(Season Two) The Grand Tour: Academy & Cadets

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The USS Poseidon is now set to disembark from Risa following her successful shore leave. Having extended time to relax, the crew are all fresh and prepared from their adventures as Starfleet Academy assigns the Poseidon to a Grand Tour. The missions along the Grand Tour are specifically assigned by Starfleet Command, with the direction of Starfleet Academy, to pit the Poseidon and her crew of Cadets and Enlisted Personnel against challenges and obstacles that will train and entertain. Students and Cadets are expected to learn Starship Operations, Security, and Intelligence Operations. Students and Cadets are expected to come to understand the values of leadership, supporting their comrades, and Esprit de Corps.

The entire expected route covers 15 planets, 5 major starbases, and skirts both the Romulan and Klingon borders. This route is expected to expose the students and cadets to different cultures, alien species, and federation citizens. Each planet offers an invaluable opportunity for the crew as a whole to write a specific mission or circumstance. Additionally, the convoy protection duties expected to be undertaken offer a chance for conflict with pirates as well as possible rescue missions during our exploration assignments.

Group Post Count: 207

Included Missions

The Grand Tour: Part One

Post Count: 37

The USS Poseidon disembarks from Risa following the crews extended shore leave. Now, assigned by Starfleet Academy, the ship and crew begin a Grand Tour that will help mold and shape the new cadets who have come on board. The entire expected route covers 15 planets, 5 major starbases, and skirts both the Romulan and Klingon borders.

The Grand Tour: Part Two

Post Count: 170

The Crew of the USS Poseidon disembark from Earth Spacedock, heading towards their first stop at the planet Tellar. It will take around 23 days to arrive, with unknown adventures in-between. The USS Poseidon is expected to depart for Andoria following their arrival and a short port-of-call at Tellar. A final port-of-call is expected at Vulcan before enjoying another period of shore leave. However nothing ever goes as planned on the Poseidon. With a ship full of new faces, new officers, and new cadets, there's no telling what adventures await the crew on their continued journey of discovery!