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Addressing the Past

Posted on Saturday August 14th, 2021 @ 5:28pm by Commander Kanaka Shakura & Commander Sam Perkins

2,292 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: S1-A1-Ep. 1: Spectrophobia
Location: U.S.S. Poseidon; Chief Counsellor's Office, Deck 6
Timeline: On Patrol in the Betreka Nebula; after A Bad Face from the Past
Tags: Counselling, Sam Perkins, Russhook, Betreka Nebula


"...In summary, I think it is starting to become apparent that this Nebula is haunted by more than just the hulks of Cardassian and Klingon vessels." Kana finished her dictate of her latest briefing memo. Since becoming Executive Officer, she had found it useful to record these memos for herself so that before every morning briefing with the Captain the next day, she could recap her thoughts to herself. It wasn't so much a question of remembering, as it was a chance to listen back to her words a few hours later - almost like having a conversation with herself - which she could then refine and rearticulate before taking it beyond the confines of her own office.

The humour was not lost on her at all that she was talking to herself within the Counselling Offices. Being the Chief Counsellor and a Betazoid, she thought she had the right to be attuned to her own "madness". Pacing behind her desk as she occasionally took glances out into the gaseous clouds of the Nebula beyond the office's large viewports, she pondered on whether she had anything more to add. After a while, nothing else came. "Computer, end memo. Schedule for replay in my Quarters, ten minutes past my morning wake-up call."

The ships computer chirped in recognition as it scheduled the event. Satisfied, Kana relaxed and took a seat at the desk, finishing the last of her Green Tea that she had started almost an hour ago. While now cold, it was still refreshing in its own way. Tapping her fingers on the desk, she considered what was next, when realistically there was nothing next. Why? This was a deliberate two-hour free period she had set aside, in her role as Chief Counsellor, for anyone to have a drop-in session if they felt they needed it. Despite the responsibilities of being Executive Officer, which she had found now bled into almost all her time, she was still determined to fulfil her role as Chief Counsellor as effectively as she could.

So far since starting her tour on the Poseidon, she had handled a few drop-in sessions. Mostly, they were just young cadets with some first-time nerves, not used to the stresses of being aboard an actual starship in service so soon into their Starfleet careers. It was something which, from the earliest days since she had received the posting, that she anticipated and tried her best to make the Counselling Team accommodate for. Then of course, when dealing with any adults - young and old - in such a confined space, there were the rare disagreements or emotional tensions between two or more crewmembers which she would need to defuse. So far, all of these had been easy misunderstandings, but for how much longer that could be the case she wasn't sure.

"Maybe we should consider running some wellness--"

Before she could finish her thought, the bell chime of the door rang to indicate someone was waiting to enter. Sitting straight in her chair and turning to face the door, she beckoned them. "Come!"

The door opened, and in popped in the head of the young Counsellor's Aide, Daisy. She was her usual perky self, pulling a big smile as she saw Kana. "Lieutenant Commander Perkins has asked if he can speak with you privately for a moment, Commander."

Kana had to quickly orient herself as she wondered whether this was on business as Executive Officer or on business as Chief Counsellor. "Ah, I see! Do beckon him in." She said with a slight audible perkiness, hoping that it would be heard beyond the door.

Sam walked in and shook Kana's hand.

" Thank you for seeing me counsellor. I thought it best to see you after what happened to me. I did not wish for things to get worse. I hope you can help me. Because it is effecting my performance as a department head." Sam said

As soon as he said those words Perkins felt like kicking himself very hard.

Kana took Sam's hand as he offered it, and could immediately feel by the way in which he grabbed it that he was feeling a little uneased. When he shared his reasons for being here, she could sense his internal frustration with himself; clearly coming here was hard enough already. Her face took a very calm and patient expression, "It's alright, Sam. This is what I'm here for; please, do sit down."

She gestured for him to take a seat in one of the spacious lounge chairs in the centre of the room, the one which faced out towards the viewport, the gaseous clouds of the Betreka Nebula dancing serenely around the ship. As he went to take the seat, Kana gave one look to Daisy, to which the young Aide simply nodded and departed the room, the door closing behind her. The two of them had already become accustomed enough to each others way of doing things that she knew this meant that Kana wanted this to be given time, so Daisy would ensure that time was made.

"Would you like anything? Tea, perhaps? I'm partial to green tea myself, but I can get you something else if you prefer." The Chief Counsellor made her way over to the Replicator at the other end of the room, looking over at Perkins. Subtly, she checked to see how his body language changed as he relaxed into the chair.

Perkins gave her a small smile as he sat down. Sam was not sure all of this was a good idea after all. Russhook was real. Not some figment of his imagination. You’d be scared if some one eyed brute. With a passion and the strength to rip your spinal column out. Blamed you for some stupid accident. That was not your fault to begin with. He tried to breath slowly.

“ A cup of green tea with lemon please.” He asked.

He looked around the office.

“ You have a nice office. Not like mine which is a little cramped. But then again most of my work is done outside in the lab. But it’s a haven from when one cadet does not listen and ends up with green hair and no eyebrows...” Perkins said nervously

Kana could sense how on edge Perkins was, and she didn't need her Betazoid telepathy to tell her that. She had the replicator create two cups of green tea, one with a slice of lemon at his request, which she brought back to the table as he remarked on the office. She smiled when he complimented it, but her expression turned a bit more neutral when he remarked about the trouble he was having with his cadets. Grabbing his green tea with lemon, she passed it to him before sitting down across from him.

