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State of the Sim - November 2023

Posted on Sunday November 5th, 2023 @ 2:45pm by Captain Franklin Johnson

Hello Crew,

Time really flies! Already it's November and just yesterday it feels like it was July! So much has happened and yet the Poseidon still flies and still has an absolutely wonderful crew! Theta Fleet has been a massive boon to the sim and I personally thank the staff there for their insurmountable support! Above all, I thank my entire crew - staff and all! - for their unshaking support and absolutely wonderful participation on the sim!

We lost a few players in October. T'vek, after an extensive period of non-participation and due to real life events, was removed from the sim. They will unfortunately not be open to return unless by staff ruling. Meanwhile, Lt. Cmndr. Ysabeau Saint-Pol was removed voluntarily (allowed to return fully!) due to their overwhelming medical issues. We here at the Poseidon, crew and all, pray and eager hope for Saint-Pol's full recovery from this dreadful situation. Ysabeau, we love you!

A few promotions! October saw a few promotions! Sam Perkins was promoted from Lt. Commander to full Commander due to their insane amount of contributions to the sim! Congratulations and well deserved, Sam! Kicil Priadden was also promoted from Lieutenant to Lt. Commander due to their amazing amount of hard work on the sim and full participation! Congratulations and well deserved, Kicil! Congratulations to all!

We had several players celebrate anniversaries! Lt. Cmndr. Jason Elliot and Lt. Cmndr. Ahkhsu Trensu celebrated Six Months! Lt. Cmndr. Erika Itsumi celebrated TWO YEARS! Lt. Cmndr. Michael Stevens celebrated THREE YEARS! Thank you all and congratulations to all!

The sim finally moved forward from Earth Spacedock and is in transit to Tellar! What awaits us? We'll find out soon!

Finally, it's time for us all to vote on the best Halloween entry we liked!

We have three contestant entries!

1.) A Klingon Ghost Story
(By Commander Sam Perkins)

2.) Cthulhu's Halloween Mansion (Parts 1 & 2)
(By Lieutenant Drauc Kejail [NPC of Lieutenant Commander Kicil Priadden]) (Part One) (Part Two)

3.) The Phantom of Deck 9
(By Lieutenant Oscar Vladinchi [NPC of Captain Franklin Johnson], Commander Sam Perkins, Lieutenant Commander Ahkhsu Trensu, and Lieutenant Commander Kicil Priadden)

Go ahead and vote here!

Good job to everyone who participated and a thank you to everyone who contributed!

Thank you to everyone and much love to all! To everyone enduring medical hardship, you are in our thoughts and prayers and we send our well wishes! To everyone struggling, we love you! And to all my players, thank you so much for keeping this Sim alive for so long! I look forward to many months and years more! Congratulations and Awesome Job to everyone!

All the love and appreciation,
Captain Franklin Johnson
Commanding Officer
USS Poseidon


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