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Off time with the XO

Posted on Sunday February 16th, 2020 @ 10:47pm by Commander Kanaka Shakura & Lieutenant Commander T'Pri

2,744 words; about a 14 minute read

Mission: Shakedown Cruise
Location: U.S.S. Poseidon; Recreational Lounge (Main Level), Deck 5
Timeline: Day 004 - 2000 Hours
Tags: Post-Meeting, Post-Incident, Recreational Lounge

Lt T'Pri thought that she was fitting in nicely with the crew. They were of various species but had all survived the times to get to this point. The young intelligence officer decided she needed more exposure to other cultures and diversity on the Poseidon and sought out the First Officer not only as her senior but also for her friendship. She had asked the XO to meet her on the recreation deck after their shifts had ended. The Poseidon was by no means the biggest ship she had ever been on and parts of it reminded her of a museum piece though it had had modern state of the art upgrades.

T'Pri anxiously (for a Vulcan) made her way over to the bar and ordered a Tarkalean tea and waited for Commander Shakura to make her entrance.

Kanaka hadn't yet stopped since she had started that day in the very early hours of the morning. From greeting NCOs aboard, to the departure, to continuing to perform her duties as Chief Counsellor, it had been a lot. She kept herself going strong by simply just not stopping, yet when the Chief Intelligence Officer invited her for a drink at the end of the shift her curiosity was peaked enough to agree, despite how exhausted she was already beginning to feel.

Before going to meet T'Pri, Kana stopped by her quarters to pick up the Vulcan overcoat she owned - which she often chose to wear while off-duty - before proceeding to the bar of the Recreational Lounge. Making her way through the sizeable crowd of crewman who had congregated to celebrate the successful departure, she easily spotted the Vulcan Lieutenant sitting at the bar and ordering a Tarkalean Tea just as she arrived. Moving through the crowd proved easy enough; nobody was going to stand in the way of the second-most important officer on the ship. Kana still wasn't getting used to the feeling.

"Make it two, please." The First Officer and Chief Counsellor made it just in time to catch the bartender, smiling politely as she took her seat next to T'Pri. "Good evening, Lieutenant. Thank you for waiting for me, and for inviting me to join you this evening."

"Thank you for joining me, Commander, and please call me T'Pri. We are both off duty. T'Pri stated.

Smiling, she waited for her own Tarkalean Tea to arrive before presenting a toast to her Vulcan acquaintance. "To the Poseidon." She clinked her glass with T'Pri's, before taking the first of her drink, savouring the sweetness of the beverage.

Setting it back down on the bar top, Kana relaxed her shoulders a little as she became more informal, switching into her off-duty self. "So, T'Pri. How are you settling into the Poseidon so far?"

"Very well, but with some difficulty. I have not served with many Humans before. In fact during the war I served as a deep cover operative. I have actually dealt with Cardassian's and Jem'Hadar more than I have Humans. I am adapting to the cultural constraints, but like everything else it will take a bit of time. So far most have been patient with my eccentricities." T'Pri replied.

T'Pri sipped her tea. It was actually quite good.

Kana listened intently as she nursed her drink, only taking a sip occasionally. She didn't realise it at first, but she was happy to be in the company of a Vulcan again; their stoic nature had been a comfort to her during much harder times in her life, and she'd learnt from their philosophies. Her personal tutor T'Kurrak - the one who had gifted her the overcoat she was wearing - was a hero to her, second only to her father. Even just listening to T'Pri speak brought back memories of her Vulcan compatriots from the Academy, and the discussions they had late into the night about their studies, life and the universe. Those were good times.

"It took me a while to adjust, at first, when I got to the Academy fresh from Betazed. Everyone's emotions were running high that first day, including my own. Needless to say I got overwhelmed. Luckily I adjusted quickly, and I like to think I got very good at it. I'm sure you will too." Kana gave a warm and reassuring smile as she took another measure of her tea. What she had neglected to mention yet was that her high emotions that day were in part due to the fact she had absconded from home only days before. The journey hadn't been easy.

"You were a Deep Cover Operative?" She asked inquisitively, a twinkle in her eye.

"Yes Ma'am, I had to do things that left severe emotional scarring even for a Vulcan which is why I requested an assignment to a training vessel."

"I see." Kana's eyes grew a bit more sombre, not having expected such a sad response, but she should have seen it coming. T'Kurrak had similarly always been so matter of fact, and spoke of his own experiences and scars from the Dominion War with equally harsh honesty. An innocent interest in her work as a Deep Cover Operative would have to be left to one side for now.

