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The Chance Meeting

Posted on Saturday September 28th, 2019 @ 11:32pm by Commander Kanaka Shakura & Captain Franklin Johnson & Lieutenant Nealey Brinsley

1,807 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Departure and Trial Run
Location: USS Poseidon; Officer's Lounge, Deck 3
Timeline: Pre-Poseidon Launch; Pre-Departure; Post-Officer's Meeting
Tags: Pre-Departure, Post-Meeting, Officers' Lounge

The Commander strode happily into the Officer's Mess, having just left the Officer's Galley where the Commodore was busy in his Chef side-duties at making some delicious food. In the tray he carried, Franklin had a glass of sweet tea and a plate of beans, potatoes, and rice. He was about to enjoy his meal near the observation windows when he saw Lieutenant Nealey. Finding the situation appropriate, he wandered over to greet her.

"Mind if I sit?" he asked.

Nealey looked up from what she was eating. Today she had a chicken pie with mashed potatoes and gravy - so far she was enjoying it very much - grateful for the fact the pie was flaky pastry rather than shortcrust pastry. The latter gave her indigestion if she ate too much of it at once.

"Please do Commander" Nealey replied.

Smiling, the Commander made a polite gesture of sitting as he relaxed and sat back in his chair. He looked at Nealey briefly before gazing upward out into space from the observation panels. He really enjoyed this ship, it had such a unique construction that he hadn't seen before. Gazing back to Nealey, he took a bite of his food, chewed, and swallowed before speaking.

"Anything interesting going on, Lieutenant?" he inquired, taking a sip of tea.

Nealey shrugged. "Not particularly - just getting on with my job and keeping on top of everything that needs doing. How about yourself Commander?"

The Commander let out a long sign, one seemingly hiding behind it an even longer list of problems best left unsaid. He contemplated his meal for a moment before gazing at Nealey.

"Honestly? I think okay, I think things are moving forward," he said. "You still plan on leaving the ship at our next stop? Have you considered staying on board?"

Nealey shrugged. "I'm not entirely sure yet Commander - I'll have to see how things go with the Victoria and her refit. She's going to be out of service for a while so I'm happy to stick around here and do the best job I can until then"

"For whatever it's worth," Franklin said as he concluded a bite of his food with a swallow and sip of tea, "I greatly appreciate you allowing your time here on the Poseidon. Your experience is invaluable."

Before he could add more, his smile towards Nealey was momentarily interrupted as he took note of the approaching Second Officer - an altogether unexpected but very welcoming addition to the table.

"Commander, Lieutenant Brinsley." The conversation was momentarily interrupted as the Chief Counsellor and Second Officer approached the table, having arrived a few moments ago, joining the conversation with a soft and well-spoken tone. Her deep black eyes observed them both for a moment, noting the relaxed posture and the meal being consumed. Kana herself was carrying a green tea, her third of the day.

"I hope I'm not interrupting?"

"Oh hello Commander. Not at all - please." Nealey said.

Kana smiled as she sat down with the Commander and the Lieutenant, placing her tea on the table as she adjusted her uniform, crossing her legs as she sat. "I believe the two of you were discussing something before I joined?"

Nealey shrugged. "Oh nothing exciting - just my assignment here. I'm 'on loan' so to speak but I've not decided whether to carry on past that or go back to the Victoria yet."

"I see." The Chief Counsellor took a sip of her green tea before continuing. "How are you finding the ship so far? Have you met many of your fellow officers or subordinates yet?"

"I like it so far. I've not met a great amount of people yet but those I have met have been very welcoming and friendly - however long I end up staying I'm sure it'll be a very enjoyable assignment." Nealey responded.

"I'm glad to hear that. I have no doubt you'll play a valuable role in this initial shakedown run; we'll need your experience to make sure our Operations are up to scratch." Kana smiled, before leaning forward slightly. "Speaking of which, have you been able to meet the Quartermaster, Sydney Allen?"

Nealey nodded before taking a bite of her food. Once she'd finished eating she responded verbally.

"I have indeed." Nealey said.

"What was your impression of her?" Kana asked.

While this new direction in conversation took place, Franklin politely consumed his meal. He didn't want to interrupt, instead listening in and gaining some insight into the Lieutenant's perspective on things while also enjoying how easy it was for his Second Officer to engage in such conversations. Inwardly, he took notes, eyes on his food for the most part.

Nealey replied. "I think she's very professional and keen to get on with her job to the best of her abilities."

