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Pfaffenheim's (belated) Personal Log #2

Posted on Tuesday September 7th, 2021 @ 12:05pm by Gunnery Sergeant Maximilian Pfaffenheim

304 words; about a 2 minute read

"Computer, record personal log. Staff Sergeant Pfaffenheim.

The platoon's been making good progress, great even. The engagement at Bright Nebula has boosted their confidence massively, and morale has improved accordingly, even if it's been dented by the whole replicator sabotage. On the other hand, high confidence has the nasty habit of inviting its lousy cousin, and an overconfident Marine is a dead one. Don't keep it in check and it'll hurt more than a Klingon date, as Sergeant-Major Tyrhen used to say.

The new patrol schedule seems to have the nice side effect of keeping them on their toes in that regard. Artigue can complain all he wants, but I've got a bad feeling about this one. Who knows, pirates attack and suddenly our systems overload, and then we've got a real mess on our hand. Damn shame about Artigue. He's got the potential and he's serious in action alright, but clowning around like he does usually... unfortunately, punishment PTs don't fit in the schedule right now, so the post right outside the gymnasium will have to do. And I better not catch him eating Shepard's Pie on duty, for his own sake.

What else? Numane's filling her new role very well, leading Charlie 2. Need to remember to recommend her for Combat Leadership Course after our current mission. A lot of potential like Artigue, but a lot less goofing off. I suppose I could break out the old NCO Basics handbook and run her through some of that training, because at this rate, she'll be going to Corporal in a year or two probably anyway. Maybe have Artigue run through it with her, some of that professionalism might just rub off on him yet.

Then there's the issue of Connors and Fergos, what with- ah hell, need to go. Patrol debrief. Computer, end recording."


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