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To be determined.Prt1

Posted on Wednesday September 21st, 2022 @ 4:16pm by Commander Sam Perkins & Lieutenant Stan More & Lieutenant Commander Calvin Hirsch & Lieutenant Oscar Vladinchi

2,206 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: S1-A1-Ep. 2: Our Foremost Virtues
Location: Deck 04, Main Security, Deck 00 Main Laboratory
Timeline: Current


TIME: 0910
DATE: 239908.19
SCENE: Main Security, Deck 04 & Main science lab

Chief Hirsch was finishing speaking with Lieutenant More for their morning meeting. The Lieutenant would be completing the remaining paperwork over the last few days, due to be presented to the Captain and XO regarding a recent Ensign Stewart, now long since dealt with and egg all over his face.

To the chagrin of the Chief, he tapped at his PADD in thought. “That out to weed out any other Cadets hopefully thinking of any shenanigans onboard. I can only imagine if this could be the tip of the ice burg.” Calvin spoke to his trusted Security Officer, More.

“ Aye your correct there. I get the feeling some of the cadets are hiding something. They never seem to give me direct eye contact.” Stan said

“What has your hunch been lately, Stan? How have the Cadets been… digesting what had happened? I cannot imagine they would have the most information on what went down, but they know something big happened to Ensign Stewart.”

“ Unfortunately what happened to Stewart will just push any misdeeds under ground. They saw him being punished for his actions. They wont try and cheat on their exams now. As they know Commander Perkins will be a watching them. But there are plenty of other illegal things to try and get away with.” Stan reported

After More replied to Hirsch, there was a chirp on Hirsch’s comm badge.
=/\= Hirsch here, go ahead. =/\= Cal looked at the Officer aside from his desk as they both had their respective tea or coffee.

=/\= Eeeeee eeeee eeeee Norman shshsh!!! Calvin could you come to the science lab…eeeeeeeeeeee eeeeeeee eeeeeee Norman!!………=/\= The line went dead as a dull thud then followed by a tremor happened.

Stan looked at Calvin. As alarms started flashing.

“ That was internal not from outside!” Stan said.

Hirsch and More rushed to the Laboratory to find that the doors were locked on the outside. The emergency alarms were going off on the inside.

Holding his phaser at his side, he looked at Stan. Nodding, they both took up the lodging side by the Laboratory doorway with their weapons at ready.

Tagging in the codes to enter the doorway was still locked. “Dang it!” Calvin furrowed. He immediately took out his security tricorder and punched in some override codes; the door was still locked.

“That’s… That’s impossible. The overrides are not working, Sam. I’m going to hot wire the door open; stand back….” Calvin unlatched the side panel in the corridor outside the laboratory and punched in some overrides; in the process, a shock caught Hirsch off guard, burning his middle finger. “AWWWWwwwah!!!” Cal growled. He was shaking off his middle finger, which was now singed.

Sam had not been injured in the explosion. Apart from the ringing in his ears. But he could not believe how lucky he had been. If Norman and Susan had not warned him. He would of been caught when the wall exploded.

But his rescuers were now in danger of hurting him. The two plants were flailing their vines around. Obviously distressed.

“ EEEEEE EEEEEEEE EEEEEE!” They both wailed

“ Shush you two!… We are safe under a table in here. Not loosing any vital fluids…” Perkins called out

The doors finally opened, and both men turned their attention to the Laboratory. “SAM!!!” Hirsch called out; we’re coming in!!”

Perkins looked up at More and Hirsch.

“ Uncle…..I mean Commander are yee ken” Stan asked

“ EEEEEE EEEEEE EEEEE” Norman and Susan wailed.

“ Oh ay laddie…..yes I am ok. Their be alright in a moment……..what on Jupiters rings just happened?” Sam asked. Looking at the blown out wall

"I have no clue. The interlocking door phase disruptors set to overload, and then ceased leading to a circuit cascade and... "Ka-boom!" He said gentle enough as to not excite Norman and Susan. Hirsch walked over close enough to Sam underneath the table, as Calvin looked around the room with his phaser in hand along with More. "It's alright guys, Norman, Susan." He smiled at them. They were sentient life with emotions of a child it seemed, and almost as endearing!"