Kana nodded. "She is certainly keen. Yet, as I'm sure you no doubt noticed during the Senior Officers' Meeting, she was quite easily flustered and made distraught." She paused for a moment to drink her tea, letting the Chief Operations Officer think back on the event. "As I said then, it's our imperative as senior officers' to support our staff and the cadets in our care. Since we have the chance to talk now, I was thinking it might be best to discuss the subject, so as we have a plan going forward."

She glanced over at the Commander, "How about you, sir? Have you had any chance to interact with Lieutenant Allen besides the events of the Senior Officers' Meeting?"

Franklin nearly choked on his tea, coughing a bit before managing to say, "What?!" in a surprised tone. He seemed quite taken aback to being mentioned all of a sudden. Regaining his composure, he looked over to his Second Officer.

"I'm sorry Number Two," he managed as he coughed a final time. "Yes, but no, I haven't. I really should following all that, but I haven't had much time to be quite honest."

Kana gently took hold of the Commander's forearm as he jolted, almost surprised by how out of it he was when she brought him back. "I wonder where his mind was?" Once he'd regained himself she retracted her hand, and nodded thoughtfully at his answer.

"Understandable, Commander." She paused for a brief moment in thought before looking at them both. "My concern is that Lieutenant Allen is at risk of being overwhelmed, firstly by her emotions and thus impacting her work. As this is her first shakedown run, I want to ensure for her - the same as all our cadets and young ensigns and officers - that it's as smooth as possible. Therefore I think it best we keep a close eye on her during this first leg of our journey."

Looking solely at Nealey now, the Chief Counsellor continued. "As her superior, I'll be relying on you in particular to inform me if you suspect she is having any difficulty. Can you do that for me?"

Franklin was quite taken aback by the hand-hold on his arm, though he'd realise later it helped him ground himself. His mind had drifted quite the distance before he had been awoken from that brief stupor of nervousness and obscurity. As his Second Officer talked to her subordinate, he simply nodded along, liking the idea of ensuring a subordinate was given proper tutelage when needed.

Nealey nodded. "Of course Commander."

Kana smiled. "Thank you, Lieutenant." She took another sip from her tea. "Is there anything I can do for you?"

"Actually, if I may butt in," Franklin spoke up, "there is something both of you can do for me?"

The Chief Counsellor turned her head curiously, though as ever kept a composed face. "Oh? What do you need, Commander?"

He made sure Nealey was listening when he spoke. "I'd like both of you to come up with plan to best assists us as Superior Officers in working with and treating these cadets as they grow. You both seem passionate about this, and I really loved listening to that. I think if you two can work together by reaching beyond just Lieutenant Allen that would be fantastic. Thoughts?"

Nealey nodded. "Actually it's good you've mentioned that Commander as I've agreed to mentor Cadet Graydon in addition to my duties as department head. I'd be happy to work with the counsellor on coming up with something though - I think it's a great idea."

Kana's eyes flared just slightly at the mention of Cadet Graydon. Her mother, the Executive Officer, had mentioned to the Chief Counsellor the other day that she was concerned for her young daughter's social well-being. "This might provide a good opportunity to check in on her as well. Killing two birds with one stone, as people from Earth say..."

"I think that sounds like a wonderful idea, Commander. I'm sure we could work together to come up with something to share with the rest of the Senior Officers in time." Kana smiled before once again looking over at Nealey. "Perhaps it'll be easiest to discuss this further when we're off-duty; shall we say after our departure from the station?"

"Brilliant!" Franklin exclaimed happily, clapping his hands together softly. "I expect a report when we're underway, with a bit of leeway in there for any further issues you run into. Keep me apprised."

The Commander sipped his tea, then, ever so politely, went back to finishing his meal with a pleased expression.

"Of course, Commander," Kana smiled and nodded in the Commander's direction before finishing her tea and standing, making ready to leave, looking at Nealey one last time before she did so, "I have some outstanding business to attend to, but I'll be in touch about arranging a time to meet once we're underway. It was a pleasure meeting you Lieutenant." She gave a firm nod to both before departing.

"Likewise Commander. Let me know and I'll try and fit something into my schedule so we can have a proper sit down and chat about it." Nealey responded.

Franklin finished his meal, a satisfied and content sigh escaping him. He nodded towards Lieutenant Nealey. "Pleasure eating with you today! We should do it again. I'll see you around the ship."

The Commander stood, giving a warm and inviting smile, before taking his used dishes to the appropriate bin and tossing them. He gave a final wave before he left the Mess, heading to his Ready Room to finish some reports.

Nealey smiled. "Likewise Commander. I look forward to serving with you."

She watched as Franklin left before finishing off her own delicious meal. It had once again been a fantastic meal with excellent company - maybe...just would be enough to persuade her to stick around for the long term.


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