Looking down into her drink, Kana chose to revisit her own demons briefly, to try and build a bridge with the Chief Intelligence Officer. "I was only a little girl when the Jem'Haddar attacked Betazed. I had to keep hidden during the occupation, and didn't get reunited with my parents until Operation Return. It was...hard. For all of us. My dad was mentally scarred by the incident. Well, we all were, but him more than most."

She shot a shy smile to T'Pri. "I have a great deal of admiration for veterans of the Dominion War. I know now as an adult that it wasn't a clean war, and the Federation made some mistakes of it's own. But the young girl inside of me still sees you all as heroes, because that's what you are to me. If it wasn't for the efforts of the Federation, who knows what would've become of me and Betazed..."

A few moments of silence passed before the twinkle returned to Kana's eye, and she turned her full body on the stool she was sitting on at the bar to face the Vulcan next to her. She was keen to perk up the conversation for now; there would always be time to explore these deeper emotions in future counselling sessions. Yet, as the Chief Counsellor had learnt in her efforts with the Chief Science Officer, it pays to build a rapport with them first.

"If it would help you, T'Pri, I'd be happy to arrange a counselling session for you in the near future. We can assess what support my team and I can provide you to help deal with the severe emotional trauma you mentioned while you carry out your role on-board this ship. For this evening, though, how about we relax and get to know each other?" She said, her smile warm and sincere.

T'Pri nodded. "That would be acceptable, I have learned to deal with my demons instead of suppress them. However it might be instructive to talk to you about them. Vulcan's normally meditate to help maintain control and usually this is a very private experience."

"I understand. Whatever I can do to help, I would be more than happy to oblige." The Counsellor, even on her off-time, couldn't help but think back to her job.

"So, tell me," Kana moved swiftly on, taking another mouthful of her tea. "What is it like working with Starfleet Intelligence? When I was in the Academy my friends would tell me all-sorts of stories. One's you'd probably find illogical and downright silly, and you'd be right!" She laughed.

"Without going into classified subjects, I can say that we did what we had too, to ensure that the Federation survived. With some regret, we didn't always live up to the Federations ideals. However it was not an idealistic conflict. I actually left star fleet for 10 years to pursue the Kolinahr discipline. I was unable to purge my emotions on the sands of the Forge. I did however learn many things from the elders, techniques for combating and dealing with my inner demons since they proved impossible to cast out." T'Pri said her eyebrow shot up surprised at her own candour.

"Is that so? My, that must have been quite intensive. Truly a testimony to your own strength of character if you could subject yourself to that." Kana listened intently, intrigued by T'Pri's honesty yet at the same time by the fact she did not directly answer her question. Perhaps this was something she was trained to do as part of her role.

"If I may be so bold as to ask, why do you think you could not cast out these 'demons', as you characterise them?" The Chief Counsellor could feel a corner of her mind unlock as she grew accustomed to being in the company of a Vulcan once again, and decided to approach the conversation in a different manner: one which questioned things on the grounds of logic. She had learnt from her own Vulcan tutor that this was perhaps the best way to understand any Vulcan with whom her path crossed.

T'Pri considered her answer.

"Logic is the beginning of wisdom, not wisdom itself. Once something is done it cannot be undone. To purge my emotions on those sands would have ultimately meant that I would have left a part of me behind. I came to realise that part of my ID needed to remain intact. I found that I needed my pain, my emotions to ultimately restore balance to my Katra. By trying to purge my emotions I was really just trying to escape the consequences of my actions." T'Pri replied.

"So you feel that you have unresolved grievances to attend to?" The Chief Counsellor continued to enquire and be an active listener for T'Pri as she finished off the last of her drink and, noticing that the Chief Intelligence Officer's cup was empty as well, gestured for the bartender to prepare them another round. Kana had the feeling that this could turn into quite a long conversation, though she certainly did not detest the idea. In fact, she relished in this sort of environment. Perhaps it was too close to work, but she felt it important.

"I don't believe that to be the case. I believe I have achieved a new balance. I once had grievances that I attended too. I must say that you are an excellent listener Commander. Have you ever considered a career in intelligence?" T'Pri asked.

