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A fresh start

Posted on Sunday January 17th, 2021 @ 9:42am by Commander Sam Perkins & Commander Kanaka Shakura & Ensign Samantha Evans, Trainee

1,128 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: S1-A1-Ep. 1: Spectrophobia
Location: Deck 6 Science labs
Timeline: Current
Tags: Science, Ensigns Trauma, Post-Battle of the Bright Nebula

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The lab had been a mess. Overturned work benches smashed equipment. Sitting down Perkins wiped his chin. Thanks to some help from Sharpe and Vladinchi. At least the Lab was now back to normal. But the supply cabinet needed restocking. Plus he needed to go through the files. To check on any pending research. On top of that his ACSO had been reassigned to another ship.

“ I need help. “ Perkins said aloud.

Something the Commodore had mentioned about the Cadets. Sparked an idea. After all they caused all this. Why not get their help to sort out the supplies? Plus give them a good scowl in the process.

=^= “Perkins to Commander Shakura. Come in please” =^= He said tapping his comm. badge

Kana was sitting in her office reviewing one of the countless PADDs she had responsibility over as Executive Officer when the call from the comm. badge came from Lieutenant Perkins, the new Chief Science Officer who had taken over from Canaan. It caught her a little by surprise, but after clearing her throat and lifting her head from her hand she tapped her badge and responded:

=^= "Commander Shakura to Lieutenant Perkins: What do you need?" =^= She asked with an authoritative but warm tone.

Perkins gave a slight smile as he spoke.

=^= “Greetings Commander. I was wondering if it would be possible. To have one of the Cadets who caused this mayhem. To help me here in the science department. We need to restock our supplies. So someone who can count would be good. Only as you know our ACSO has left. Plus it would be a good learning experience for them." =^=

"Mayhem? In the Science labs?" Kana was perplexed by what she was hearing. She was not aware that anything had gone wrong, and this was certainly the first she heard about it. But as her mind raced to come out with a response, she quickly deduced in her head what possibly could have happened. Her heart sank. "Oh, Samantha." She sighed and rubbed her temple. Then, resolving herself, she tapped her commbadge in order to respond.

=^= Understood, Lieutenant. I'll go and collect Ensign Evans and will be in the Science Labs promptly. Shakura out." =^=

Closing down her PADDs and making with haste for the door, Kana was not looking forward to the upcoming confrontation, but it was going to be necessary.

Some time later...

Kana led Samantha towards the Science Labs, the young Ensign hanging her head in a mix of regret but also painful bitterness towards herself due to the survivors guilt she felt after the loss of her friends. Kana's manner was stern, but deep down she really felt for the young woman. Really, she did. She had lost people in very similar ways during the Dominion War; she knew what that pain was like.

Stepping through the doors of the lab, the Executive Officer and the Astrometrics Trainee found the new Chief Science Officer. Kana smiled for a brief flash, but in a way that expressed her sadness for the consequences at this first official meeting between the two of them at the same time.

"Lieutenant," Kana began, "I'm glad to see you've managed to restore the Lab to working order. I must admit I was caught off-guard when you first commented to me that something had happened; I hope next time that I am informed sooner so that I can act more swiftly." She delivered her displeasure at not having been informed very succinctly, so as to not dwell on it for too long.

"Having spoken to Ensign Evans, she has agreed to help you restock the cabinet and other essential supplies. Furthermore, she has something she would like to say..." The Chief Counsellor looked over towards the young woman, who stood there silently, only now just glancing up from the floor to look at her. Cool stares met each other, before Samantha sighed and looked directly at the Lieutenant.

"I'm deeply sorry for the damage I caused. In a fit of anger and guilt over the events of the Bright Nebula, I let it out in frustration at this space that reminded me too much of my lost friends, rather than admit I was not fit to work right now." While her lines sounded a little rehearsed, that did not necessarily mean they weren't sincere.

Perkins nodded and looked at her.

“ I can understand how upset you were , over the death of your friends. Grief can bring out emotions. That need to released our we could suffer mental harm. It’s just a pity you had to wreck the lab. Rather then a hologram version on the holodeck. I accept your apology. Now we need to get things going. The supply cabinets need restocking. I need you to go through everything. Check what is still useable or broken. Then go through the away team science packs and do the same.” He said giving her a padd.

Samantha was noticeable stunned by the kindness that the new Chief Science Officer demonstrated to her, despite having never known her and having arrived to the destruction she had caused in her grief. The corners of her eyes started to swell with possible tears as she took the PADD, stared at it briefly, then looked over to Kana. The Counsellor gave her a reassuring nod; during their journey over here, after having reprimanded her for her actions though realising the trauma that caused them, the First Officer had confided one life lesson of hers with the young woman.

"Anger is only ever temporary. It can burn as hot as a sun gone super-nova, but that happens in an instant. The heart cools, rapidly, and then we seek a longer-lasting warmth. That's why we choose to forgive, and seek forgiveness."

Immediately, Samantha set to work, with an obvious spring in her step. Kana smiled slightly, before turning back to the new Chief Science Officer and approaching him closely so she could speak in a gentle tone to not distract the Ensign.

"She's suffering from clear post traumatic stress disorder as a result of the attacks, as are a lot of the Ensign's on the ship. She'll be having regular sessions with my department going forward; should you notice any flare-ups in her behaviour, do note them down and forward them to me. And of course, any future incidents, hail me immediately." Giving him a nod, she then turned on her heel and left.


Cmdr. Kanaka "Kana" Shakura
Executive Officer and Chief Counsellor
U.S.S. Poseidon


Ensign Samantha Evans (NPC)
Astrometrics Officer
U.S.S. Poseidon


Lieutenant Sam Perkins
Chief Science Officer
USS Poseidon


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