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Chief Intelligence Officers Personal Log 239504.30

Posted on Saturday April 30th, 2022 @ 3:05pm by Lieutenant Commander T'Pri

473 words; about a 2 minute read

Chief Intelligence Officers Personal Log 239504.30

It has been an interesting month, I have completed the Executive officers training course with a flawless result. I found some of it constraining but as in normal circumstances if you apply logic to it you are usually successful. The key factors that I took away from the course were communications with the Captain and crew, and that the Executive officer is often seen as a jack of all trades. Both the Captain and First officer Kana were pleased with my results.

On a personal note, as I become more familiar with the crew, I find myself becoming more comfortable relating to them. At first, I did find the constraints of personalized interactions with Humans most constraining but as I come to understand them more I have come to understand things about myself that I haven't experienced before. When assigned to Vulcans on a Vulcan ship most were more concerned about maintaining self-control over everything and especially themselves. as I step out among Humans I realize that I have less control over events and have had to rely on personal instincts however in a logical way of course.

I am finding my interactions with my Human shipmates much less constraining. They seem to have accepted me as part of their family and I am uncharacteristically pleased by this. I don't seem to be an outsider anymore but a part of the whole, which of course I always was.

The Intelligence Section is up to date, and both work and teaching have been not only pleasurable but gratifying as well. Both the Captain and First Officer have shown great faith in me and have promoted me to 4 Executive Officer, effective once I graduated from the EOAL course. I graduated and therefore was made part of the Command Staff. I do not find the constraints of the position too difficult, especially as I have gained valuable insights into interpersonal relationships.

I have taken up playing the Vulcan Lyre again. I was always fond of this instrument. I believe that being artistic in some way provides for a better existence and only adds to the glory of creation as a whole. I often wonder what Surak would think of that. Is that an emotional response or a logical one? I believe it would be enlightening to engage him on the subject.

I have recently begun to explore other aspects of the ship in my role as 4th officer, especially in engineering. I have been engaging Lieutenant Miles O'Connell in teaching me more about how the ship runs and how he teaches students. For a Human, he is intelligent and insightful. His delight is in engineering and I look forward to our interactions on the subject.

This concludes my personal log

Lieutenant Commander T'Pri
Chief Intelligence officer/ 4th Officer
USS Poseidon NCC-42635


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