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The Games We Play

Posted on Monday October 17th, 2022 @ 2:31pm by Lieutenant Commander Michael Stevens & Lieutenant Lazarus Kord

798 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Concluding Affairs
Location: USS Poseidon; Deck 5, Gymnasium
Timeline: Concluding Affairs
Tags: Lazarus, Michael, Play, Fight


Lazarus continued his workout routine in the gym as he settled himself after a rather harsh shift in engineering. Lt. Commander Sharpe could be brutal at times and today felt like such a case. Of course, it was all relative and based on perspective - he really wasn't an evil man. Today was just an off day. The Gorn starts his push-ups, trying to free his mind for tomorrow's shift.

Micheal had been prepping the hall for the wedding and needed time to work off a sweat, however; he had learned that the ship had a Gorn onboard, he knew that the Gorn were not a close race, but how did this Gorn join Starfleet? was this some exchange programme that he was not aware of, he might have to ask the Captain.

As he walked into the Gym and spotted the officer and walked over to him, he said "Hi Lieutenant, How are you?" as he offered his hand in greeting.

Lazarus takes note of the only crew member approaching him and proceeds to stand up during his last push-up. He takes the hand and shakes it back, having been familiar by now with his own strength. He gives a slow nod to Michael, looking at his pips and recognizing him from previous encounters - though none of them formal.

"Sir," he greeted the Chief Operations Officer during the handshake. By seniority, Michael was the superior officer here. "I'm doing fine today. Bit frustrated, I came to the gym to be productive with that frustration. How are you, sir?"

"Call me Micheal," replied Micheal looking back at the Gorn officer, continued, " I'm off duty," giving a warm smile. he asked, " So, what's a Gorn doing in Starfleet?" he was rather curious.

It was a direct question and one that, by now, the Gorn had become well acquainted with. He perked up and took it in stride instead of allowing it to get to him constantly. Nodding gingerly, he answered with a gentle smile.

"I'm a transfer," he replied, keeping to the excuse Section 31 had handed out. "Some circumstances happened and I ended up here. I was a slave, freed by Starfleet. Now with nowhere to go, I made a home here. I did civilian trading for a time before here, that's where most of my prior training in engineering came from. Yourself, sir?"

" Oh I've been around," replied Micheal, as he looked back at the Gorn as something did not sit right with him, continued" and please call me Micheal as I am off duty and only when we are on duty do you call me sir," as he wanted to find out more about the Gorn officer.

"Alright, Michael," Kord said with a smirk as he flexed his arms inwardly to apply pressure to specific muscles, "consider it done. Now with the pleasantries out of the way, what brings you to ask me such personal questions?"

"It was curiosity that was all," replied Micheal looking back at Kord, continued " your the first Gorn I have met," as he wanted to find out more about the officer finished" and wanted to get to know you,"

"Fair enough," replied Lazarus. He had begun to flex his knees and tail, paying particular attention to his calves. Despite the conversation, he seemed intent on continuing his exercises. "Call me Lazarus or Kord. Everyone seems to prefer Kord though. I don't really get around the ship much. Either I'm in my quarters, here exercising, or on duty. Maybe sometimes in the holodeck or arboretum. The ship is effectively my home as my original home is now long gone."

"That is good to hear Kord, glad to see that you know where you are home," replied Micheal, looking back at the Gorn officer. he continued, "anyways I need to get back to work and maybe we can spar sometime,"

Kord looked Michael up and down, then grinned. "Why not now?" he asked, his tail swaying behind him. "Got a moment?"

Before he could answer Kord, Micheal's commbadge chirped and he tapped the golden symbol on his chest and spoke,=/\= Stevens here, Go ahead =/\= as he looked back at Kord who was waiting for an answer to his question.

"Maybe later then," concluded Kord as he overheard what was being requested of Michael. It did indeed sound important.

=/\= I'm on my way Sir, Stevens Out =/\= replied Micheal as he closed the channel, he said to Kord, "Maybe next time Kord, duty calls," giving the Gorn a nod and headed for the exit.

"Of course! Next time," Kord said, a slight grin as he watched Stevens depart. "Oh, and, congratulations on the promotion!" he added quickly.



Lt Cmdr Micheal Stevens
Chief Ops
USS Poseidon


Lt. Lazarus Kord
Engineering Officer
USS Poseidon


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