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Home sweet home.

Posted on Monday April 17th, 2023 @ 8:33pm by Lieutenant Commander Ysabeau Saint-Pol

318 words; about a 2 minute read

Personal log Ysabeau Jeanne Saint-Pol ACMO.

My first few days on board the Poseidon have been fairly quiet. I have spent much of my time in sickbay which is where I should be. It looks to be well run but there are a few things I would introduce if I could. We badly need trauma teams, holodeck medical exercises for the whole crew and ongoing learning. I was surprised to find out that a member of the nursing team had no idea what an alpha wave inducer was never mind what it looks like! I have not yet met the CMO and I know nothing about him but, I will mention my ideas when I see him although I am not sure when that will be.

My quarters are fine if not a little small and we don’t have a windows which is a shame for Puss. He loves to sit on his cat tree and just watch the stars go by. As he spends so much time alone in our quarters I am beginning to worry about his lack of stimulation. However at least I do not have to share. As is on every starship the crew mostly avoid sickbay like the plague but are glad of us when they need us.

I have sent a communique to my mother to let her know where I am so she does not go off the deep end trying to find me but she has now begun to send photographs of ‘young men’ that I might be interested in or who are interested in me. She is still unable to understand this life I have chosen and I do not think she ever will. I have not made any friends here yet but I arrived mid mission so things are difficult in that regard.

Right, time to sign off, feed Puss and get some sleep.

End personal log.


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