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State of the Sim - February 2023

Posted on Friday February 17th, 2023 @ 12:38am by Captain Franklin Johnson

Happy New Year, folks!

Late in the game and I probably already said it, but I genuinely hope everyone is having a better year than the last. Let's keep moving together!


The sim has been introduced with a new ENCOUNTER SYSTEM, decided on by the CO, to encourage participation for mission critical JP's. Crew will be able to volunteer for any set of Encounters when handed out and they will be able to JP in single or multiple posts the outcome of the Encounter presented. This outcome will impact the mission at hand and their characters! Players who volunteer for Encounters will be granted more awards than players who do not.

Players may still freely conduct at-will JP's unassociated with Encounters. These JP's can still impact the sim, similar to those conducted by our beloved Lt. Cmndr. Sam Perkins! If you need inspiration for that, simply observe his past ones or ask him yourself! He's a wonderful community participant.


The following have been awarded under the Mission: Concluding Affairs.

Postmaster General Award - Lt. Cmndr. Sam Perkins
Helping Hand Medal - Lt. Cmndr. Ky'la De'Lenn, Lt. Cmndr Paul Sharpe, Lt. Cmndr. Michael Stevens, Lt. Cmndr. Calvin Hirsch, Lt. Cmndr. T'Pri, Lt. Cmndr. Sam Perkins, Lt. Miles O'Connell, Lt. Kicil Priadden
Participation Award - Lt. Cmndr. Canaan Serine, Gun. Sgt. Maximilian Pfaffenheim
Writing Citation: Grade Two - Lt. Miles O'Connell, Lt. Kicil Priadden
Character Development Award - Lt. Cmndr. Sam Perkins, Lt. Kicil Priadden, Lt. Cmndr. Paul Sharpe, Lt. Miles O'Connell, Gun. Sgt. Maximilian Pfaffenheim, Lt. Cmndr. Michael Stevens

Congratulations to all awarded and thank you to everyone for your participation in that mission!


We are now on the Mission: Shore Leave

Crew is at Risa! Enjoy your shore leave!


Thank you all for a wonderful 2022. We've started the year HOT and you're all doing amazing! We've added and both lost some crew, but that's to be expected. I look forward to more of your participation to come!

Captain Franklin Johnson
Commanding Officer
USS Poseidon


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