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State of the Sim: September 2022

Posted on Friday September 9th, 2022 @ 3:16pm by Captain Franklin Johnson

Hey Crew,

Yesterday, Her Majesty, the Queen of England, Queen Elizabeth II, passed away peacefully. I send my heartfelt condolences not only to the Royal Family, but also to every citizen of Her Majesty on our sim as well as my friends and acquaintances elsewhere. Our hearts are with you during this time of mourning. Queen Elizabeth was an example of a royal and upright Head of State who gave inspiration for many generations of people. There will likely never be anyone else like her, but my sincere wishes there shall be.

King Charles III is now Head of State and King for the British Empire. Long may he reign and I wish him the best.

All British Citizens during this hard transition are not expected to be able to reply as often as they would. Take your time to get adjusted and mourn your beloved Leader. We'll be here. Just keep me appraised.

Moving on, the Sim is trudging along! We're slowly progressing but there's still many obstacles to overcome. Due to the recent passing of Her Majesty, the Queen of England, many of our critical roles will be away during this time of mourning and adjustment. Let's continue to have patience!

I am very proud of all of you for continuing your ongoing threads during this time. I am continually impressed with your creativity and I fully support you all creating and undergoing your JP's. I thank you especially. The plot will move forward likely sometime after the time of mourning for Her Majesty, the Queen of England is over.

Any questions or concerns, get with me!

Franklin Johnson
Commanding Officer
USS Poseidon


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Category: General News
Tags: 2022, Queen of England, Queen

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