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A Suspicion of Circumstance - Part 1

Posted on Saturday August 12th, 2023 @ 1:43pm by Lieutenant Commander Steven Ryan & Cadet Freshman Grade Hapam Rajam

853 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: The Grand Tour: Part One
Location: Earth Spacedock
Timeline: During the events of "The Grand Tour: Part One"
Tags: The Grand Tour, 2395, Introduction


Cadet Rajam was one of several Cardassians who had entered Starfleet following the conclusion of the Dominion Wars. Son of a merchant family, his parents had owned a merchant civilian vessel that still traveled Federation Space. He was not without his demons, however, and had already endured extensive investigations by Starfleet Security following an incident where he had been falsely accused of plotting terroristic acts. Once recording of his whereabouts had been found, he had left Starfleet Security with an apology, and a favor which he cashed in upon entering Starfleet Academy. He had believed such instances over.

Little did he know that Starfleet Intelligence was now pursuing his case.

Since the Poseidon was docked to Earth Spacedock, Hapam enjoyed the relaxed lifestyle on board the orbital station. He was currently at a local restaurant, alone, until he heard a commotion behind him. A Cardassian, looking disheveled and unkept, rushed in and saw him.

"Hide this!" the Cardassian said, throwing a bag at Hapam.

Hapam protested as the bag impacted him, throwing him back as the Cardassian rushed off. He groaned as a beeping sound began to emit from the bag.

Jason was walking past a restaurant as he saw a Cardassian throw a bag at someone, he rushed over to the person at the table, "Are you okay?"

Hapam looked up at Jason. "I don't know, the bag is beeping!" he replied in a panic.

"Security! we have an unknown device in a duffle bag." Jason said

"Cadet did you recognize the person who threw the bag at you?"

Hapam Rajam at this point was on the verge of tears. Never in their life did they consider they'd be in the middle of something like this. The bag was beeping slightly faster and the color was slowly draining from their face. The young Cardassian looked up to Jason with pleading eyes.

"I don't know!" Hapam said, in a panic almost. "They just came in, threw a bag at me, and left! I was only here to relax! I only wanted to eat! Why is is this happening?!"

"No clue cadet, I was walking by when I saw things happen, let's find out what what's in this bag." Jason said pulling a concealed knife from behind him.

Hapam's eyes went wide when he saw the knife. "W-wait! Wait! What are you going to do with that?!"

Quickly slicing along one the seams Jason cut the bag open with the efficiency of a surgeon "What the hell?"

The bag was filled with .... clocks. Most of the clocks, of varying designs and origins, seemed to be dead. However one at the center was beeping. It was also counting down.

Hapam, scared out of their wits, looked to Jason. "W-What?!"

Jason reached in tentatively lifting the clock, "Elliot too station ops we have a suspect device, no visible indication of explosives." he turned too the cadet "This would be an awesome time to have a tricorder."

Hapam blinked. He did have a tricorder! He just forgot about it during the situation as it unfolded. He blinked away his tears, shivering hands reaching down and producing the device for Jason.

"Open it, put it on passive mode three, scan for volatile compounds or incendiaries." Jason said steadying the lone clock, setting down the bag.

The Cardassian complied, going by whatever training had been instilled. The tricorder began to beep as he held it up for Jason to view.

Jason looked at the reading, "Move too mode four, low intensity active, passive was inconclusive, there's a small amount of shielding that might be nothing or something." Jason paused "Scan for residues."

Hapam had to turn the tricorder around and remember the buttons to press. It took longer than usual. He almost began to cry again feeling how short the time was. Instead, he figured it out. He turned it around for Jason to see again.

Jason looked at the readings, "Power cell, timer, what the hell?" Jason looked confused "It's just a clock."

"W-what?" Hapam said, eyes wider, then suddenly angry. "A clock?!"

He threw the bag off of him, huffing as he looked hurt and offended. He almost smashed his tricorder. After a tick, he looked to Jason.

"Thank you sir," Hapam said, genuinely. "I thought I was done for."

"Station ops, situation is resolved, device was a distraction." Jason turned to the cadet, "Not how I planned my few hours off to be, but then again..." pausing for effect "It's not a surprise."

Hapam started to stand, looking towards where the other Cardassian had escaped to moments prior. He then looked to Jason.

"What do we do about the guy who did this?" Hapam asked. "And why did he throw a bag of clocks on me?"

Jason was just as puzzled, "We'll check with station security, you're not to be alone with them either I don't want this pinned on you."

The Cardassian Cadet nodded to his superior, shortly after gathering himself as he followed Jason out.



CFG Hapam Rajam
Damage Control Specialist
USS Poseidon


Lt Cmdr Jason Elliot
Intelligence Officer
USS Poseidon


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