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4th Officers Log Stardate 239501.15

Posted on Monday January 23rd, 2023 @ 2:37am by Lieutenant Commander T'Pri

93 words; about a 1 minute read

4th Officers Log Stardate 239501.15

I have the watch, I was informed that Ensign Deguile was taken to sickbay because of a kayak accident in the holodeck. Security is making an investigation as to why the safety protocols were offline. Astrometrics is calibrating Stellar Cartography and has requested extra resources to be diverted between 0100 and 0400 hrs. I have okayed it in the absence of the executive officer. I have also been informed that we expect a high-priority message from Starfleet Command that should be coming on this shift. Lt Cdr T'Pri 4th officer reporting.


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