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Start of the Investigation

Posted on Tuesday August 17th, 2021 @ 5:08pm by Lieutenant Commander Calvin Hirsch & Lieutenant Commander Michael Stevens

1,109 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: S1-A1-Ep. 1: Spectrophobia
Location: Chief Security Office
Timeline: After LCAR Incident in Engineering...

After leaving T'vek, Micheal made his way next to the Security department to speak with Lieutenant Hirsch; he knew that having to look at everyone on the ship was going to be a big task and looking for a needle in a haystack, but it had to be done. as deep in thought oO whoever did this is going to be in a whole lot of trouble, Oo as he turned the corner and came to a stop outside the main Security.

He said looking at the young Ensign sitting at the desk in the outer office, " Is Lieutenant Hirsch in?" as he hoped that he hadn't missed him or the lieutenant might be doing his rounds in which case he would have to locate him.

Hearing that, Officer Hirsch had popped his inquiring head outside through his office doorway. "Ah. Chief of Operations. Lieutenant Stevens. It is good to meet you, come in, pull up a chair I believe we have some interesting files to discuss regarding computers, access, timelines and parties of involvement and breaches of security." Calvin had begun to dispense with the Law side of aspects as according to Federation Interstellar Laws of Code.

Extending his hand to the office chair on the other side of the Chief's desk. "Please have a seat Chief."

"Thank you, Lieutenant," replied Micheal looking back at Poseidon's Security chief, as he took the offered seat, he continued, "The reason I'm here is to inform you that the replicators are now offline," as he wanted to hear it from him first.

Cal relaxed and reached to his side, and pulled out from file holders the various padds, colour coding of padds as well. "Hunh... Here we are.." Hirsch had looked for the appropriate padds, his methodical eyes searching. "I am sure you have the appropriate Alpha-Level One access?"

"That I do Lieutenant," replied Micheal, "but back to the replicators, it seems that they have been sabotaged and I have been tasked with finding out who did this, and in doing so have enlisted the help of Lieutenant Commander T'Pri in the investigation" he finished," However; I do want Security involved as well, but at this time we just watch for anything out of the ordinary,"

Hirsch had leaned back and regarded the Chief of Operations sound reasoning. "I want to have any computer specialists. I will need the use of my security encoding division, and then have a phased micron intracellular scan regarding the buffers to the replicators in the main computer core. Is this really just sabotage, or could it pulling out listening devices or self-destructing themselves in situ, thus creating a failure of networks." He guesstimates. "We will need to re-run whole scan parameters for the malfunctions, but that is your Department Chief Stevens." Hirsch had offered. "Although the more heads the better."

"that would be of Help," replied Michael, "the reason this got started was the Captain's replicator was targeted and every time he ordered his required diet," Michael looked back continued on speaking "was that he got Klingon food instead," as he wasn't happy and he had to find the person responsible.

"Who was responsible?" Hirsch asked. He also was interested. "How do you know as much information as you do? Look. We just want to make sure that these little shenanigan's don't turn into something that could be a way to harm the Captain. Who on this ship is capable of doing this?" Hirsch didn't break his stare at Stevens.

"That we don't know as of yet" replied Michael looking back at the Security chief as Micheal only knew what he knew at this present time, as he looked back at him, " all I know is that the Captain had his Replicator tampered with,"

Hirsch was frankly astounded. His gaze the Lieutenant didn't let it be known. Surprisingly, the Poseidon cadet training vessel did have some hiccups now and then. He shook his head. "Security will have its work to do." He confidently stated. He would be invasive, like a species that is unwanted, growing, searching, taking over all possible information on this ship. Silently.

"the one thing I do hope is that the Captain was not the intended target, but he wants this looked at and what the captain wants he gets," replied Micheal looking back at Chief Hirsch; However; he did hope that it was nothing serious but they had to take it as if it was.

Hirsch had dutifully nodded at Michael's comment regarding 'the Captain gets' what the Captain wants.' This statement, true on any starship in the Federation. Hirsch didn't want his record to hold a title of a replicator incident with Captain Johnson. "Coordinating will work well. Security will observe, and only ask questions when a suspect has been identified. Until then, would it not be prudent to search for a terminal origin code of access point. Find out where and how they filed this codes into the replicator systems?"

Hirsch paused, his last comment. "Ok. The food is Klingon. What does this mean? Is it a message, or simply a random food selection? Does the Captain have any past issues with Klingon engagements, perhaps foes?" Hirsch added. There was a lot to think about if one really wanted to dig deep.

"That's where you come in Lieutenant," replied Michael looking at the Security chief; he continued "Is this from the Captain's past coming after him or to discredit him," as he knew that for some reason the captain might have been singled out. the question was why was he singled out?

=^= Computer, is there anyone onboard the Poseidon who has either served with Captain Johnson or any known connections that can be traced back to Captain Johnsons personnel? Prior to concurrent service History, Civilian Logs, Residential, Financial. Cross exam and extrapolate. =^=

=^= . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Completed. =^=

Hirsch kept his gaze with Lieutenant Stevens. =^= Report, Computer. =^=

=^= There are 12 educational, academic, and Starfleet ties. 3 Prior service connections. =^=

This is when, Lt. Hirsch had turned to Lieutenant Stevens. "Thank you. That will be all. You have been more than helpful Michael." Calvin smiled. He politely gestured, that this would be something he needed to listen to in secret for the time being of the investigation.

"Let me know what you find will you Lieutenant," replied Michael rising from the seat as he knew that the captain required the information within the hour; he finished "as I have to report to the Captain within the hour," as he headed towards the door and exited the Security Chief's Office.

Lieutenant Michael Stevens
Chief Operations Officer
USS Poseidon


Lieutenant Calvin Hirsch
Chief Security Officer
USS Poseidon


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