"Yes, I had heard about that..." She remarked, not too interested to get into to the details, as for the moment she was far more concerned with Perkin's own wellbeing. Sitting down, she sat back and straightened her uniform, before crossing her legs.

"Now, you said when you came in that you didn't want things to get worse. What is it that you fear is getting worse, Sam?" She had of course already read the reports of what had been happening in the Science Department lately - she knew he knew that - but she was asking because she wanted to understand what he felt was going wrong.

Sam looked at his cup and took a sip. It was good tea.

“This is nice. This paranoia that is jumping about in my head. You see it was during my first year at the academy. We had an Gorn exchange student called Russhook. We got on very well. He was not doing too well. So I helped him with his studies as much as I could. Anyway the first year end of year exams came round. I have no idea why he did it. But Russhook tried to cheat on his practical exam. There was an explosion and he lost his left eye.” Perkins said.

He took another sip.

“He blamed me. But the review board cleared me. Russhook left in disgrace vowing revenge on me. Anyway, cut through to today. When we were briefed on our mission to the nebula. There were some reports of bandits operating in this area. One stated that one of the bandits was a Gorn with a eye patch over his left eye.” Perkins said

Kana listened to Perkins explain his story, her face not betraying any other emotion except for that of gentle concern. She did not give any indication of alarm when Perkins alluded to the fact that this Russhook, former classmate turned vagabond with a vengeance, except to nod comfortingly when he shared his worries. The point was to bring an air of calm to the proceedings, to let Perkins know his concerns were being taken seriously and were being listened to while at the same time not feeding into his own paranoia. She had to be a counterweight to his own heightened emotions right now.

"I see. So this all happened six years ago, in the Academy? This Russhook...has he reappeared to you before this point, or is this the first you've heard of him since his dismissal from the Academy?"

Sam shook his head.

“This is the first time and it was five not six.” He said

Considering his reply, the Chief Counsellor continued, "Five, my apologies." Sometimes, a neat trick was to let your patient correct you on an innocent mistake. It would help them feel a bit more confident in the conversation. "Have you informed anyone else on board about this?"

“Yes they know. I was told not to worry. But I can’t seem to get it all out of my head. I keep feeling he’s just inside that nebula waiting to pounce. I don’t care if he kills me but it’s my friends on the Poseidon. I don’t want to see anyone hurt.” Sam said.

Kana nodded along as Sam explained his worries. "That's a perfectly natural concern to have, Lieutenant Commander. It must have been hard, carrying around all that worry of his threats for all this time. The incident occurred at such a formative point in your career; it's no surprise that it has had such an effect on you."

She leaned forward, "But please be reassured that, whatever happens, your crewmates all joined Starfleet with the same understanding as you of the risks it would entail. Even if this Russhook does make an appearance, either now or in the future, that is not your fault. If he tries to come after you, we will defend you, and we will do so gladly. Such is our creed as comrades-in-arms."

Sitting back again, and giving some time for the Chief Science Officer to think over the words, she then returned the baton to him. "Was there something in particular that triggered these bad memories of Russhook? The chatter of increased pirate activity, perhaps?"

Now that Sam thought about it. He suddenly felt rather stupid to be afraid of something. That may or may not happen based on hearsay. What had gotten in to him?

"It was some chatter about increased pirate activity. Plus rumours of a one eyed Gorn leading a band of smugglers. On the outskirts of that." Perkins said pointing out the window at the nebula.

"But to be honest now that I come to think of things. It all seems rather stupid now. If he was out there we would know about it. Sorry this is so stupid of me." Sam replied.

He looked towards the counsellor hoping she did not get angry and boot him out of her office. With a swift note to the Captain at how Perkins had wasted her time.

Kana looked at him reassuringly. "It's not stupid at all, Sam. Fear is a natural reaction in situations like this; it's a safety mechanism. It keeps you alert, keeps you safe, so long as you know how to temper it. We can work on that, if you'd like?" She suggested calmly, offering him the opportunity to have future counselling sessions together should he feel it necessary.

"In the meantime, I'll see what I can find out about this one-eyed Gorn, and if Starfleet Intelligence does have any latest intelligence on his whereabouts. If he's a disgraced Academy cadet, I would be surprised if someone wasn't at least attempting to keep an eye on him. But you have my word: if he is here, you won't be facing him alone." She looked confident.

Perkins gave a nod.

“So that’s that for now. We can end this session so I can go. But obviously if the situation changes I’ll be straight back to see you.” Sam said standing up.

"Yes, I'm afraid we will have to keep this one brief, but I'm glad we managed to have this chat." Kana said, standing along with Sam as she walked with him back over towards the door. "My aide, Cadet Stanier, will be in touch with you to rearrange future appointments. But in the meantime, if there's anything you need, you know how to get in contact with me."

As the Chief Science Officer departed, Kana pondered on whether this Russhook was indeed likely to make an appearance. It would certainly be one hell of a coincidence, but it seemed to be that coincidences were quickly becoming the Poseidon's speciality...

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Cmdr. Kanaka "Kana" Shakura
Executive Officer & Chief Counsellor
USS Poseidon


Lt. Cmdr Sam Perkins
Chief Science Officer
USS Poseidon


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