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A brief away period, a Welcome, and a Thank You!

Posted on Thursday September 5th, 2019 @ 2:10am by Captain Franklin Johnson

Greetings Crew,

Over the next four days I will be enduring a bit more work at the warehouse since inventory is approaching on the 7th. I've left the conn to my First Officer and Second Officer, Lieutenant Commander Phoebe Graydon and Lieutenant Commander Kanaka Shakura respectively. I've stated this on the discord as well in the announcements. I appreciate you bearing with me as I work through this time-consuming period and, understandably, the other command staff as well as they could easily be busy during this period. Do not hesitate to contact me if you need to, however, my door is always open and I will respond when I can.

A formal welcome to Lieutenant Jonas Pavan, played by Lt. Jonas Pavan on our discord! Jonas has a history of simming and we are greatly thankful that they have chosen our sim to provide their entertainment and comradery. Jonas is our new Group Commander, in charge of the Poseidon's starfighter compliment. Make sure to give a warm welcome and hello!

Lastly, THANK YOU ALL! With a record of 86 posts for the month of August ALONE, we held 1st place in Pegasus Fleet Task Force 11's rankings, among two ships and one station. That is a FANTASTIC turnout! I do not expect that every month, but honestly guys and gals, this warms my heart. This shows me that the effort we've put in is being given back and I am extremely happy with this. If ever you need help, have a problem, or just want to joint post, never be afraid to contact your superior officers or command staff. We here at Poseidon value quality rather than quantity, but when that quality outmatches other sims, that's a fantastic thing!

As I stated before, I have an open door policy, even when I'm busy. Never be afraid to contact me about anything, I do not judge you, nor do I accuse you. I am here not only as your Game Master and Commanding Officer, but as your friend, and I greatly appreciate everyone's friendship and acquaintanceship on this sim. Remember that the command staff does too, and they are more than willing to be as open as myself. :)

Keep up the good work,
Franklin Johnson
Commanding Officer
U.S.S. Poseidon


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