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Meeting the Security Team

Posted on Tuesday November 12th, 2019 @ 12:04am by Lieutenant Colonel Phoebe Graydon & Lieutenant Commander Karn Karn & Lieutenant Hibiki Zh'kallas

1,286 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Departure and Trial Run
Location: XO's office

Lieutenant Hibiki Zh'kallas smiled as she stepped out of her cabin. Her uniform was fresh and she had just enjoyed a rather freezing cold shower before heading to her first assignment on the USS Poseidon. She wasn't due to start her duty shift for another few hours, on the afternoon shift. So this gave her plenty of time to report into her superior officers. Then it gave her the rest of the morning free to explore the ship a little and familiarise herself with its layout.

She arrived a few minutes later on the officer deck. The Miranda class starships were small and compact, but they had something about them that she liked. It might be because she enjoyed being close to others, Andorians aferall are a very communal species, so being close together always made her feel safe.

On discovering the location of the office she wanted, she soon found herself standing outside the door. The small black plaque on the wall with "Executive Officer's Office" engraved in shone in the light of the hallway. She nervously reached out and touched the chime, hoping that her fresh look would make a good first impression.

Phoebe had just finished her paperwork when the door went. "Enter!" She called, looking intently at the door to see who would come through.

The door swished open and Hibiki stepped through. The room was much smaller than she had imagined. Obviously the Miranda Class Starships were built for operating effciency not comfort.

"Good Morning" Hibiki said. She stood straight. "Lieutenant Hibiki Zh'kallas. Assistant Chief of Security reporting as ordered Commander" she said simply. She wasn't a senior officer so she had orders to report into the Executive Officer before meeting her department head.

"Good morning Lieutenant. Please, have a seat. Can I get you a drink?" She asked, waving to the preferred seat.

"Thankyou" Hibiki said sliding into the seat and making sure her skirt was still smooth. "Iced tea please" she said, she preffered cold drinks to warm.

Phoebe noded. She ordered the drink and placed them on the table. She already had a cup of coffee on the table, and took a sip of the lukewarm drink. "So, Lieutenant. Tell me a bit about yourself." Phoebe said.

Hibiki took the tea. "Well Commander" Hibiki said. "This is my third assignment" she said. "I've done my research about this ships mission, Anti-Piracy is a very unusual assignment for a Federation Starship, especially a light cruiser"

"Unfortunately it is needed at the moment. More and more ships have been being attacked while delivering their cargo. So that's where we come in. I can see your last two assignment were on the Arizona and the Scarlett, as Security Officer. How did you find it there?" She asked.

"Well, both assignments were fine I guess" Hibiki explained. "My assignment on the Scarlett got off to a bit of a 'rocky start' due to personal circumstances, but with help from the ships medical staff we got through it" she explained with a slightly nervous smile.

Phoebe nodded again. "Anything I need to know?" She asked.

Hibiki shook her head. "Nothing that will affect my duties here" she replied simply. "It was a sheer personal matter, and I should have been expecting it" she told her. "However, that was several years ago and isn't relevant to today" Hibiki smiled.

Phoebe nodded. "Well if anything comes up my door is always open, and we have our Counsellor on board to if you need them." She smiled.

Hibiki nodded. "Thank you Commander. Although, if and when I do want to proceed with my personal affairs..." she blushed slightly "I will let you know" she explained. She looked away for a a few seconds embarrassed before looking back. "However, in the meantime" she snapped back to business. "Where will my main assignment and duty station be located on this ship? A Miranda Class is very different from what I am used to"

"So I believe your main assignment will be maintaining combat readiness in the Combat Information Centre, however your time will be split evenly between there and the bridge. Apart from that, obviously the usual Security stuff, drills, weapons training etc." She said, noticing the slight blush the Andorian had given.

Hibiki nodded "Understood Commander. I look forward to getting stuck into things on this ship" she replied with a smile. "My next stop is to find my department head"

"I haven't actually had the opportunity to meet him myself yet. Maybe I could get him to come down here?" She asked.

"Hibiki to Karn, can you report to the XO's office?"

"But of course Commander, I will be there right away."

A few moments later, the Lurian swaggered through the door and grinned as only a Lurian could. He did a sharp salute.

"Lieutenant Karn, reporting as requested Commander."

"Lieutenant, welcome, please, have a seat, can I get you anything?" She asked, giving a beaming smile back.

"No, no thank you Commander! I have been using your replicator-thingy to enjoy various caffeinated drinks and boy oh boy do those Klingons make the good coffee! But, I'm rambling again I always do that - How can the famous Lieutenant Karn be of service to you and the ship today?"

“Well I thought now would be a good time for us to meet, and also to introduce you to Lieutenant Hibiki Zh’kallas who is your Assistant Chief.” She said, introducing the two to each other.

Hibiki looked over at the chief and nodded at him politely.

"Ah! Hello Lieutenant! It is very good to make your acquaintance! I am most pleased to have somebody of your experience. I am sure we'll get along wonderfully. I will admit, though skilled at the arts of fighting dastardly pirates, I am still working on all these Starfleet regulations. There are... so very many rules you Federation types have. So, I will be counting on you to keep me you say..BY THE BOOK! If that's sounds good to everyone?"

"Well, I suppose someone has to keep you in line Lieutenant." She said, giving the Lurian a smile and a wink.

Hibiki let out a cute giggle. "I'll be sure to help you with the regulations sir" she explained with a smile. "And as for combat, I do have training in some Andorian martial arts that I can teach the security teams" she added with a mischievous smile.

"Ah! Very good!", remarked Karn quickly for once not sure how to react. The Lurian wasn't expecting his subordinate to be quite so giggly after all the warnings about how uptight Starfleet officers could be.

"Let's meet at the start of next duty shift to go over the roster and set up a little test for our teams. There's nothing like seeing some action to see where we really stand no?"

Hibiki smiled almost like someone with evil thoughts running through their mind. "Indeed. That should be much fun" she said.

Phoebe nodded, happy with how things had gone. "Well, if that's everything, I shall bid you both goodnight." She said, standing from behind her desk, and offering a hand across the desk.

Karn smiled and extended his hand to match the gesture, "Goodnight sir"

Hibiki nodded slightly, her antenna also lowering slightly. She smiled at Karn before turning to leave with him.

Phoebe nodded as she watched the pair leave. It was an interesting mix for a Security team, but she hoped that they would work well together, and be able to solve any issues they came across. With that, she stood, got herself a fresh cup of coffee, and picked up a PADD to continue with her paperwork.

=/\= End =/\=


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