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Cthulhu’s Halloween Mansion Part One (Halloween Contest 2023 Entry)

Posted on Wednesday October 25th, 2023 @ 1:27am by Lieutenant Drauc Kejail ie-Jia'anKahr

1,906 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: The Grand Tour: Part Two
Location: Holodeck One, Deck Five

Drauc held the program chip in his hand, he was just inside the arch of the holodeck and was about to run the holonovel he had purchased in San Francisco. The merchant had assured him that the holonovel was based off of H.P. Lovecraft themes, something Drauc had taken an interest in as of late. He was dressed in Earth 1920’s clothing of a graduate student in journalism. Drauc ensured the Holodeck doors were locked and inserted the program into the Arch. “Computer run program Cthulhu’s Halloween Mansion. The lighting in the holodeck went out. From the darkness a spectral voice emerged “Welcome to Act One of Cthulhu’s Halloween Mansion.” ending with a spectral laugh.

Drauc suddenly finds himself behind the wheel of an old Earth automobile, sitting next to him was a human male dressed similarly to him. “…and I tell you it had Professor Greenwald all flustered.” replied the young man. Drauc grunts as he is doing his best to guide the vehicle as it is assailed by wind and rain. The landscape is occasionally lite by brilliant flashes of jagged lightening, which illuminates the hellish woods on either side of the vehicle. As Drauc drives and the gentleman next to him drones on and cracks jokes Drauc can see lights coming from an old brooding mansion that is set back from the road on a hill.

As Drauc continues driving by he hears the sound of what appears to be a gunshot. Suddenly the vehicle starts to madly spin out of control as the back tire blows out. Drauc, through the shear Vulcan strength manages to bring the vehicle to a stop into a muddy ditch. “Are you okay?” inquires Drauc of his companion. “Yea, yeah; just a little shook up. Damn glad you where the one driving though. What happened?” his companion asked. “It would appear our driver’s side rear tire has developed a flat.” Drauc answers. The rain continues drumming down on the vehicle unmerciful. Drauc ponders the situation for a moment. “I would suggest we travel back towards that old mansion and see if we can get help.” Drauc states. “Seriously, in this down pour of a storm?” his companion asks. Drauc mentally sighs, “The options for us are simple: one; we wait here in the vehicle for assistance, and need I remind you that we are in a muddy ditch filling with water and not likely to encounter another vehicle for some time. Two; we get out and walk back to the nearest town and will be just as drenched as if we walk back to that mansion. Three we do as I stated earlier and walk to the mansion and see if we can acquire some assistance.” he replies, with all the patient’s that Vulcans seemed to possess when dealing with irrational species. “Well gee, since you put it that way; I guess we will head out to the mansion.” his companion quips.

As they approach, they get a good view of the old, haunting house; huge and rambling with steep peaked roofs and high arching windows. A dark and forbidding tower reaches up to the black, boiling sky like some decaying finger. A jagged yellow flash of lighting lights up the decayed grounds around the castle-like building. Grotesque trees: having twisted and buckled limbs and completely devoid of foliage, make up the landscape. All is contained within a rusted and cruel spiked iron fence. “I sure hope this place has some warm blankets and a roaring fire. I am freezing from all the rain and have mud sloshing in my shoes.” states his companion in a sullen voice. Drauc could only nod in agreement. He approaches the splintery door and grasps the tarnished doorknocker and raps it against the towering door.

After a moment Drauc hears footsteps approach the door. With a loud creaking the door opens up revealing a hunched back man with long white hair. “Good evening, sir, my name is Drauc and this my companion…” here Drauc pauses to allow his companion to introduce himself “Adams; Corey Adams sir.” he replies. Drauc continues “We had a blow out of one of our tires and ended up in a muddy ditch, which is filling with rainwater. We were wondering if we might stay here until the storm let’s up and we can seek assistance with our situation?” The old man stares blankly for a moment before replying “Eh. you gentleman are free to come in and get out of the weather. Names O’Brien, and I am the butler here.” He replies with a cold smile. He then steps aside and Corey blusters past hurriedly, followed close by Drauc. Drauc and his companion find themselves standing in a cavernous foyer. “Here let me get them coats from you gentlemen.” replies O’Brien. He helps remove the coats and hangs them, still dripping with water in a closet. As O’Brien was doing this Drauc took in the surroundings, he was impressed by the many antiques, high-backed chairs of hard wood, lumbering tables, and a large grandfather clock. He saw several dusty paintings hanging on the walls and as he looked closer, dust and cobwebs over everything else. To Drauc it appeared that no one actually lived in the mansion.

