Yes Ma'am, I was transferred here straight from Starfleet Academy."

"At ease, Ensign. We are bunk-mates, no need to be formal. Sydney Allen, right?" Freya held out her hand.

Shaking Freya hands "Yes sorry, I am new to everything. I am the new Quartermaster for the ship. So what is your role on the ship."

"Language specialist. And acting conns officer. I am sure we will have a lot of work together, too." Freya sat down on her bed and placed her hand on the bag left on it. "I hope this cruise will be a bit calmer than the last one. But we run into trouble, I'll be prepared," she said, pulling a large box out of the bag.

Sydney looking at the box with curiosity, "What's in there or is that private?"

Freya smiled conspiratorially as she turned the box around and opened the clasp holding it closed, making sure that the symbol on the clasp was covered by her hand. "My preparation," she said quietly, as she stood aside to show Sydney what the box contained - it was an officer's sabre as it may have been carried by an officer of the Imperial Japanese Navy back in Earth's Second World War, in a plain, black sheath with silver trim and a silver emblem of a sword and a planet.

Sydney steps back "Have you declared you have that on board or i will have to put it in the weapons log."

Freya gently lifted the sword from the box and turned to her bunk-mate. "Oh, I was not aware of that, I thought that only concerned energy weapon."

Without taking the hint to be quiet she replied confidently with the biggest smile on. "No, all weapons on a Starfleet vessel has to be recorded, as the quartermaster I can make the paperwork quick and painless."

"I see," Freya replied, slightly impressed at the Ensign's confidence. She was not sure she would have had the courage to stand up to a superior officer like that - let alone one handling a sword. "Tell me, Sydney," she said, slowly replacing the katana in its box and locking it. "What would happen if I was not to do the paperwork? I mean, nobody apart from you and me knows that I have it with me, and I don't really want to see it locked away in the back of the armoury somewhere. It has sentimental value, you know."

Sydney took a step back, knowing full well that she had to share quarters with this new female that she just met moments ago. Her smile turned to a worried look "I guess you could keep it on board without the paperwork, I will turn a blind eye to it this once."

Freya smiled as she leaned the box with her katana against the bulkhead next to her bunk. "Thank you, Sydney. I really appreciate it. Now, if we are going to share quarters we should probably get to know each other," she said, unzipping her uniform jacket and sitting down on her bed. "Where are you from? How did you end up on the Poseidon?"

Taking a seat on Freya's bed, "I am from a small town in the North East Of Scotland called Ballatar and I was taken out of Starfleet Academy before I finished traing and as i have experience as a QM it was only fitting i went into that slot. What about yourself?"

"Scotland? Oh, you're from Earth? How nice. I'm from a colony called Nygard. A cold, inhospitable place - perfect for our people. Descendants of the vikings, you know. My family came from Iceland about a hundred years or so ago." She paused. "I lost most of my family, and my leg, when pirates attacked our freighter. I decided to join Starfleet to make sure that doesn't happen to anyone else."

"I am so sorry to hear that, if you ever need someone to talk to I am always one bunk away." Smiling, Sydney opened her arms for Freya. "Hug?"

Freya smiled and returned the hug. "Same here. You ever need anything, just ask. We are both new here, so we might as well help each other out, right?"

"Right, I need to go to the Officer's mess as I haven't had anything to eat for about 12 hours. Would you like to join me?" she said nervously.

Freya shook her head. "You go on ahead Sydney, I think I need a shower. But how about a drink later on?"

With a smile "Sure, see you later."

Sydney walked out the quarter towards the Officer's Mess to grab some food, leaving Freya to have a shower.


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Comments (1)

By Commander Kanaka Shakura on Saturday August 10th, 2019 @ 1:03am

OOC: I ship it.