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Posted on Saturday February 29th, 2020 @ 9:22pm by Commander Kanaka Shakura

283 words; about a 1 minute read


Stardate: 70627.9

ATTN: Command and Senior Officers, U.S.S. Poseidon
RE: Mission Brief for Cardassian Union Relief Effort


The U.S.S. Poseidon has been tasked to ferry critical medical and engineering supplies to Starbase 129 in order to support ongoing relief efforts in Cardassian Space during the ongoing humanitarian crisis. This is a time-sensitive mission; these supplies can reach Starbase 129 no later than two months from the date of this brief (See attached calculations for travel time).

En route to Starbase 129, the Poseidon is ordered to dock at Starbase 47 to take on more supplies and crew before continuing it's journey. The U.S.S. Cain (CO: Cmdr. Chyllyck) and U.S.S. Abel (CO: Lt. Cmdr. Umi Iwe) have been assigned as escorts in light of increased pirate activity in the sector and will join the Poseidon at Starbase 47.

Due to increased pirate activity, the Poseidon should remain vigilant at all times and exercise caution. Time permitting, the Poseidon should engage pirates where it is safe and pertinent to do so, using both the Marine Detachment and Starfighter Wing at your disposal wherever possible.

Good luck.


Starbase 99 to Starbase 47 = 48 light-years
Starbase 47 to Starbase 129 = 47 light-years
Total light-year Travel = 95

Approximate time for travel between Starbase 99 to Starbase 47 by a distance of 48 light-years =
- 27.72 days at Warp Factor 7
- 17.12 Days at Warp Factor 8
Approximate time for travel between Starbase 47 to Starbase 129 by a distance of 47 light-years =
- 26.16 days at Warp Factor 7
- 16.76 days at Warp Factor 8




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Tags: Starfleet Command, Mission Brief, Cardassian Relief Effort

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