Concerning the Inactivity
Posted on Friday March 13th, 2020 @ 8:05pm by Captain Franklin Johnson
Edited on Friday March 13th, 2020 @ 8:06pm
Dear Crew,
A few days ago it was brought to my attention concerning the level of inactivity of the sim relative to what it was a few weeks ago, as well as with some other confidential issues. I have already addressed the issues with my Command Staff, but I have decided to publicly state my position on the matter and the reasons for them.
Right now, critical members of my Command Staff are in the direct battle with the CORVID-19 coronavirus in their home country as being members of the National Health Service there, as well as educational heads responsible for students and their well being. It must be stated that while I take in and consider all complaints, during this trying time for the world and our own individual countries, any absence can and will be excused if it is related to this issue - and they are. I realize this is a slow time for the sim and our policy remains free LOA (Leave of Absence). I encourage all my players and crew to spend time with their families and place this sim as a secondary priority, unless you wish to utilize it to help alleviate the stress of the situation in the world.
As for myself, I have rejoined a company hauling rail-yard trailers, many with already needed critical supplies. I am expected to continue to be generally unavailable for five days at a time, but will always endure to answer messages and respond to critical Joint Posts. Thank you for your understanding.
I assure all players the mission will turn over very soon. Your patience is appreciated and I greatly appreciate your patronage as players to this community. Your health is above my desire for your activity, as well as your support for this crisis in the world. If anyone has any issues, please feel free to contact me or a member of the Command Staff on discord. I stand by your side during this trying time.
Thank you,
Captain Franklin Johnson
Commanding Officer
USS Poseidon
Category: Sim Announcement