State of the Sim; Mid-May 2020
Posted on Monday May 18th, 2020 @ 6:08pm by Captain Franklin Johnson
Hey folks!
First, I want to give my heartfelt thanks to all our players who have decided to stay on board with us during these trying times. I understand that the world is slowly adjusting to the reality of what we are dealing with. Parts of the world, the state I live in specifically, has already started to try to partially open the economy back up. This means a return to some state of normalcy, and lots of people moving about. That said, this also means that a lot of sims will be picking up soon. I wanted to express that thanks that each and every one of you, from the Command Level down to our most dedicated Crewmember, stayed with us and continues to do so. Without you, this sim would be nothing.
Moving forward, the job I attained as the crisis started is the one I still have; I am still a truck driver. My days have stayed the same insofar as being off - Tuesdays and Wednesdays, sometimes part of Monday if I'm lucky like today! I will try my best to use my tablet on the road to answer tags, however I cannot guarantee that I can. That said, on Tuesdays and Wednesdays are the two days I can and will be able to answer tags. Normally I'd also add here that the Command Staff will be able to move things along in my absence, however due to the ongoing crises and the fact my XO is a University Teacher and my 2XO is a medical professional, I ask your humblest of patience with them and myself.
Some exciting news! During the last few weeks I've been working with select crew to get things moving. We have a mystery afoot! By this Friday the first part of this mystery will be posted, and I am excited! I'm already working with select crew on part three and, before long, part four will be in planning. This mystery is entirely plot-centric and based, and has been months in planning. I am super excited to be deploying it now!
Thank you to all the players working with me on this, and all the ones who will. I am doing my best to include every possible player who has a character specific to this mystery, if I am unable to I am doing my best to do NPC tags with others who may not. All around, I hope I am getting to everyone and providing my excellent crew with the attention they deserve! If you at any time feel left out, please let me know!
On the note of JP's, feel free to JP with anyone! Remember there are not any restrictions. If you have any confusion feel free to ask a member of the Command Staff or see the channel #rules-and-info on the discord.
Because of you, our crew, the Poseidon stays afloat. Thank you again from the bottom of the Command Staff's and my own heart. You all mean the world to us, and to me. Thank you so much. Our best is always in the works!
Captain Franklin Shane Johnson
Commanding Officer
USS Poseidon
Category: General News