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Holodeck Chats: Prt1

Posted on Friday September 2nd, 2022 @ 6:35am by Lieutenant Stan More & Gunnery Sergeant Maximilian Pfaffenheim

2,326 words; about a 12 minute read

Mission: S1-A1-Ep. 2: Our Foremost Virtues
Location: Holodeck
Timeline: Current



-Ancient Scottish clan battle-

The line of highland warriors all branded their swords and swore at the line of rival clan warriors.Then the leader raised his Claymore sword and yelled a blood curdling scream. The warriors then charge at the them.

Stan stayed at the back of the group. Being new not only to the Poseidon but also security. He needed to bulk up. So he picked a training program based on a very old Scottish clan battle. Lots of hand to hand combat.

He thought he heard the Holo deck doors open. But then again it might have just been battle sounds.

Max sat down on a tree trunk on a nearby dirt mound, a shield on his back and arming sword at his side, and watched the combat unfold. It wasn't his simulation, after all, nor did he know the new officer running it, so he thought it best to wait for a go-ahead before joining him - and perhaps get an eye for how this new security officer handled himself. The Sergeant didn't know the program all too well, he was more partial to others, but he couldn't deny that whoever made it had nailed the atmosphere.

Spotting More at the back of the now-ensuing melee, he waved to get his attention. "Oi, sir! Mind if I join in?"

Stan ran his sword into his attackers stomach. The holodeck creation fell back.

“Computer freeze program.”He said wiping his chin.

Then he moved towards the new comer.

“ Please.You are very welcome to join in. It’s a rerun of an old family battle that took place centuries ago. Between the clan McTaggard and the McNab. Over I believe a wee lassie who was jilted at the altar. Och but where are my manners. Sorry It’s good to meet you. My name is Stan More.” He said extending his hand.

Stepping down from the mound, Pfaffenheim shook More's hand instead of saluting like he would've done otherwise. "Staff Sergeant Max Pfaffenheim... Lieutenant, I believe? Welcome to USS Poseidon, Lieutenant."

He scanned the frozen clan warriors and raised an eyebrow. "Interesting, an old family battle? Now that's what I call family history.", he commented, taking the shield from his back, which had a rather anachronistic Spanish emblem painted on it. "And certainly, I'd love to join in. Haven't done much in the way of medieval simulations in a long time though, so I might be a bit rusty at this."

Stan smiled.

“ Nay once yer get into it. The cobwebs dissipate if you know what I mean. Look at me I was the ships botanist on the Wellington. Now I am back in yellow. So I have plenty of cobwebs. Best stay away from those guys in front. The ones with the blue paint across one cheek. The clan leader Hamish McNab was known for biting his opponents ears off. I know the safety is on but his quite bulky and will knock ye to the ground. Hay that’s a nice wee shield ye have there.” Stan said.

Max looked towards the man whom Stan had indicated, making a mental note. "Aye, that seems like good advice!", he remarked, given the warrior in question looked more like a bear than a man. Distracted with looking, Max took a moment to notice Stan's comment regarding his shield. "Oh, yeah. My own design. A bit anachronistic to be sure - I based it off the Spanish flag. My earliest known ancestor, mother's side, was first mate on a galleon. Well, at least according to the family history... it gets quite spotty that far back."

Stan was very interested in his new friends families roots.

“ Ay. That’s quite a bonny shield. I do like the wee design on there.So tell me some more of ye ancestors. You say on yer mothers side that there is a nautical association?” Stan asked.

Dodging out of the way of a piece of shield flying by, Max elaborated. "It's hard to trace it that far back, but yes, I know for a fact that my family had a tradition in that regard. My earliest ancestor that I actually *know* some details of - Fernando De Toro - was a Lieutenant on a Spanish frigate in the early 1700s. That's where I get all this from." He pointed to his pitch black hair. "Then, around the turn of the century, it gets a bit more concrete, and it keeps going... well, all the way up to the mid-1900s, really. The wars later-on... well, hard to know. Doesn't help that that side of my family was never really, shall we say, history-savvy.

"The Pfaffenheims, on the other hand... well, nothing much to say there, all a bit unremarkable. Certainly not as exciting as this.", he added, pointing to the battle unfolding in front of them. "I take it the clan history is a strong one?"

A screaming red faced Scot’s warrior charged at Stan brandishing a claymore.More ducked but the tip of the blade still hit Stan. Although it did not hurt Stan still pretended it did. The warriors were programmed to behave like the real thing. If they saw that no blood had been drawn. They would start screaming witchcraft.

“ Ay. Dating back to the time of the first true king of Scotland. A time when the Scottish and the English battled for control of this land. In those days it was the McTaggards who dominated the family. The More side of the came around the early 19th century. But only because a young man got the daughter of the family head pregnant and was forced by spear point to marry her.” Stan explained. “ You see in those days it was rare for a daughter to be born. Usually Lassies nay survived but when the head of the family’s survived past her first birthday. He became extra protective of her. Hence the young man who did the deed was allowed to live.”

"I see.", Max gave back, blocking heavy blow with the shield and cursing under his breath. Yes, these were certainly programmed to behave realistically... and hit like a truck as well. "The DeToro family kind of split up at that time because of Napoleon. Some went to Mexico, others to the United States, others stayed and chose their sides. Alejandro Sebastiano DeToro, my ancestor, did the latter. Ended up with the guerilleros while his brothers fought with the French at Trafalgar. That didn't end well, but it's a story often told in that part of the family."

A large bearded man swung his shield at Stan who docked and drove his sword into the man’s chest.

