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An Overdue Promotion

Posted on Monday August 19th, 2019 @ 4:40am by Commander Kanaka Shakura & Captain Franklin Johnson

1,259 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Departure and Trial Run
Location: USS Poseidon; Captain's Ready Room, Deck 1, Bridge
Timeline: Pre-Poseidon Launch; Pre-Departure; Pre-Officer's Meeting
Tags: 2XO Field Promotion, Pre-Departure

There was one last bit of business to tend to before he went to bed. It was late, considerably, and he hated to bother his Chief Counselor, but what was about to transpire was far overdue. He sat in his chair in the Ready Room and tapped the console for the ship-board communications, specifically to Lieutenant Commander Shakura's room.

#^# Chief Counselor, I know it's late, but can you report to the Captain's Ready Room? I'm in need of some advice. #^#

There was a few seconds silence before a reply. #^# Of course, Commander. I will be right there. #^#

Sure enough a few moments later, the Chief Counselor entered into the Commander's Ready Room. She was still dressed in her uniform, though her jacket was undone. "How can I be of assistance, Commander?"

The Commander had in hand a simple cup of green tea, in his other his own southern special glass of sweet tea. He smiled at the Chief Counselor, not at all demonstrating any trait fond of someone in trouble. After he gently handed the offered drink over, he proceeded to the guest seat to the right of the Captain's desk, motioning for her to sit to the left one.

"I'd like to talk, if you have time," Franklin said, acting unusually informal.

Kana gratefully accepted the cup of green tea, fond of the fact that the Commander had at some point taken note of her fondness for the simple beverage, perhaps in notes about her character passed on from her previous commanding officer from the U.S.S. Ganymede. It did not surprise her that he would care for such details, as it had been apparent to her since meeting him that he was someone who cared a great deal about the people in his charge.

What was also obvious to her however was that there was no sign of conflict in the Commander's posture or tone of voice. Indeed, he was at genuine peace. While that was no bad thing, it did make her wonder what his purpose for bringing her here was. Even so she smiled and sat in the left guest chair across from him, folding her legs as she did so.

"Of course, sir, I am always available to you. What is it you'd like to talk about?" She blew gently on her tea before taking the first sip.

"I needed your advice on a subject," he began, observing her briefly before he drank some of his tea. "One of my officers has been displaying behaviour that is....quite admirable. I'm conflicted on some points. I'm sure you've met her before, how she acts and reacts, how she helps people."

He stopped, already knowing some hint had escaped his mind, but somehow hoped it had not as he continued.

"What would you do if that person displayed a level of trust that was necessary for a command position? How would you react?"

Kana was quite grateful in that moment that she had learned from her mentor T'Kurrak how to not betray her inner most thoughts through her expression. She was no Vulcan, but she was able to maintain a warm expression without revealing her inner suspicion.

"Well," she began, taking another sip of her green tea before placing it on the table and looking directly into the Commander's eyes. "You as a Commanding Officer have to be able to trust your gut feeling, and those around you. If something tells you that this officer is someone you can rely on, then you should bring them close and observe them and see if you're right."

Thinking for a split second, she then continued. "If it were up to me, Commander, I would ask of them what it was I needed of them and see how they responded."

"Oh?" He asked, acting confused for a moment, then nodded as he took another drink of his sweet tea then placed it on the table. He fiddled his thumbs, acting nervous, perhaps conflicted. He then looked up, hiding the smirk.

"Kanaka," he began, quite informally, "I need you as my Second Officer. I need someone that can read emotions, deal with issues, and get things done. You've displayed that in amplitude recently and I need that in someone on this ship - especially with what we're going to be doing as an Academy ship. I need you."

His eyes were fixed on hers, observing, waiting for her response. There was no beating around the bush, no hiding it from her. He had laid it all out for her to consider. Now it was up to the Chief Counselor to respond.

Kana said nothing at first, having immediately registered his sudden nerves through his body language. "A gentle soul." She thought. Then the question came, and her suspicions were proven true.

A moment passed. "I must admit, Commander, I never saw myself as one for command. My want has always been to help and support others, and to help them grow. When I received this assignment, I was quite content with the idea of spending the rest of my time in Starfleet as a Chief Counselor. Maybe end up back in the Academy as an Instructor for Psychology."

She grabbed her green tea and drank quite a bit, savouring the taste. She considered the option as quickly as she could in her head, weighing up the possible pros and cons of taking on the responsibility and what that would mean for her work. Then, reading the Commander's expression and eyes once more, she gave an affirming smile. "If this is how I am meant to help and support you, however, I will gladly accept this charge."

There was a silence, then, "Do you want this or do you not? Not as a Starfleet Officer, but as a person, as an individual. From here on out we're going to be a lot more informal, getting things done, and I want to know if you're okay with that."

This time, there was less time needed before her response. Confidently, she said, "Yes."

Even though she wasn't a careerist, she had come to the conclusion that a command role would give her greater opportunity to support those on board, and anything she could do for that purpose was something worth doing.

He nodded, taking a moment to examine her expression before he smiled and extended his hand to her.

"Congratulations, Number Two. You're now the Second Officer of the Poseidon," he smiled. "Before we conclude, there is the business of the ship and the upcoming meeting. I have a little plan for our Assistant Chief Flight Control Officer. I think you should carry it out."

Reaching over on the desk, he grabbed a PADD that had been sitting there. He handed it to her.

"Want to review it with me?"

Smiling as she shook his hand, she took another sip of her tea, quite content with her newly awarded position, though she knew she would promptly reflect on it once returning to her own quarters. "A personal log is in order, I believe."

Upon the Commander's request, she answered "With pleasure, sir." She took the PADD he passed to her and she reviewed the contents with a brief initial glance. The name of the Lieutenant who she had met earlier that day - Freya Svanirsdottir - stood out to her.

"And by the way, Commander..." She began, "If we're going to be more informal from now on: call me Kana."


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