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Captain's Announcement #0

Posted on Saturday August 24th, 2019 @ 5:54pm by Captain Franklin Johnson

As you progress through your day, you hear a sound similar to an artificial boatswain's whistle, completely done by the ships computer. There's a brief silence before words ring out, crew members around you turning their heads upward or if they're in the midst of something, slowing to pay attention.

Attention all crew, this is your Captain Speaking.

I'd like to announce that we will very soon be making preparations to depart Starbase 99. I'd like to first thank all Senior and Junior Officers for their wonderful work thus far in keeping in line with the traditions and expectations that Starfleet has placed upon you. This thanks extends to all crew of the Poseidon, the work I've seen has made me very proud to be your Commanding Officer.

Over the course of the next week, you will be seeing a lot more Starbase Engineering Staff on the ship. After a discussion with Lieutenant Commander Uriel, the Chief Engineer on Starbase 99, we have concluded that it would be prudent to go over a final check of the Poseidon's systems to ensure the upgraded systems and warp core are performing up to expectations. We will be running a series of tests within that week, one of which will be the evaluation of the Warp Core and a few powering up and down sequences with our own ship's Chief Engineer.

Make sure to give proper berth and respect to the Starbase engineering staff. I want to thank all of them on board right now for their hard work.

If any crew has any questions or concerns, please feel free to address them with your immediate superior officer. My door is always open to finding your solutions.

Commander Johnson, out.

The voice ends, followed by a brief silence before what feels like the general atmosphere of the ship returns to normal. You are left to return to what you were doing, with a bit more information and hope for what is to come.


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