Kana smirked at the question. She wasn't sure if she believed T'Pri's claim that she had addressed all her grievances, but she would have to give her the benefit of the doubt for the time being. "Not really, no. I decided a long time ago that counselling was where I wanted to be and I never really looked back." She seemed to reflect on that thought for a moment, before continuing. "What was it that drew you to Intelligence? Was it always your plan?"

T'Pri sipped her water.

"Not at all. Originally I thought I would become an exo-biologist or a diplomat. I graduated with honours from the Vulcan Science Academy in both those disciplines. Life sometimes presents opportunities with unforeseen consequences. Then the war came and as a good citizen of the Federation I joined Starfleet. I became an intelligence analyst and then later an operative." T'Pri stated

Kana smiled and nodded along as she listened, fascinated to hear T'Pri's story. "How interesting. I myself was studying Interstellar Relations with a minor in Humanoid Psychology at the University of Betazed before I was scouted by a Starfleet Recruiter. I transferred to the Starfleet Academy and went through the Medical Programme, specialising in Psychology. I was young and driven to go somewhere beyond the comforts of home; it was a big plunge for me at the time, but I'm glad to say it paid off." She looked into her drink for a moment, before taking another sip.

"It did pay off you are the first councillor executive officer I've ever come across, Any particular culture you were studying in interstellar relations?" T'Pri asked.

"Ha! I am quite a rare breed, it seems." Kana let out a bit of laughter, though her eyes wandered a little as she reflected on the remark. She was quickly brought back by the Chief Intelligence Officer's question on interstellar relations. She flashed a smile. "Well, when I started we just did a general overview of all the cultures of the Federation and her largest neighbours. I transferred to Starfleet before I did any real specialisation, but I guess my two biggest areas of interest were the Klingon Empire and the Dominion. The former was at my mothers behest, and the latter as a result of the War."

A brief moment of silence, Kana then decided to ask another question of her Vulcan colleague. "Exo-biology, huh? I don't suppose you've had a chance to talk to our Chief Science Officer yet? I imagine the two of you would get on quite well."

"I have not met the Chief Science Officer yet, it is however on my to do list. I was going to ask him to for a small plot in the arboretum to grow Vulcan vegetables." T'Pri replied.

The Chief Counsellor and Executive Officer chuckled once again, now signalling the bartender for her third drink. "I'm sure Canaan would love something so domestic. He enjoys the little things; I have absolutely no doubt that the two of you would get on rather well indeed." Now receiving her third drink, she proceeded to drink heartily, almost as if to remind herself that this was a time to unwind.

"Do you do much for leisure, T'Pri?"

"I like to cook, meditate, listen to music, garden, read. I like to socialise though at times it can be awkward because of complex social customs. What do you do for leisure, Kana"? T'Pri asked.

Kana smiled, somewhat enamoured by the Vulcan's suggestion that she could be awkward during social encounters. While she knew that they were stating it matter-of-factly, she could not help but find it charming. "I also enjoy meditation and music! Do you have a preferred genre, or can you play any instrument? I myself learned the violin. Aside from that, I enjoy quite a degree of physical activities, and reading philosophy and the classical literature of Earth and Vulcan."

"I can sing, but alas I never really had the opportunity to learn and practice with an instrument. I would enjoy learning though. I enjoy many forms of music from Klingon opera to classical Fabrini. What is your favourite type of music? I would be interested in sharing with you". T'Pri said.

The Chief Counsellor's smile grew even wider. "I would genuinely enjoy that, T'Pri. Perhaps we could perform together sometime? I hear there's already talk amongst the cadets of wanting to host a talent competition at some point during our upcoming journey, and what could be better for morale?" She laughed heartily.

"Well, if it wasn't obvious by my choice of instrument, I enjoy the Human Classics. The sound of the strings, the percussions; there was just something so soothing about them to me as a child. My father introduced me to them after he had visited Earth several times..." Kana went on to tell T'Pri more of the story, and they would carry on talking back and forth until the early hours of the morning.

Eventually when they departed, Kana felt no serious fatigue despite the need for sleep. She felt incredibly relaxed after the conversation she had shared with T'Pri; she had made a number of friends on the Poseidon already, but there was something about the Vulcan Chief Intelligence Officer that really resonated with her. Perhaps it was purely for the fact that after such an intense first day of being Executive Officer, she got to end it in good company. Yet there seemed to be something more there, and even the astute Betazoid couldn't quite put a finger on what. All she knew for certain is that this promised to be the start of a very promising friendship.


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