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Befriending a Cadet

Posted on Friday September 27th, 2019 @ 8:52pm by Lieutenant JG Sydney Allen & Cadet Freshman Grade Chloe Graydon

673 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Departure and Trial Run
Location: Operations Offices - Quartermasters
Timeline: Pre-Launch - Drydock - Poseidon

Sydney was sitting at her desk looking at her PADD for the staff schedule and manifest. Since getting on the ship she has been busy with reports and a lot of inventory checks, then rechecking. She has done so much over the past couple of days with her free time such as meet up the Commodore and has a quiet word with the Commander.

Then the door chime went off, Sydney opened the door.

Chloe was fairly new onboard, having been bought on when her mother had come aboard. She had been assigned to the Operations department, and her mentor was to be a Lieutenant Junior Grade Sydney Allen. She had been told she would be able to find him in the Operations Offices, in the quartermaster's room. She walked through the door, as they parted before her. "Hello?" She called out, unsure on what to do, or say.

"Ah, yes cadet. take a seat" Sydney gesturing to the seat across from her desk. "We need to discuss some stuff as I am going to be your mentor on the ship."

Chloe walked in nervously, looking around the room as she did. “I’m sorry if I’m disturbing you.” She said, taking the seat.

Sydney looking at Chloe with a smile, "No, you are not. I invited you to come to the office. We just need to do some formalities such as Introducing yourself, some health and safety. and some reading materials. Just for your benefit, I am a very relaxed person but if I am out of the office and in earshot of another officer, you need to address me as sir in the future."

Chloe nodded. "Understood sir." She answered, smiling nervously.

Sydney gave a reassuring smile "So tell me about yourself, Chloe."

"Ok, urmm, well, I passed the Academy year and passed all of my courses. I like spending time on the holodeck or watching films. My mum's the XO here...I don't know what else to tell you." She answered.

"Ah I see, I thought i recognised your last name. What's your expertise?" Sydney questioned.

“Nothing. I don’t specialise in anything. I’m just a run of your mill operations girl. Jack of all trades master of none.” She laughed to herself. “Definitely master of none.” She muttered.

"In that case, I would like you to work with me during this tour in the QM's office as my assistant Quartermaster if you're up for it. So on top of your studies, you will also be working with me." Sydney giving Chloe a reassuring smile.

Chloe nodded. “I believe the Chief of Operations wanted to work with me as well.” She commented.

Sydney sat back on her seat with a smirk, " Oh I see, what is she proposing to do with you. Wouldnt wants to step on her toes."

"She wants to do some shifts with me, teach me the ropes of what she does, teach me the leadership roles within the operations department. Things like that." She answered.

Sydney sat back into her chair and crossed her arms. "I will sit down with her and we can discuss what we want to do with you. Is there anything you would like to know before I head off to scoff?"

Chloe shook her head, smiling again. "No, thank you." She answered.

Sydney smirked at Chloe, "Would you like to join me for food? I would like to get to know more about you out of uniform."

"I can't today, I said I'd help Lieutenant Brinsley with some cargo. I can another day though if that's ok?" She asked.

"Tots, I will always be around if you require me. I'll speak to you later." Sydney smiled and pointed to the door with a hand to signal Chloe to exit the office.

Chloe nodded and headed for the door. On leaving she headed to see Lieutenant Brinsley to help with her task.

=/\= End =/\=

Lieutenant Junior Grade Sydney Allen
USS Poseidon


Cadet Freshman Grade Chloe Graydon
Operations Cadet
USS Poseidon


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