"Good your ok Sam. What happened, was it the computer again? The laboratory computer?"

“ No. Everything was quiet then these two started flailing and screaming. I could hear a faint hissing sound. Then I just grabbed their pots and went under the table. The next thing that wall just exploded. Apart from a ringing in the ears we seem undamaged.” Sam said

Stan went over to the blast site and looked around. He noticed some smashed glass in the wreckage.

“ Commander? Was there a wee storage cupboard here?” He asked

“ No why?” Sam asked

Stan gestured to Hirsch.

“ Sir. Look at this. If there was nay any cupboard here. Why are there so many glass fragments?” Stan asked.

"Glass fragments." Hirsch took out his tricorder. The heat of the conduit behind this wall exploded and created glass microspheres, or at least could be.

One hot blast. We in fact shouldn't be in here at all until Engineering can check that blasted wall." Calvin furrowed his brow. "Commander Perkins we must leave and seal off the room until repairs are made. Please take note of anything odd or missing from the laboratory before we seal it. The wall was already breached, and secure components had been fried from within the cowlings of the ship wall.

"I would advise Engineering and Sciences to temporarily lock down your other labs for safety's sake, for the time being." The blast could have killed a Cadet an Officer, or anyone without warning. "You said there was a hiss, I'm no engineer, but that doesn't sound comforting."

There was a strange smell around the blast area. Sam was sure he had smelled this before. But he could not pinpoint what it was.

“ Thanks Calvin. May I see some of that glass?
“ Sam asked.

Stan carefully lifted a piece.

“ Here ye go Uncle…. I mean Commander.” Stan said, giving him a piece of glass.

“ Hmmm. Even under the highest temperature. This should not of formed. Not like this. The heat would of vaporised everything in the lab.’sniff’ Calvin can you smell anything?” Sam asked

"I can smell that Sam." He paused checking his tricorder. "There seems to be an assay of burnt of molecular oddities, the tricorder can't make heads or tails of it." He closed the tricorder. "We need to find out what that smell is, I do. I smell....... Smells almost like amonia, but burnt and ..... is that sweetness I am smelling too?"

Something was nagging at Stan. Where had he smelt this before?

oO Think Stan think…Oo More thought. Then a lightbulb flashed over his head.

“ Great Uncle Hamish!!!” Stan shouted

“ Stan, why are you mentioning that old drunk?” Sam said

“ Nay Uncle don’t ya see.” Stan replied.

“ Don’t call me uncle!” Perkins replied “ Hamish McTaggard…..used to make his own whiskey….until he miscalculated and blew up half his garden.”

“ Aye.I went round there. Boy did Great Aunt Daisy blow her top. I think she did more damage ta him than the explosion. But it was the wee smell afterwards. I am sure there the same!” Stan said

Perkins looked at Calvin.

“If Stan is correct. Then whoever did this will either try again or has more of this stuff in store. If it’s as unstable as this lot was. We have a problem.” He said.

"Ok. Sam. I need to see you in my security office and we are going to review this whole cadet scenario. I think you should perhaps stick off that deck for a while until we can formulate some sort of picture here."

Security Offices

"Please, Sam, Stan have a seat my friends." Hirsch welcomed them. "Please my replicator is your replicator have a drink anything. I just want to understand what is going on here. I've had been in touch with Engineering and the labs are all being inspected at this time for any tampering, any faults which could have caused this... Incident." Hirsch breathed outward and then took a seat behind his desk. He replicated his self a mug of coffee, he would need one as this might take a while. "I would like to better know your relationships past, present aboard this ship and before.... Someone wants you dead it seems."

