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The meeting

Posted on Monday August 12th, 2019 @ 1:20pm by Lieutenant Colonel Phoebe Graydon & Captain Franklin Johnson

2,253 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: Getting to know the XO
Location: Starbase 99
Timeline: Pre-Poseidon Launch
Tags: In Drydock, Drydock

In his studies, Franklin caught his mind wandering. For almost the entirety of his career, Franklin Johnson had served on board one starship. THe Norway-class U.S.S. Tennnessee had been good to Franklin, and while there had been a plathora of strange and exciting situations he had found himself in, none was moreso than his recommendation for command. It brought back memories then, as it did now, of when he first met Commodore Gregory Paladin.

The man had seemed to be hiding from the universe when they first met. Part of that was true, but he was on assignment as an instructor on Alpha Centauri when Franklin happened upon him. The younger Franklin had been all but forgotten and abandoned by the civilian freighter he was supposed to be crew upon, and for several months after their meeting Gregory would welcome Franklin into his home as a resident. It was there, through the very educational lessons and words of inspirations, that Franklin became inspired to join Starfleet.

Years later, he did, graduating not as the best and not as the worst, gaining a position on the U.S.S. Tennessee as a Security Officer. Advancement had been enduring, not in so much grueling as it was full of commitment. Eventually after eight years, he'd find himself in the FIrst Officers chair and not long after in the Starfleet Officers Academy.

That had been four years ago.

Time around Franklin seemed to unpause, if his perception was correct. One moment he had been reminiscing about his past career, the next his mind took notice of everything around him. He caught a glimpse, briefly, of a Romulan passing him by. Upon second glance the Romulan wore a Starfleet Cadets uniform. He blinked, gazing down at his datapad and coffee cup. How long had he been daydreaming?

Before he could appropriately gauge time, he noticed a shadow fall over the table. Franklin gazed up into the eyes of a stern, resolute individual. The exchange that happened between them seemed to be something of a common bond through shared experience. He felt an air of authority around the woman he looked upon, her blonde hair kept professional, and her eyes a stunning shade of piercing blue. As the small moment past, Franklin stood, extending a hand to greet her.

"I take it you're Lieutenant Commander Graydon?" Franklin inquired preemptively, "I'm Commander Franklin Shane Johnson, Commanding Officer of the U.S.S. Poseidon. Would you like to have a seat with me here?"

Phoebe nodded, taking the seat offered to her. "Thank you Commander. Yes, I am Lieutenant Commander Phoebe Graydon, asked to meet you here by Professor Scott. I believe it is planned that I will be your Executive Officer onboard the Poseidon. So what would you like to know about me?" She asked, giving a toothy smile, which showed off two rows of gleaming white teeth.

Franklin gave a smile back, hiding his teeth. A subconscious move, to be sure, perhaps some insecurities there to be dealt with later. After he finished the shake, he sat down after Phoebe did. A waiter came up to set down an additional cup of coffee. It was hot, black, with cream and sugar ready to be used. Franklin gave a nod in thanks as his own cup was refilled, then smiled to the waiter as he departed.

"Professor Scott, eh?" Franklin said, chuckling. "Scott Manson? I think he was the Professor of Interstellar Linguistics, right? All I heard was someone at Command wanted us to meet. Makes sense one of the nicest Professors I've ever known did it."

A moment of silence as Franklin took a sip of his own coffee. As the cup set down, he glanced back up to his future Executive Officer.

"So, Lieutenant Commander. Have you read up on the Poseidon? Do you know its history?"

Phoebe nodded. "Aye, I know her history, originally commanded by one Captain Gregory Paladin. I believe he's recently been promoted to Commodore. Originally put out of service pending a new Captain, which would now be you." She said, reciting some of her knowledge on the vessel.

Franklin smiled in return, "That's the recent history, yes. But what about extensive history? When she was built?"

Phoebe nodded again. "Ah, yes of course. Miranda class, originally built 2250's, Poseidon originally put into service 2318." She said, trying to remember everything she'd read.

A slight chuckle escaped Franklins lips. As she spoke, he again brought the coffee up for a sip. Once she finished, he had resumed his gaze towards her. Most of the history to the Poseidon had been told to him - given, rather - when Franklin had been abandoned briefly on Alpha Centauri. There, Gregory Paladin had been an insightful inspiration into directing Franklin towards the Poseidon, and giving him an earful of its history. He had taken the chance since then to eagerly gaze up on it, even moments ago before he'd of formally met Phoebe had he been researching some of its history.

"I suppose that's the face-value explanation, nothing to be ashamed of there," Franklin said with an approving nod. "Truth be told, though, the history of the Poseidon is a long one. Like you said, she was built in 2318. But did you know that Gregory Paladin wasn't the only Paladin to command her? What about her status as a veteran ship in the Dominion War?"

Franklin continued as he leaned back in his chair, "I got to thinking as to why Starfleet would keep such an outdated vessel in the fleet. Her interior is exactly the same as when the original Miranda's were being built. A lot of her updates were strictly to weapons and processing systems, much like her updated computer core. All that combined got me to dig a little deeper, and that's when I found out the truth. The Poseidon has been a workhorse, for a very long time, and right around the time Starfleet wanted to scrap her she was handed over to Pegasus Fleet. If that hadn't happened, Gregory himself wouldn't have had the opportunity to serve on her."

He let out a sigh, scanning the large dining and recreational area they were in. There was a small crowd of individuals there, mix-species of peoples all in some degree of Starfleet attire. He gave a soft sigh, as if reflecting on something.

