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State of the Sim; August 2022 (General News and Private Update)

Posted on Saturday August 13th, 2022 @ 4:49pm by Captain Franklin Johnson

Hey folks,

As you're well aware, we're approaching the natural conclusion of our Cardassian Refugee transportation story arch. Things are finally winding down and I anticipate within the next month we'll progress onto my planned next mission. I'll be redirecting our focus then to objectives that while may last as long as typical for our missions, provide context and openings for us to move around without feeling confined. I've been working with Kanaka and the Command Staff on the smaller details and over time we've come together in our OOC thread to decide on a finality for what we want. I can't wait to show you!

And now, for some personal truths.

Two weeks ago on July 29th, 2022, I quit my job at a trucking company that treated me rather horribly. I have told only Kanaka during this time, and perhaps some other friends unaffiliated with this sim. I underwent an extremely deep depression the first week I was home and only managed to get out of the depression earlier this week, I believe on Wednesday, when I managed to convince myself to see my Uncle. My uncle took the place of my father after his death, so he is an important role model. I was able to talk my feelings out and get rather blunt, direct advice.

I then told my mother and some other important people in my life. The first weekend home I went to go to my sisters and ground myself, she was the first to know of my condition and just provided support. They live in the country-side so it was refreshing and allowed me to fall softly during the initial depression. Second weekend I visited her again. Needless to say I did everything I could that, while I suffered internally and alone, to reach out and do things to ground myself again. Losing my job with what happened, and how it happened, and how horribly I had been treated, impacted me greatly.

I can now say with a grateful heart that I have come out of most of that depression. I started the process of a new job on Friday or Thursday of last week and went through all the processes necessary to get approved. I start on Monday the 15th, and I've returned to hauling intermodal containers with a company that treated me better and paid fairly. I'll be home every weekend or every two days as chosen by the company (could be during the week or weekend). I'll have more time for the sim, hopefully.

I wanted to say I apologize I didn't do much with my time off with the sim. I wanted to give an explanation to you all as to what has been transpiring. I understand some of you may read this and wonder why I either didn't approach you or make better management of my time. To that, all I can say is I'm sorry. I even had a hard time approaching those I truly love about this until the last minute. Regardless, I wanted you all to know what has transpired, what is expected in the future, and what I did to get where I am.

Thank you all for your love and support as the community you are. I will continue to work as best as possible to situate myself for your advantage and the sims potential growth. Thank you all for sticking with me and us. If any of you feel the need to express discontent - or depart - after reading this news, I understand and take accountability for that.

Sincerely and Truly,
Captain Franklin Johnson
Commanding Officer
USS Poseidon


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Tags: August, 2022

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