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Intelligence Log Stardate 239503.05

Posted on Saturday March 5th, 2022 @ 7:17pm by Lieutenant Commander T'Pri

131 words; about a 1 minute read

Intelligence log Stardate 239503.05. I have been promoted to 4th officer aboard the Poseidon. I have been familiarizing myself with the command protocols of such an assignment. I have started Starfleets EOAL course by correspondence. my initial score for phase one was flawless. I have taken it upon myself to visit various parts of the ship that I am unfamiliar with to round out my knowledge and experience. I have asked Lt O'Connell to give me a tour of engineering. I wish to honor Captain Franklin and Commander Kana for putting their trust in me. A new crop of students should arrive soon for the spring session. At that point, the Poseidon will get underway again. Doing what we do the best training the next generation of Starfleet officers.

LCdr T'Pri reporting.


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