“ I think we know at least one person who would wish to see me dead Calvin.” Sam said

“ Molly. But I thought she was serving time at the New Zealand penal colony Uncle?” Stan said

“ Woo! Firstly don’t call me uncle. Secondly Molly lost interest in me century’s ago. No Cadet Stewart. He may be gone. But he still has some little friends.” Sam said.

"If this is the case, outside influence onboard the Poseidon. We may need to involve inter-sector security watches for... Molly? Well. Could you... explain why you may believe Molly would be out for you, Sam?" Hirsch had become amused, since he had just found out that Stan was a nephew to Sam. "Is Stan really your nephew Sam?"

Trust Stan to bring that up.

“ Firstly my father remarried into Stan’s family. My Fathers second wife’s brother is Stan’s father. So I am his Uncle. As for Molly. When I first knew her she was bubbly , had a great sense of humour and….. well that’s private. Then she got involved with the Daughters of Eve. A group of very unpleasant ladies. Who believe women should dominate the Alfa quadrant. I kind of had her arrested after I discovered she was planning to blow up the Gorn Ambassador. Apparently he is very traditional about female Gorns and their place in the home.” Sam said

“I see. Well. The second time is the charm then.” Hirsch had turned to Stan and grinned. This was funny since Stan he didn’t know all that well.

“Well, that. That is something that has been on your Starfleet security dossier. I have read that portion however I thought that fight had simmered with the arrest of…” He swallowed. “Your Ex-Wife, Molly. And yes, the sisters of Eve are a canonical bunch. We would be prudent to cycle all security codes and upload them to the primary core in a codded anti-sequencer mode. This way, any updates to codes involving you Stan, and you Sam would be extremely scrutinized.”

Stan began to laugh.

“ Uncle Sam a married man……” Stan gagged.

Perkins gave his nephew a look that could burn through snow.

“ Don’t call me Uncle when we are on duty!!!! Sorry Calvin. Molly was just an ex girlfriend we never got married.” He said giving Stan a dirty look.

"Somehow I think I'd like to meet the Perkin's and More families. Sounds like it would be an interesting garden party." Hirsch had chuckled.

“ That is a good idea. Our family loves a good get together. Plenty ale , songs , eats and feats of strength.Aye it would be a night long remembered.” Stan said

Perkins shook his head.

“ For now we have a mystery to look into. Was the explosion the result of a deliberate attempt on my life or was it just some Cadets up to Shanghai’s which turned nasty.” Sam said.

Hirsch tapped his communicator =/\= Lieutenant Oscar Vladinchi, onboard threat level 02 has been enacted under my authority. We have had a bomb go off in the central laboratory where Lieutenant Commander Sam Perkins was working. I believe it has been another attempt on his life. We are at a loss. I want you to conduct a ship-wide check on all sensitive areas where possible bombs and detonation locations may have been sent from. If we can trace the computer and access logs, then perhaps, we can track down the criminal. =/\=

=/\= Right away, Chief =/\= Lieutenant Vladinchi replied. He went to work right away, gathering his team as he began a search across the ship. Inwardly, he sighed. The Poseidon always had the interesting times!


A pair of eyes and ears. Slowly walked down the corridor. Another nervous pair of eyes and ears. Stood along the wall pretending to read a padd.

“ I told you the mixture was too pure.” The pair with the padd whispered.

“ It’s no good to drink if you can still see after three shots.” The other said.

“ You know they think it’s a bomb.Someone trying to kill Commander Perkins.” Padd owner whispered.

“ That’s pity. We will have to move the others. Mind you if they go the same way. All they will find of the Poseidon is a pair of floating warp nacelles.” The other said

“ We can’t move them. I am not going the same way as Stewart.Best keep quiet. Let them think someone is out to kill the Commander.” Padd owner said

The both nodded and went their separate ways.


Lieutenant Commander Sam Perkins
Chief Medical Officer
USS Poseidon


Lieutenant Stan More ( NPC Perkins )
Security Officer
USS Poseidon


Lieutenant Oscar Vladinchi
Security Officer
USS Poseidon


Lieutenant Calvin Hirsch
Chief of Security
USS Poseidon


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