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To Fix a Thing

Posted on Sunday January 7th, 2024 @ 4:14pm by Cadet Freshman Grade Hapam Rajam & Lieutenant Commander Ky'la De'Lenn

634 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: The Grand Tour: Part Two
Location: USS Poseidon; Bridge
Timeline: The Grand Tour
Tags: Grand Tour, 2395, Character Development


Hapam was busy on the bridge responding to a minor technical issue on the Flight Control panel. The bridge was quiet this time of night, night being relative considering. The third shift was usually the slowest and typically had less people there. To his credit, he was keeping to himself, utilizing his repair tool to fix up some bad wiring and connections he was called to fix.

Ky'La was sitting at her station inputting information as usual. Out of the corner of her eye, a thin whisp of smoke drifted from underneath her console. She didn't pay much attention to it at this time. As she continued to put the information into her console, she started to notice a smokey scent on the air. Now she paid attention because the smoke scent meant trouble. Before she could call over the cadet to see where the source of the smell was emanating from, her console spat sparks and smoked badly. Burnt optical fibers, burning console parts led to a few flames coming from her console. "Damn.... here we go again. Just replicate me a new console with new everything. I can't fly the old lady with a console like this" she exclaimed. "They should have given the flight console a complete overhaul by getting me and the lady a brand new one!" she continued shaking her head sadly.

Hapam cursed after the extensively heavy wafts of smoke erupted from his miscalculated attempt at meshing two wires. He grunted as he slid out, cursing to himself as the bridges environmental systems easily dissipated and made harmless the smoke. He then saw the Chief Flight Control Officer and briefly froze.

"L-Lieutenant Commander," he said, somewhat startled. "I..I was told no one would be at this console today! My apologies! I am doing your requested fix of the console's not going so well, my apologies."

Ky'La giggled slightly at the poor Cadet. "Cadet Hapam, Poseidon is an old lady and always needs gentle care, so no need to apologize. I came to my station to do some work and just happened to have smoke then our little campfire erupt. I can always continue my work from another console after I slave it over from flight main to auxiliary flight control. It was not made aware that the flight console needed repairs as the relief flight officer neglected to make me aware of an issue", she said smiling. "Do you have the marshmallows for the s'mores since we have a small campfire here?", she said, pointing to the small fire coming from her console, laughing softly.

"S-S'mores?" asked the Cardassian, then looked to where his superior pointed. He emitted a cry of alarm as he went into action, trying his best to get the fire out. Once it was, he emitted a pathetic whimper as he went about repairs on that area.

"Seems, um, seems the systems are outdated," Hapam said as he slipped from underneath the console. "I'll need to fetch a new directing board for the power since the fire destroyed the other one. I'll a few minutes."

Giving a weak smile, the shy Cardassian Cadet went off to grab the piece, leaving the console still open and unusual for the moment.

Hapam came back and fixed and updated the console He smiled, looking to the flight chief. "All fixed up, Lieutenant Commander!"

Ky'La nodded graciously, testing the machine and verifying it worked with a few control presses. She seemed impressed.

"Very excellent work, Cadet! I appreciate your work," she said, smiling.

Hapam nodded, "You're welcome!" he replied. Then, after a short exchange of goodbyes, he was off.



Cadet Freshman Grade Hapam Rajam
Damage Control Specialist
USS Poseidon


Lieutenant Commander Ky'la De'Lenn
Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Poseidon


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