As he and his companion observed their surroundings; Drauc heard a high-pitched cackle come from above them. Glancing up he observes a red-haired woman in a maid’s uniform descending the creaking stairs. “Visitor’s?” she inquires. “These two young men have had a problem with their vehicle.” explains O’Brien. “They have come to see about assistance.” Drauc thinks their accents were somewhat British in nature as he listens to them. Drauc watches closely as the maid struts towards him in a very cat-like manner. Her dark eyes trying to pierce through him. Whispering so as not to be heard Corey states “It’s like her eyes are piercing straight through me.” Drauc nods is affirmation. “Miss Quinn, won’t you get our guests something to warm themselves?” says O’Brien. “Follow me,” purrs the brooding maid as she leads you towards a set of double doors. From beyond Drauc’s keen ears hear the sounds of many voices. “I and my companion do not wish to intrude.” Drauc says. The butler smiles a rictus smile “You have arrived on a very special night. Our employers are celebrating the holiday in all the splendor of old Germany, but do not concern yourselves, for the Baron and the Baroness will love to have you and would not hear of you going back out into that dreadful weather.” as he finishes with his statement Miss Quinn throws back the double doors; beyond is a ballroom furnished completely in very old and obviously valuable furniture. Within the chamber are eleven people of varying races, all dressed in black. It seems all the attention is focused on a very regal-looking gentleman with a monocle and a the very beautiful woman at his side. O’Brien leads Drauc and Corey into the chamber. Drauc could still feel the water dripping from him as well as hear the squishing sound of his and Coreys shoes. As the two follow the hunched-back butler it appears as if all eyes are on them. As Drauc walks past a few of the guest he notices they are wearing a strange amulet around their necks. He was unsure of the design or significance of the design, but he felt it should mean something.

Drauc and Corey continued to follow O’Brien toward the center of the ballroom where the monocled gentleman and elegant lady were in conversation with three gentlemen. “My Lord,” O’Brien states to the monocled gentleman, bowing slightly. “May I introduce some unexpected guests? They had an accident with their automobile and require something to warm themselves, and a telephone to call for assistance?” The monocled man peers at both Drauc and Corey, studying them for a moment and with a cool smile introduces himself “I am Baron Birlad Tecuci VonReischt” as he extends a gloved hand to Corey, then Drauc. Drauc notices the Baron has a firm handshake. With a majestic wave of his hand, he introduces the elegant lady “This is my lovely wife, Baroness Deva Oradea VonReischt. With a rather cold and somber-look she replies “Welcome.” Drauc again notices that they speak with an accent. “Well, please feel at home; join our celebration of the holiday, won’t you?” says the Baron in a smooth almost hypnotic voice. “It is on holidays such as these that I long for our homeland; how I miss Mother Germany and her beautiful countryside. Ah, but no matter this is not the time for such musings. This is a celebration.” Drauc intellect becomes interested in the Baron and his relationship to Germany. “Tell me Baron VonReischt, why did you leave Germany? “Inquires Drauc. The Baron looks at Drauc for a moment but then replies “The VonReischt family is one of the oldest and most respected families in all of Germany; and I am a direct descendant of nobility, as my title indicates. I, too, am a noble, at least in my country. My family is descended of the Szekelys; the blood of Attila the Hun courses through my veins, a dubious honor indeed, would you not agree?” laughs the Baron. “The old country is most dear to me and even the very soil of the ground is like gold to me; this is how greatly I love the land of my birth. But, alas, I was forced to leave my homeland with my ever-beautiful wife. You see, in this ever changing and growingly technological world that we reside in certain comforts must be abandoned for the betterment of business. Simply put, I am an industrialist and the benefits of living in your country unfortunately outweigh that love of home. You see, I must keep up with the times. I find the supply of certain raw materials, which are crucial to me, are more abundant here, and easier to come by.” harangued the Baron. Drauc knew instantly the Baron had lied about where he came from as the Szekelys are from the region of Romania known as Transylvania. He wondered why the Baron would lie about where he was from, but before he could ask about the discrepancy the maid, Miss Quinn, appears with a silver tray on which two heavy mugs sit. There is a pleasant and aromatic smell coming from them. Drauc and Corey both take the mugs. Drauc can smell the beverage, it seems to be very similar to apple cider; yet he can also detect what smells like brandy. Drauc normally does not drink alcohol but takes a small sip, so as not to offend his host. It is very warm and has a pleasing taste; out of the corner of his eye he sees his companion finish his drink rather quickly. Suddenly the room begins to spin, and the lights of the holodeck go out, but before it does Drauc hears the sound of a mug crashing to the ground and the thump of a body. A spectral voice comes out in the dark “Thus ends the First Act of Cthulhu’s Halloween Mansion.” again ending with a spectral laugh.


Lieutenant Drauc Kejail ie-Jia'anKahr
Assistant Chief Engineering Officer
USS Poseidon


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