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State of the Sim - October 2023

Posted on Monday October 16th, 2023 @ 6:42pm by Captain Franklin Johnson

Hello Crew,

First, Spooky Months is upon us and once again the USS Poseidon is doing our annual October Scary JP Contest! Simply write up a JP either solo or with another member about something Spooky related! Tag it with "Halloween 2023" so we know which contest it was entered in. All participants get the prestigious Halloweens Best Citation for participation and the contest winners get the rare Pumpkin Awards!

Next, Lt. Cmndr. Sam Perkins was promoted recently to full Commander on order of the Captain. His gallantry in service on the sim, community participation, community moderation and administration, friendliness and helpfulness, as well as other outstanding criteria met and satisfied in the eyes of the Captain earned him his promotion. Congratulations, Sam, my good friend! You have helped form and operate the sim with me for years and this promotion was well deserved!

Concerning the sim plot, the USS Poseidon recently departed Earth Spacedock for Tellar. This departure formally started the Grand Tour: Part Two. Our travel to Tellar will take a real-life time of 23 to 29 days, with similar timeframes for our expected travel times to Andoria and Vulcan. Well done to all crew who participated in Part One and helped us along! Very excellent work! I can't wait to see the stories that happen in Part Two!

Concerning crew Anniversaries, we celebrate so far as of this general announcement four crew participation anniversaries! Lt. Cmndr. Ysabeau Saint-Pol, Lt. Cmndr Jason Elliot, and Lt. Cmndr. Trensu are celebrating SIX MONTHS! Lt. Cmndr. Michael Stevens is celebrating THREE YEARS! Great work everyone and thank you sincerely!

Concerning crew departures and arrivals, we recently lost Lt. Cmndr. T'vek (previous CMO) due to lack of activity and real life issues. We however gained back Lt. Cmndr. Canaan Serine! While we wish the best for T'vek, we sincerely welcome and appreciate the return of our friend Canaan! Welcome back!

Concerning Position Openings, we are in need of a Chief Strategic Operations Officer and Assistant Chief Strategic Operations Officer. The Chief Strategic Operations Officer is responsible for coordinating all Starfleet and allied assets in within their designated area of space, as well as tactical analysis (in the absence of a dedicated tactical department) and intelligence gathering (in the absence of a dedicated intelligence department). This position generally requires someone who is dedicated at area management, like an air traffic controller, except in space!

Next, we need a Assistant Chief Security/Tactical Officer. The Assistant Chief Security Officer is sometimes called Deputy of Security. S/he assists the Chief of Security in the daily work; in issues regarding Security and any administrative matters. If required the Deputy must be able to take command of the Security department. Your character would be working alongside Lt. Cmndr. Trensu, who is the current Chief of the Tactical/Security Department, and an excellent simmer!

Next, we need a Assistant Chief Operations Officer. The Chief Operations Officer cannot man the bridge at all times. Extra personnel are needed to relive and maintain ship operations. The Operations Officers are thus assistants to the Chief, fulfilling his/her duties when required, and assuming the Operations consoles if required at any time. The Assistant Chief Operations Officer is the second-in-command of the Operations Department, and can assume the role of Chief Operations Officer on a temporary or permanent basis if so needed. Your character would be working alongside Lt. Cmndr. Michael Stevens, who is the current Chief of the Operations Department, and an excellent simmer!

Next, we need a Assistant Chief Engineering Officer. The Assistant Chief Engineer assists the Chief Engineer in the daily work; in issues regarding mechanical, administrative matters and coordinating repairs with other departments. If so required, the Assistant Chief Engineer must be able to take over as Chief Engineer, and thus must be versed in current information regarding the ship or facility. Your character would be working alongside Lt. Cmndr. Rachel Williams, who is the current Chief of the Engineering Department, and an excellent simmer!

Next, we need a Assistant Chief Science Officer. The Assistant Chief Science Officer assists Chief Science Officer in all areas, such as administration, and analysis of scientific data. The Assistant often take part in specific analysis of important data along with the Chief Science Officer, however spends most time overseeing current project and their section heads. Your character would be working alongside Cmndr. Sam Perkins, who is the current Chief of the Science Department, and an excellent simmer!

Next, we need a Marine Executive Officer. The Executive Officer of the Marines, works like any Asst. Department head, removing some of the work load from the Marine CO and if the need arises taking on the role of Marine CO. S/he oversees the regular duties of the Marines, from regular drills to equipment training, assignment and supply request to the ship/facilities Materials Officer. Answers to the Marine Commanding Officer. You would be working alongside Lt. Col. Phoebe Graydon, who is the current Chief of the Marines on board the Poseidon, and an excellent simmer!

Next, our starfighter department is in dire need of all departments filled, or at the very least our Group and Wing Commander roles filled! The Group Commander is in charge of all things related to his group's fighters, generally a responsibility of over 96 starfighters. As well, the group commander is responsible for all the personnel assigned to the group on the ship/facility, and ensuring that maintenance work is carried on the craft by Engineering. The Group Commander reports to the Commanding Officer or Executive Officer and is a member of the Senior Staff.

The Wing Commander is in charge of all things related to his wing's fighters, generally a responsibility of between 48 and 72 starfighters. As well, the wing commander is responsible for all the personnel assigned to the flight on the ship/facility, and ensuring that maintenance work is carried on the craft by Engineering. Reports to the Group Commander. If the Wing Commander is the senior starfighter pilot assigned to the starship, starbase or facility they report to the Commanding Officer or Executive Officer and is a member of the Senior Staff.

Next, we need a Assistant Chief Cultural Officer. The Assistant Chief Cultural Officer is the Chief Cultural Officer's number one, acting as both adviser and assistant for all matters within the Cultural Division. The Assistant Chief Cultural Officer is effectively the Vice-Principle, assigned to assist the CCO in their duties and tasks. They also act as assistant within all academy operations on the ship, as well as Assistant Chief Diplomatic Officer and Assistant Chief Chaplain. Your working would be working alongside Lt. Cmndr. Erika Itsumi, who is the current Chief of the Cultural Department, and an excellent simmer!

Lastly, we have many civilian roles available! Head to our personnel page to see them!

As always, crew reserve the right to NPC open positions. NPC's may also be in Department Head and Assistant Department Head positions, but must be removed once a player shows interest. The NPC count has been outstanding on the Poseidon and I have seen a bunch of new NPC cadets! Excellent!

That's all for updates now! Keep up the good work, everyone! You're doing fantastic!

Captain Franklin Johnson
Commanding Officer
USS Poseidon


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