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Chaos in the Galley

Posted on Wednesday June 28th, 2023 @ 11:38pm by Lieutenant Commander Steven Ryan & Lieutenant Stan More

1,099 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: The Grand Tour: Part One
Location: Galley
Timeline: During Conduct unbecoming.
Tags: The Grand Tour, 2395, Character Development



Stan had walked into a trap setup by Cadet Raymond. His cousin Penny had been poisoned by Cadet Raymond. Who had put Toadstools instead of Mushrooms in her Quiche. She was in sickbay at the moment vomiting her boots up. So he went off to have a word with the person responsible. But he should have realized how the newbies stuck together. Because no sooner had Raymond put a bowl of Mashed Potato in his face. Then the fleeing Cadet shouted a food fight and chaos erupted.

A Bowl of Strawberries and Cream flew at him and he ducked under a table. Someone else was under it as well.

“ Hello.” Stan said

Jason was making his way towards the mess hall when he heard the chaos, he peered in, "What the bloody hell!" Jason ducked as a bowl of some liquid went flying past him.

A plate of something yellow smashed onto the table Stan was hiding under.

“ Sorry about this. I came in here to have some wee words with Cadet Raymond. The coward set off this food fight so he could escape.” Stan said as some of the yellow foodstuff fell on his hand.

Jason looked around, several cadets looked as if they were about to be taken to a firing squad "Get this mess cleaned up now!" he barked he turned too Stan "Let's talk." he tried to say with a less ominous tone than he used.

Custard Stan hated the stuff he wiped his hands. It reminded him of his school days back in Edinburgh and old Mrs McNabb the school cook. She could ruin even the most basic meals. Her sausages looked like something that you found floating in a sewer. All plates had to be clean or you could not leave the table. The only thing she could cook was rice pudding but she only made that on special occasions.

“ Aye Commander.” The young Scott replied.

Jason waited until they were out of earshot of most of the cadets then, "How did this start?"

“ I came here to have a wee word with Cadet Nigel Raymond. He made a quiche for my cousin Ensign Penny McTaggerd the only thing is he put toadstools in it instead of shiitake mushrooms. She has been vomiting up her boots in sickbay. I was nay going to hurt him just a wee word in his ear , but he blindsided me by shouting food fight. The next thing I know there was food flying everywhere and he scarpered. I saw him run into Commander Perkins who had some security officers with him. So he dinna get far.” Stan replied. Just then a plate containing a Victoria Sponge cake hit him on the side of the head.

Jason was suddenly concerned, "That kind of thing doesn't exactly fly, let's go track down the Cadet and have a strongly worded chat."

Stan wiped the Victoria Sponge off the side of his face.

“ Copy that sir,” More said

As they turned to find the culprit Stan saw a bowl of what looked like Rice Pudding heading towards Jason.

“ COMMANDER!!!” Stan shouted.

Stan threw himself in front of the Elliot and took the Pudding full in the face. It made him stagger back and lose his footing. Moore landed on the floor saying some words his Grandmother would wash his mouth out with soap and water.

Jason looked across the room at a group of cadets, many of them looked stunned as they saw the intel officer glaring at them, he walked towards the group, "I think I found some additional students for one of my classes, that is after they clean up this mess." he turned to Stan "Lieutenant More, go get yourself cleaned up I'll handle this." turning back to the cadets "Get the to work, NOW!" Jason snapped.

Stan nodded and attempted to wipe some of the pudding off his clothing.

“ But sir we was just sitting here minding our own business Commander. It was those guys over there!” The Cadet pointed as across the room. Another Cadet picked up a plate of Cream Cakes and started to throw them.

Angry Stan stomped over to him snatched the plate off him. Then put the Cadets face in a Strawberry Cream Gateau.

“ How does that feel?” Stan said

Jason was annoyed, this might fly if they were anywhere else, not this far out. "Mister More, when this batch of unruly and misguided cadets have completed the clean up detail, and are in proper attire I think we'll get down too the root of events in here." pausing then lowering his voice, "Lesson one, fear."

“ I was not going to hurt Cadet Raymond just shout at him a wee bit. But this lot if they happily throw food at senior officers. They’re not scared of what we can do to them.”Stan whispered.

"A visit to the brig might change that." Jason commented

“ I hope you don’t mean me as well Commander!” Stan said

Jason looked to the lieutenant, "No, but some of these cadets seem too think it's still play time." he said ducking a rogue meatball.

An idea crossed Stans mind.

“ Commander I have an idea to put a stop to these wee shenanigans. A stun grenade would put these Cadets into a nice manageable sleep.Then we can scoop them up and drag them off to the Brig.” Stan said as a tomato caught him on the arm.

"Water boarding might get the culprits to come forward." Jason commented hoping the lieutenant would catch the joke.

“ Yes. Let me remember now….we lay the Cadet down and put a wet towel over their face. Then pour water over their face. It makes them think their drowning when their not. Ok. You pick one and I’ll get the water and towels.” Stan said

Jason saw several cadets stop suddenly, "Now that we have your attention, I recommend that this mess get cleaned up," Pausing "NOW!"

Hanging their heads in shame the Cadets began to clean up. Stan walked over to a sink and started to wash his hands. The Cadets moved a bit quicker to clean up the mess.

“ Well that seems to have done the wee job. I hope Cadet Raymond is getting a good roasting from the Captain.” Stan said.

Jason decided to make one final move "Ensure the cadets are squared away class is at zero eight hundred tomorrow."

Stan nodded.



Lieutenant Stan More
USS Poseidon

Lieutenant Commander Jason Elliot
Ass't Chief Intelligence Officer/Historical Studies
USS Poseidon


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