“ Ye know I believe we may of had a relative who thought in that same battle.Which could be a tall tale as my ancestors tended to stay around Scotland. The clan was very protective of their members and families. So they kept as close as possible.It was my not until my father’s grandfather became interested in archaeology, that the More family started to leave the area.However the McTaggards were not so happy to travel the stars. Until my mother met my father she rarely left Earth.”Stan said

"Well, if we're being honest, a lot of what's being told in my family is on a bit of... shaky ground, on the facts side. My grandmother likes to talk about how supposedly, Alejandro once captured an entire French baggage train. Story goes that they left a whole storehouse worth of wine... ah, 'unattended', and when the guards woke up with a hangover the next day, every single wagon was gone. Almost certainly made up if you ask me, but then again. I do admire the man.", he explained, parrying a blow and bashing a charging warrior with the adorned shield. "My mother always likes the naval side of the family more. Unsurprisingly, really. And my brother, well, he's not one for those kinds of stories."

Stan swung his arm and his muscles have a sharp twinge.

“ Ouch. Looks like my wee shoulder is playing up. Can we pause the program for a wee rest. Perhaps have some drink and a bite to eat.” He suggested.

"Of course!", Max agreed quickly, as he was currently attempting to prevent a particularly angry-looking clan member from coming at him with a large axe. "Computer, pause program!" Their opponents immediately froze, and the Sergeant took a few steps back, brushing off his clothing putting away his weapons. "I always forget how tiring chainmail can be to wear. It's all on the shoulders. Nothing like plate armor.", he commented, catching his breath. He looked over to More. "Pretty intense program, I'll give you that."

Stan flexed his hand as he opened the parcel before him. It contained two think cheese and onion sandwiches and a couple of apples.He also produced a flask of fresh iced orange juice.

“ Sorry it’s nay anything fancy. But I like to keep my food simple. Please take a wee sandwich it’s only iced orange juice in the wee flask. But please feel free to have some. Unless ye have anything of yer own. You know it’s amazing considering how brutal they were. Plus the simple medical practices they had. How many of them survived these battles. You know it was almost a regular occurrence these things. The clans would be testing each other’s strengths. That’s how the Highland games started.Even to this day there still held every year. If ever you visit Scotland I highly recommend you go and watch.You don’t think this is to violent?” Stan asked

Gladly taking one of the sandwiches, Max shrugged. "Not really... I don't want to say 'because I'm a Marine', since that would sound far too stereotypical. I just usually prefer other time periods.", he replied and chuckled. "As for that, I've heard of these Games, I believe. Doesn't that involve hurling tree trunks or something of the sort? These folks certainly look like they could do that." He pointed at one of the clan warriors.

“ You mean the Caber. Aye. But there are other tests of strength. Tug of war , Hurling the hammer even shot putting. By the way that warrior is a lassie. Less facial hair then the men……oh my… did she get in this program….?” Stan said.

"Hm?", Max looked up from his sandwich, unsure where whoever Stan was referring to was. Among the horde of angry clan warriors, it was hard to pick a particular individual out. "Have you ever... hurled the caber, I suppose?", he asked Stan while trying to find her.

“ Not really. You need to be squat and muscular. It’s a wee bit out of my weight class. But I am good at the shot put. Essentially you throw a stone ball from under yer chin. The furthest wins. In fact saying that. That women I was looking at was my Great Aunt Matilda who was last year’s champion of the female shot put. At the highland games. Ouch my cousin is going to get his ears boxed. When she discovers he’s put her likeness in the program.” Stan said smiling.

Max raised an eyebrow and smiled. "Well, I won't tell her if you don't...", he added jokingly. "My brother's the same, really. He never likes being in holodeck programs. Doesn't stop me or anyone in the family to put him in anyway, though. It's become a bit of a running joke. My mother's in a whole lot, too. I can show you if you want."

Stan drank some juice from the flask.

“ Yes please my friend.It’s amazing how we all have family members who are the same. Yet in no way related. But getting back to the Highland games. If yer like and have time we could change this wee program. For a Highland games simulation. The 2022 one to be exact. Unless yer wish to continue with this one?” Stan said “ That is after you have shown me those programs of course.”

Eating the last bite of his sandwich, Max nodded and stood up. "Well, we'll have to watch out for the sway, but I think I have a good one in mind. A family classic, if you will. It was written by..." For a brief moment, the Sergeant's voice seemed to falter, as if failing to muster the strength to say the name out loud, and his usually sharp gaze dulled, though a split second later he had composed himself again. He briefly cleared his throat. "Computer, load program Pfaffenheim Recreational One-Seven-Null-Two Bravo."

As the holodeck set about building a new scenery, the Sergeant looked at More. "Name's a handful, but I just like to keep them organized." In a few moments, the first sensory impulses hit the two men - the air began to smell salty, the muddy ground replaced by strong wooden planks, now swaying, and as the sun rose high above, the two were suddenly standing on a sailing ship. Max took a moment to take a deep breath of the air and look over the deck, now full of sailors and officers dressed in almost ancient uniforms. "Lieutenant... welcome to the Imperial Spanish brigg-of-war 'El Viento de San Domingo'."

Stan looked around him. It was fantastic. A real old style wooden sail powered battleship. He was in love. Imagine not being encased in a metal air-sealed cocoon . To hear the creaking of the rigging above or to have the wind at your back. Then again life expectancy of the crew was low, bad food and water. Plus cruel discipline and disease.

“ This is brilliant. You so lucky to have this wee program” Stan said


Staff Sergeant Maximilian Pfaffenheim
First Sergeant, Marine Detachment
USS Poseidon


Ensign Stan More ( NPC Perkins )
USS Poseidon


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