"I think that's why Professor Scott had you come," he said as he turned his attention back to his XO. "You seem serious to me, devoted, to the point. I like that. What's your take on me, Phoebe - if I may use your first name?"

"You seem like you know your stuff about the Miranda, and the Poseidon's history. You seem devoted to keeping the Paladins legacy alive, and I hope you will allow me to assist you in this journey." She said, keeping to facts, rather than opinion.

There was a small smile from Franklin, before he looked away again. His ploy to bring out a more personal side of his Lieutenant Commander had failed. He took in a sharp intake of breath, looking back to her.

"Can away with the formalities? Not to be rude, but, we're going to be spending a lot of time together on that ship. Not to detract from your compliment, I appreciate it, but I wanted to know who you are. Really. Beneath the uniform. Are you comfortable with that?"

Phoebe nodded. "Of course. My apologies. I feel like you're committed, and want to do what's right. Maybe a little wet behind the ears from a command point of view, having just only come out of the CO academy, but everyone has to start somewhere, and as I said, i'd like to help you in that." Phoebe answered.

There she was. Franklin smiled, relaxing as he resumed a more appropriate posture in his chair. He crossed one leg, letting loose the remaining breath he held in. He took a long sip of coffee.

"I suppose I must apologize too," Franklin said with a slight grin. "I looked over your report and you have quite the history. USS Gulliver, wasn't it? After that, the Aberdeen, then after a tour of teaching at the Academy, the Highlander. So why the Poseidon? Why Executive Officer? By all accounts you should be where I'm at right now. Honestly, that's the way I looked at you, a more experienced version of me. Maybe I imposed a little."

A moment of thought, then, "But the question stands, Phoebe. Why my XO? Why not your own ship?"

"I was actually headhunted by Professor Scott. I was hoping to get a few more years experience as Executive Officer, before looking at my own ship...but then I also don't know if I want my own ship. Maybe I want to stay as XO, at least then you always have someone to ask questions to, and someone more knowledgeable to turn to if need be." She smiled, leaning back into her chair, relaxing a bit more. She motioned over one of the bar tenders. "Orange Juice please, and whatever the Commander here wants." She said, smiling. She waited for Franklin to order.

"More coffee please," Franklin requested. He smiled at the bartender, nodded, then glanced back at Phoebe.

"That sounds like me, honestly. I uh...I used to be a hauler. Crewed a dilithium freighter, hauled most known goods. That was where I met Gregory, matter of fact. After his kick of inspiration, I was stuck on a cycle myself. I spent 8 years and 3 months on the USS Tennessee, a beautiful Norway-class vessel. I was the longest standing crewmen, due in most part because everyone else moved on to greater places."

The bartender returned and handed them both their drinks, taking Franklin's old coffee cup away and replacing it with a fresh one. He went about preparing it the way he liked with the provided cream and sugar, speaking as he did so.

"Anyway," Franklin continued, "I think Professor Scott came along during that time too, got a message from him matter of fact. It was weird because I hadn't heard from the man since my Academy days. He was always a very considerate guy, I think. The fact that we're both here proves that, I would believe."

Franklin took a moment to ponder something. He glanced at his coffee, then up at Phoebe. A small smile, nostalgic in nature, played at his expression.

"You know," Franklin said, a hint of a chuckle in his voice. "Do you think that the professor intentionally introduced us both for a reason?"

"I believe it may have been his intention, yes. I believe he wanted us to meet, be able to gel, and get to know each other before the launch of the ship." She answered.

Franklin smiled. He liked the idea that somewhere in Starfleet Command, a rather prestigious Professor had enough pull to drag two of his students together. That seemed almost like an old children's tale, the symbolism of the ever-watchful grandfather. He sent a few well-wishes to the good Professor in thought, then returned to the present.

"Well, I suppose we can start from the ground up. You have any family, Phoebe?"

"Aye. I have a Daughter, Chloe. She's a cadet, but I didn't think i'd be able to bring her onboard. Although with your permission, maybe she could be of use. She's finished all of her Academy classes, and is waiting on the practical aspects, which is waiting for a ship to come available." Phoebe said, hoping for a good outcome.

The Commander looked quizzical. "I take it she needs a ship that is designed specifically for Academy training, right? Well, that's a hard one..."

Franklin acted stressed for a moment, then gave a sly smirk, "but thankfully the Poseidon is such a vessel, right? Bring her on board, let's see what she can do if that's what you want to happen, XO."

"Thank you, I appreciate it, and she will be of use." She answered smiling. She had already known the answer before she'd headed here, having spoken to the Admirality and getting it cleared by them also. She was in fact waiting in Phoebe's quarters, to be told the answer.

"As for myself, concerning family," the Commander started as he saw the happy expression on Phoebe's face, "I have a mother and father who lives back on Earth, three brothers, and one sister. Nothing spectacular there. Oh, uh, one of my past mentors at Starfleet, a Commodore, will be hitching a ride with us from what I understand. Used to command the Poseidon back in the day."

Phoebe nodded. "Yes, he has been in contact with me. I believe he is to be our Mission Advisor for the first few missions. And he's a good chef as well, from what I hear." She said, smiling again.

Franklin smiled, "That he is. So, anything else on the table for now or have we gone over much of it?"

"I think we are good, thank you for your time Commander." She answered.

"You're very welcome," Franklin said, standing to extend his hand. "I'm very honored to have you on board, I expect great things from you, Lieutenant Commander."

Phoebe rose, shook the offered hand, and turned to head back to her quarters, to give her daughter the good news.


Commander Franklin Johnson
Commanding Officer
USS Poseidon


Lieutenant Commander Phoebe Graydon
Executive Officer
USS Poseidon


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