Maximilian Pfaffenheim

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Displaying 3 of 3 personal logs

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Pfaffenheim's Personal Log #3 - Concerns
on Monday February 28th, 2022 @ 8:58pm
"Computer, record personal log. Staff Sergeant Pfaffenheim." The tone of voice is as deliberate as ever, but a definite amount of annoyance can be picked… View Log
Pfaffenheim's (belated) Personal Log #2
on Tuesday September 7th, 2021 @ 12:05pm
"Computer, record personal log. Staff Sergeant Pfaffenheim. The platoon's been making good progress, great even. The engagement at Bright Nebula has boosted their confidence massively,… View Log
Pfaffenheim's Personal Log #1
on Thursday February 20th, 2020 @ 9:03pm
"Computer, open personal log, Staff Sergeant Maximilian Pfaffenheim. The arrival and first days on the ship have been less problematic in most aspects than anticipated.… View Log