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[Backlog] Chief Counsellor's Log - Lt. Canaan Serine #00

Posted on Monday September 2nd, 2019 @ 3:29am by Commander Kanaka Shakura

414 words; about a 2 minute read

Chief Counsellor's Log, Stardate 70615.5.

I have just concluded the psychological evaluation of Lieutenant Canaan Serine, the Chief Science Officer of the U.S.S. Poseidon. As we've agreed to continue seeing each other for future sessions which shall be explained in this log, it will also be treated as my preliminary remarks ahead of those future sessions.

Firstly, for his psychological evaluation: Lieutenant Serine is, on the surface, a shy young man who - when encouraged to talk about his work - exudes the confidence and enthusiasm for his career which was so intently emphasised in the testimonials from his previous postings. He clearly demonstrates a passion and dedication to his work that cannot be doubted, and through my conversation with him I could only sense a keen desire to do the very best and to do it well. Most of all though there was a gentle kindness, which suggests to me someone who is not only ethical but also trustworthy in his work. Therefore I see no reason to bar him from continuing his work at this time.

However, below the surface of that kindness and confidence for his work was a clear unease when I asked about past situations in which he may have experienced stress, and how he dealt with those feelings. This could stem from simply being uncomfortable with being seen as vulnerable or being misunderstood - he voiced particular concern for my objectivity - to deeper feelings of self-doubt, something not too uncommon amongst the scientists I used to work with and counsel on the Ganymede. It can be hard to have such a brilliant mind yet feel so hopeless at times.

I believe that, with time and coming together to understand each other - both personally and professionally - Lieutenant Serine will become more confident in confiding in me. I've proposed a more personal meeting in the Lounge after our departure; once we're properly introduced, I'll set about arranging more counselling sessions in between friendly meetings. He has asked to be 'eased in' to counselling, something I'm intent on accommodating through this method.

Despite these early signs of underlying issues, my concern for Lieutenant Serine is low at this stage. It is interesting to me that it was his suggestion to have future meetings despite his wariness; I'll be sure to keep an eye on him going forward.

LCdr. Kanaka "Kana" Shakura
Chief Counsellor & Second Officer
U.S.S. Poseidon


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