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State of the Sim; April 2020

Posted on Wednesday April 22nd, 2020 @ 11:29am by Captain Franklin Johnson

Hello Crew,

I hope all of you are well and safe. I want to first thank all our crew who are essential workers and/or first responders, you have made this trying time for all of society much easier thanks to your sacrifices. Thank you so much for the effort you've put into keeping civilization running, and thank you for putting in the good work for the good fight. We all thank you!

I also want to extend my sincere well wishes for the crew who are and have been away since the start of the epidemic. The Poseidon maintains its free LOA policy, and considering the epidemic and the situation at large, no one in Command Staff nor myself presses the issue of the absences. We maintain the SIM should be second priority to all other issues. Please, take care of yourself and yours first!

Moving on, the USS Poseidon has a little mystery going on! Right now we've moved onto part two of our "A Mystery" series, where we're exploring a strange mystery that could potentially save the Poseidon future troubles! This series has a lot of openings for crew and interactions thereof, and even though I am super busy, I would love if the crew who want to get involved would DM me or message me their interest and we can plan which NPC you'd like me to use - or add you to an existing JP.

The Command Staff of the USS Poseidon is doing their best to keep things moving, even if it is a snails pace, but even that in itself is still movement! Don't be shy, if you want a JP, even if slow at pace, ask! I would love to use any of the NPC's I have, or my own PC's, to help you during this trying time.

As a final note, to those in our community who have lost loved ones to this epidemic, know that we are all here for you. We love you and we are always open to providing a shoulder. To those who have endured this virus, perhaps are enduring, we stand beside you. We are here for you if you need us for moral or any other support. Stay strong everyone, stay safe, stay healthy, and remember that the Poseidon remains vigilant for your return.

Captain Franklin Johnson
Commanding Officer
USS Poseidon


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