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Meeting the COO

Posted on Tuesday September 3rd, 2019 @ 11:51pm by Lieutenant Nealey Brinsley & Lieutenant JG Sydney Allen

534 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Departure and Trial Run
Location: Senior Officer's Offices - COO
Timeline: Pre-Launch - Drydock - Poseidon

Sydney needed to see her Department head as she has never met them before so she can introduce herself as at the moment is the right-hand woman in the department. Approaching the yeoman sitting in front of the COO's office "Is Brinsley busy right now?".

Just as Sydney finished speaking Nealey entered the office and answered the question on the Yeoman's behalf.

"No, she isn't. What can I do for you?" Nealey said.

Sydney turned round to meet her new department head, Extending her hand for the lieutenant to shake, "I am Lieutenant Allen your quartermaster. I thought I would come over to introduce myself to yourself."

Nealey extended her arm and shook Sydney's hand before retracting it to her side again.

"A pleasure to meet you, Lieutenant Allen. I was rather hoping you could bring me up to speed on things seeing as I've not been here very long and I've got a list of things to do as long as my arm" Nealey replied.

"Well I've only been on the ship for a couple of days but already done a full Inventory check and I am in the process of ordering the medical supplies when we get to our next starbase but they are being stubborn. I just have to be more persuasive." Sydney laughed. "Anything you want to know particularly?"

Nealey nodded. "If you could send me a copy of the inventory and a list of what you've ordered then that'd be great - at least then I know what we've got and what we're going to be expecting before we leave. Can I get you anything to eat or drink at all?"

Sydney shook her head, "No I am good, Just had a coffee not too long ago. I am also wanting to take the new cadet under my wing to teach her the ropes of the ship. With your permission of course."

"That's fine - I was meaning to catch up with her at some point actually. Also...while you're here I was wondering if you could tell me a bit about yourself - any former assignments?" Nealey replied

Sydney's tone changed to stern "No offense but I would rather not speak about that. Is there anything else you need." Sydney looks straight into Nealey's eyes.

Nealey was somewhat taken aback but respected the quartermaster's decision not to talk about it. There were a lot of things she preferred not to talk about too.

Nealey nodded. "None taken. Well...if you could get me that inventory of what supplies we already have onboard and what you've ordered to fill the gaps I'd appreciate it - preferably before the end of the day if you can. Do you have any questions for me?"

"I'm sorry for my tone, just a very touchy subject. I will get you that stuff. also I will do anything you ask of me. Good day Lieutenant." And Sydney walks away with a wink and a smile.

Nealey nodded and watched Sydney leave. She then turned her attention to her yeoman who was still sat behind their desk - asking them to run a couple of errands for her before disappearing on one of her own.


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