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The Calm before the Storm

Posted on Tuesday July 14th, 2020 @ 4:47am by Lieutenant Damian Kane & Master Chief Petty Officer Charles Payne & Enlisted Cadet Sarah O'Toole
Edited on on Tuesday July 14th, 2020 @ 4:07pm

849 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: S1-A1-Ep. 1: Spectrophobia
Location: Deck 6- Ship's Chapel
Timeline: Present

" I always like to look at the optimistic side of life, but I am realistic enough to know that life is a complex matter"
-Walt Disney-


It was the day of the Memorial ceremony. And SO much needed to be done. Damian Kane had been most of the night getting the chapel ready for the memorial. He had been going like a chicken with it's head cut off. But there was just hours left to go, and things were just starting to come together. Damian had his service prepared. He had the Ship's Chapel looking good. Just a few more things to come together. He even had talked a few cadets into being ushers. Damian even had arrangements met to have the service broadcasted through the ship, because of limited space. Just a few things needed to come into play. And they should be coming together very shortly...with the some luck and a little faith.

Just then, The Chief of the Boat walked in the Chapel. "You wanted to see me Padre?" Asked the Chief?

"Yes Master Chief. But you don't need to call me Padre, I'm not a priest. I'm a monk. But in the......Yeah, I guess It fits. Master Chief, I would like to ask you something, if you please?" Asked Damian.

"Yes Sir, If I can help I certainly will." Said the Chief.

"You used to be a professional musician. I remember your career. Even listened to some of your stuff back in the day. Was wondering IF you could do some live music for the service. Nothing to much. Just light background music on your guitar before the service type of thing. Just some soft instrumental music as people come in. It would mean so much Chief." Asked Kane.

"I don't know Padre, you know how long it's been since I picked up my axe?" Asked Payne. "At least a shift." He said with a wink.

Damian smiled with the look of confusion on his face. "Axe?" He asked.

"My guitar Padre. It means I'll be happy to play for you. I'll be here in a few hours. Early for the memorial." Said the Chief leaving to prepare.

The Chief left the Chapel. leaving the Chaplain to handle any last minute details that needed handling. He knew where he wanted the Chief off to the side of the pulpit so he can be seen by all. Damian knew that having the Chief play would be a small wow factor for all. With recorded music you could have anything played perfect. But live music added an air of class, refinement, and sophistication. And after all, the people who this was all for were worth it.

Damian was starting to micromanage the small details, when from behind him he heard a female voice.

"Sir, are you Lt. Kane?" Asked the voice.

"Yes, And call me Damian. But I am the Ship's Chaplain. And you are?" He asked turning to talk to the voice.

The human girl looked young. But eager to learn. She handed Damian a computer chip. Ans she looked at Damian. "Enlisted Cadet Sarah O'Toole reporting in as your new Chaplain's assistant, sir." She said smiling with all energy potential of an exploding star.

Damian was happy. This was one of the last pieces that needed to actually fit. And it looks like it all has come together. Damian took the file, and put it in his jacket. Ok, you can report in with the XO and get your quarter assignment after the memorial that we are having in a few hours. as for right now, let me show you what I need you to do for the memorial.

The two walked to the doors of the Chapel. On the outside of the doors was a small podium. "I need you here to receive people. I already have 4 cadets who are acting as ushers. I've briefed them. They all know what to do. But your job is to welcome people, and make sure the Ushers seat them properly. Remember, first row was for those injured in the battle. Second row is for Command staff and Sr Staff. Then free for all after that. For those who can't get in due to space, this will be broadcasted throughout the ship. After all, we are in starbase. Got it?" Asked Kane.

"Yes Sir." She said.

"Good. And I'll need you in your dress uniform." Said Kane.

"Good thing I brought it." Sarah said smiling.

"Well, nothing to it now but to do it. People will start coming in 3 hours. Lets be ready in 2." Kane said. "You hungry?" He asked.

"Kind of. It's been an interesting few days." She said.

"Well, come to my quarters. we can grab a bite. You can change and do whatever you need and we can be back here in 2 hours." Kane said. And with that, they both proceeded to Kane's quarters.


Lt Damian Kane
Ship's Chaplain
USS Poseidon


Master Chief Petty Officer Charles Payne
Chief of the Boat
USS Poseidon


Enlisted Cadet Sarah O'Toole
Chaplain's Assistant
USS Poseidon


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