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Analysis of events

Posted on Friday May 20th, 2022 @ 10:25am by Lieutenant Commander Paul Sharpe

484 words; about a 2 minute read

N.B: This Log takes place after Initializing the EMH posts.


- Main Engineering -

"Computer Personal log of Sharpe, Paul Lieutenant Commander Chief Engineering Officer," Paul said when the computer indicated that the recording had started.

"Just finished the Initializing the EMH in key areas, apart from the occasional stutter which is being looked into the EMH network is holding steady and is ready to be used when it is required. I am amazed that such an old ship can hold the EMH algorithm, the Miranda class has been the Starfleet's workhorse since Captain Kirk's time, and the fact that this ship has been refitted says something about the Starfleet Corps of Engineers, but having done internal structure scans of this ship, the Poseidon's service days are numbered, she cannot be upgraded any further computer pause" he paused. He stood up and walked over to the replicator "Sharpe special" he said and a mug of tea appeared in the replicator, picking it up he blew on it and took a cautious sip before returning to his desk and sitting down “Unpause” said and the computer started recording again.

“I put in a recommendation for this ship to undergo a large overhaul to have emergency bulkheads installed as a hard backup, should the energy fields that keep the atmosphere in when there is a breach, do not know if it will be done, but it would be an added bonus to such an old ship, in the end, the final decision is up to the captain” he paused again as he took another sip of his tea. “My holographic warp core project has hit a brick wall, so to speak, I can get it running for twenty minutes now, but that is before I can connect it to feed through to the energy converter, when I do it lasts about three minutes before the safeties force the holographic warp core to shut down, currently the idea is not viable for full operational use, but I will continue to work on it, so many years on working on it and I have got it up to three minutes, it did not help that it was on the back burner for some time *sighs* still yet one more thing to work on” he pauses as he takes a larger swig of his tea.

“End analysis the EMH system works, the holographic core does not, one out of two is a good ratio, I did not realise until I returned to engineering at how much it took to keep an old ship operational *inhales* I wonder what the next class will be named Poseidon!?” he mused “computer End Log,” he said.

The computer made a sound that indicated that the recording had switched off, with that he finished his tea and put the mug on his desk and stood up and left the office.



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