State of the Sim; May 2022
Posted on Monday May 16th, 2022 @ 5:17pm by Captain Franklin Johnson
Hey Crew!
I hope everyone had a fantastic time in the recent span of holidays since my last announcement. I am very pleased and happy with the progression of the sim and I am extremely pleased to see so much interactivity between everyone. I apologize profusely that things bogged down despite my promise that we'd have weekly missions. I have noted, however, some important things about you - my crew - that has made me reconsider weekly missions.
For one, when everyone engages in a JP, I've noted you all need some extra time to develop the details as well as contribute. Having weekly missions wouldn't allow this and might hinder the creativity of the sim. More also, forcing the crew into a series of activities in too quick a fashion can and just might ruin the sim entirely. As we move forward, I will be reconsidering my position and establishing a new criteria that enables all the crew - both command and crew - to interact effectively.
I'd like to give a hearty congratulations to Puppy (Major Phoebe Graydon) and Lieutenant Commander T'Pri for their fantastic accomplishment of finishing their XO courses at the Pegasus Fleet Academy! Congratulations to you both again and I cannot say how proud I am of both of you! I'd like to also announce that Puppy has been assigned to CO courses to better their future, and I wish them all the best as they pursue their academic inspirations. As far as I am aware currently, Puppy will be remaining with us for the foreseeable future but I am extremely open to assisting with anything they may need.
I ask all the crew to continue their current course of JP's! I'd like to give a shoutout to Lieutenant Commander T'Pri & Lieutenant Commander Sam Perkins & Lieutenant Michael Stevens & Lieutenant Calvin Hirsch for their awesome contributions to the community recently. You folks have been fantastic at keeping pace and Sam especially at inspiring others. I have taken keen note of this and am looking into ways to award ya'lls contributions.
The Ships XO, Commander Kanaka Shakura, is busy currently with their academic pursuits and as such, may be unavailable some of the time for the foreseeable future. The same can be said for most of the command staff in some manner or form, with myself and Puppy (Major Graydon) being busy with our work and Lt. Commander T'Vek busy with real life and work related issues. We're working hard to find a balance for ourselves and the ship so rest assured we're keeping active behind the scenes.
Keep up the good work everyone and, as always, if there are any issues you'd like to address or bring up please feel free to contact me on discord!
Captain Franklin Johnson
Commanding Officer
USS Poseidon
Category: General News