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Posted on Thursday February 17th, 2022 @ 9:46am by Lieutenant Commander Calvin Hirsch

448 words; about a 2 minute read


“Computer, this is Lieutenant Calvin Hirsch, Chief of Security. USS Poseidon. As of this stardate recording. We have been recalled from our current mission at the Breteka Nebula. Captain Franklin looked to have received orders, and he was none the clearer to share any personal feelings.” Hirsch spoke as he relaxed back into his office desk chair in his quarters.

“Not that one would expect the Captain to express his personal feelings on a Command matter; it just struck some of us as a shock. We just arrived. But the admirals and command have their reasoning.”

A cup of black coffee on his desk, relaxing in his crisp white tee-shirt and khaki cargo shorts. Huxley, the 5-year-old black and white long-haired male coon cat, merrowed as Calvin lent a neglected pet now and then to Huxley.

Taking a sip of the hot coffee, Cal set it back down. He let his eyes focus on the video logs he included as part of his security log. The images were from back on the A’Kril-Class Cardassian vessel. “On this date, I had filmed a rather curious discovery onboard the Cardassian vessel. I have been reprimanded, rightly so. I walked off the bridge. I am a Lieutenant Huxley.” He turned to his male coon cat, who was now slowly thwapping his tail across the black glass and wood desktop.

“You’re getting fur… In my…” He moved his hot mug of black coffee from the main coon’s tail that was hitting it.

“I am security. I am Federation Law; the Captain and Commander’s word is my law on this ship.” Hirsch closed his tired green eyes.

“Anyways. As per, regular dated shift this date. I will update at this time.”

“As per this current log date.” Hirsch had pulled up one of his many security padd’s that were littered across his quarter’s desk. “1336 hours. I had to speak with two Academy crew members. On Deck 06, there was an altercation with Crewman, Academy Placement Jun Lee, and Sarah Thomas. Academy cohort 04, Unit 04. Each was in a disagreement. At the time of this Security Officers arrival on deck 06, 1336 hours, to see various quarters debris being thrown out.”

“I informed the Academy, Placement Recruits both complainants will be held in temporary confinement for six hours each, to think about what rules they had broken, re; academy fraternity, academy rules of laws as per intersection with the Chief of Security Office onboard the USS Poseidon.”

= Incoming Subspace Communication. CL-1. Father. Dane Hirsch. =

= Authorization Message: It’s me. It’s your father. Pick up! =

“Computer. End and file records in Security Main.”



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