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"Getting Acquainted"

Posted on Tuesday August 13th, 2019 @ 7:05am by Captain Franklin Johnson

889 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Getting to know the XO
Location: Captain's Ready Room
Timeline: Pre-Poseidon Launch; Drydock


Neteri saw the Poseidon from her fighter's cockpit and wondered how the devil did they figure to teach flying on her. The Miranda class was not really made for fighters but it did house two Razor class fighters and made the allowance for her fighter. Anyhow she opened up her com, =/\= Poseidon, Lt. Neteri "Ikran" Shannon on final approach. Permission to land?=/\=

Moments later her com crackled, =/\= Poseidon to Lt. Shannon, permission granted. You have the ball=/\=

Neteri smiled, =/\= Roger Poseidon, I have the ball=/\= she said and closed the com. Making the proper reduction in power she landed the Gryphon neatly and gracefully.

The crew chief looked at the new fighter and his facial expression was one of utter awe. She surmized that they had never seen a Gryphon land so perfectly and silently. Neteri had made a definite impression on the crew and its chief.

Opening the canopy, she dismounted and headed for the captain's ready room right away. Arriving quickly, she hit the chime and waited.

Commander Franklin Johnson was sitting quietly in his ready just aft and to the side of the bridge on deck one. Of all the places on the ship that had been updated cosmetically, only be bridge had been altered in any way to fit in compliance with a more modern Starfleet. Years before this ship didn't even have a Captains Ready Room, and the Captains Quarters was situated along with the Officer's Quarters a few decks below. Starfleet back in the day was indeed a strange beast.

At the moment, Franklin was reviewing a few things that were up and coming before the ships departure. One of them was a report that Commodore Gregory Paladin was expected to arrive soon and take up position as Mission Advisor. He wasn't objected to this, Franklin just hoped this didn't mean he was about to symbolically lose his command over a higher ranking officer who had once commanded this ship. A lot of thoughts were playing over his mind when the door chimed.

"Come in," he invited, setting his PADD down. He looked up to the doors opening, and when arriving he would gesture to invite the new arrival to sit. "Welcome aboard! Please, have a seat and introduce yourself, I heard about your arrival just recently. Hope it was a good trip?"

Sitting down, Neteri handed her orders to her new captain, "The trip was uneventful but, it calmed me down as always", she said, but the events of the past incident was still fresh in her mind. "Lt. Neteri "Ikran" Shannon, CAG, reporting for duty Captain", she added.

Franklin nodded, giving a smile as he reviewed the PADD she had handed him. He took a few moments to look over it briefly, gazing back up.

"Lieutenant, you are aware our primary mission is pirate deterrent, correct?"

"Yes sir I am aware of that and I also saw you have only two Razor class light Inteceptors besides "Shadow Hunter" in the shuttle bay. I wasn't aware Miranda classes were equipped for interceptors", Neteri added.

"The Poseidon is special," Franklin said, smiling. "She's a training ship, and older. Come naturally she'd be equipped for a different load-out."

He sat back in his chair, "Is this going to be a problem?"

"Nope not an issue to be sure. I thought it odd for her to even have two razors on her", Neteri chuckled.

Franklin joined the chuckle. "I'll admit it had me flummoxed as well, until I realized that the Poseidon had played as destroyer escort during the Dominion War. I suspect that was when they introduced the fighters."

"They were captain. I was on the Claymore during the war and was flying the Razor inceptors. Not the best ship to be in but never the less, they did serve their purpose", Neteri said.

"With you on board ours will too." Franklin said, nodding. He glanced at the PADD she handed him earlier for a few minutes, then looked back to her. "I think I've covered most of my concerns here. You have anything for me?"

"Yes sir I do. I was told that the Poseidon is a training vessel. I have not seen any cadets yet. Will they be joining us at a later date?", Neteri asked.

Franklin nodded, "Every Academy in existance takes time to acquire its pupils, so too with the Poseidon. We have one on board already, an Ensign Sydney Allen. I believe they'll start flowing in soon, if not during one of our assignments. This is a running training vessel, after all."

He smiled, attentive as he gestured towards her politely. "Anything else you require?"

"That is good to know sir. I guess that is everything for now.....oh wait! I'm going to need a holodeck freed for fighter simulations. I will program them myself if you will permit me", Neteri asked.

"Actually," Franklin said, smiling, "Deck 3 on the ship is entirely dedicated to the flight crew. It also houses an advanced flight training room, complete with simulator pods and everything. You're free to use the holodecks on deck 5, but I recommend utilizing the assets on deck 3 first."

He leaned back, maintaining the smile. "Anything else?"

"Oh great holodeck on deck 3 it is then. Captain drinks later?", Neteri asked.

"Absolutely! I will see you then," the Captain relied.


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