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CIO Personal Log Stardate 239504.14

Posted on Saturday April 15th, 2023 @ 4:24am by Lieutenant Commander T'Pri

268 words; about a 1 minute read

CIO Personal Log Stardate 239504.14

The Ship and crew of the USS Poseidon have been transferred from Pegasus Fleet to Theta fleet. For now, our mission remains the same. The Poseidon will continue as a training vessel. There was some scuttlebutt about our transferring to a new class starship as well. Originally we were to go from a Miranda class vessel to an Intrepid class. But those plans seem to have been put on hold. There have been several crew shake-ups and positions seem up for grabs. I will remain the ship's Chief Intelligence Officer and part of the command staff however I was posted as 4th officer, also although I had heard someone else was just posted as 4th officer. I haven't been informed of a promotion or a demotion. I don't know why we transferred fleets but I really don't think it makes a difference where we serve only that we serve. Obviously, this means that a new training plan will have to be implemented as our patrol area will undoubtedly shift. I await instruction but have taken the opportunity to develop a new syllabus for my students. I am not familiar with the traditions of Theta Fleet as they haven't been around long enough to establish any kind of reputation. However, with the arrival of Poseidon, I believe we can add to a reputation of excellence. I have contacted my parents to inform them of the transfer status. Fleet transfers the uncommon isn't entirely unexpected. It does open up new opportunities for adventure and exploration.

End Log entry

T'Pri, Lieutenant Commander
Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Poseidon


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