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A long way to go

Posted on Wednesday September 18th, 2019 @ 1:47am by Lieutenant JG Sydney Allen

349 words; about a 2 minute read

As I am sitting here thinking what a mission I am on now, to find the traitor and to do my duty as QM. I have met all of the command and senior officers. They seem alright so far but the most suspicious would be the Commodore. I feel really uneasy around him. I do hope Intelligence is wrong about this crew because we haven't left but I am already starting to like them especially Freya If I do get a chance I want to bring her into the mission and give her deputise her as my partner or maybe a different sort of partner.

I am starting to get weird tingly feelings for Freya, the same feelings I got when I met Mandy for the first-ever time. Maybe I am falling in love with someone I just met mere days ago. I have so many thoughts in my head right now I don't know what to think or feel. Time will tell.

I have also met the XOs Daughter, Cadet Chloe who I like a lot and has some potential as an officer. I would like to work with her along with my Department head Lieutenant Brinsley, who I feel will butt heads with as I have always been on my own so it will be interesting having to take orders from someone else.

I have also been forced to move to a smaller but more private office space on Deck 6. My team has got their own offices in the main cargo bay which we have made room for. I have been put in with the other Junior Officers on the ship, the commander has given me two weeks to see if I like it then if I don't I can request a move somewhere else on the ship.

We set off tomorrow on our maiden voyage to Starbase 47 to collect medical supplies, it'll take us approx. 25 days at warp 8. It will take up to 15 days for the request to be processed so I need to put it in soon.

Signing Off
Lieutenant Junior Grade
Sydney Allen


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